How much software do you buy - being honest?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by phloopy, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I buy what I can extensively try, then be sure this is the soft I'm going to keep. With one more criteria : the dev policy for updates pricing and support on long term. If all coincide I buy, like Reaper as a good example.
    I came to that policy after very bad experience from expansive product that resulted in problems and no support, and or, updates not solving known problems or deficiencies.

    Even though, I've bought some other soft under less strict criteria 'cause I made money from it, like Spire and some other synth.
  2. Oysters

    Oysters Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Oxford, England
    Izotope. I have been emailing them for years about how many of their slightly older plugs cause insta-crash on OS X when the user has certain OS altering/enhancing applications installed (I have about 3 of them so they are fairly common) they know exactly what the problem is but they have done absolutely nothing about it in like 2-3 years! They fixed the problem in Ozone 6/7 but ozone5(goodbye reverb) trash2, nectar2, insight (part of ozone advanced lol), and alloy2 have not been fixed yet. This is shocking customer service from one of the worlds largest plugin manufacturers. (=they lost me as a customer)

    Rant over :)

    On the other side FAW fixed an issue with circle2 I reported in about 3 or 4 days.
  3. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Well, Honestly i buy stuff that i either have tried here or that has a good solid trail period fully working. If i like it i buy it. With that said im very greatful to groups like r2r, AudioUtopia etc since they give me a chance to really try the software. Soundsets is a diffrent story.. I only bought stuff from pluginguru since hes stuff normally is almsot liek a totally new software. Awesome stuff.

    But last year i think i spent around 5k euro but that included some hardware like Kemper profiling amp and such. Normally per year including updates etc it will be 2k euro. But ofc that varies alot since some years nothing good or fun comes out and some years it can be like 10 in a month.

    WHY Buying. Well its kind of simple for me.. Since im under the impression i work more and go deeper into the plugins if i own them then if i just horde up and TRY the next release. Im doing music and it takes to much time to just install and try stuff that is expensive..

    There are still a few things i havnt bought that i really should. But this year i will..
  4. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Child molesters are also not to blame, If there be any "culpable" parties in this scenario, it's parents who have children and let them play outdoors... either by breeding them or adopting...

    Cracks are hackers children, it's down to software molesters consciousness to abuse it or not. :disco:
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
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  5. Euphonic

    Euphonic Member

    Dec 19, 2015
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    I buy my software after I may have tried them out. The truth is when you buy software it's not just the plugin or the DAW you are paying for. you are paying for support and employing workers so they can do more Research & Development. Buying empowers you to email or call up the developers and say that there is a bug in the system what can I do? Additionally, some companies actually recognize your loyalty and invite you to be a beta tester so you get to use the goodies months before they even come out. The crack for SoundToys 5 came out and SoundToys had a special where you could pay for anything their "little" plugins. I had already purchased Echoboy and picked up their free plugins throughout the year. After adding up all the free ones I had and Echoboy and the new version 5 plugins I got through pay anything you want I was able to get the bundle for 100 bucks. A bundle that cost nearly 500 I got for a combined price of 180. I dreamed of having this bundle for years so it was a natural progression. I also bought Studio One all of Slate plugins and I will buy the latest melodyne 4. I use these tools everyday so I think I should honor the persons who made them and have a relationship with the developers. Now truth is I started off with all cracked stuff. My first legit software was ProTools LE and that came with the MBox but Sonar was shared with me as well as Cubase and Studio One. I bought Cubase and Studio One after because as I said before support is critical. So keep making great music but try to give back at some point to the persons who give us these wonderful programs
  6. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I feel the same. Honestly they give people so much time to really use it with out any real limitation. A 5 sec nag screen is nothing. I think all software companies should follow there model. I think if you look at it they are very confident they have a good product and people will like it and buy it.
    And Yes $60 is very cheap for a DAW.
  7. luki3

    luki3 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm a firm believer in all software should be free for the home user.
    They make enough from businesses.
  8. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Interesting point of view!
  9. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    AA <---- you have a strange way of saying things..... Are you trying to improve your english, or do you have a basic problem understanding what´s going on in threads?
  10. Adrianus Antonius

    Adrianus Antonius Producer

    Nov 27, 2015
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    Read the entire post which I quoted and you'll understand, if not, then may god be with you...
  11. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    It is use Linux. Linux Mint happens to be the best Distro IMHO right now.
  12. iansan33

    iansan33 Newbie

    Jan 11, 2016
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    For me, I have spent many years downloading cracked software and all it has done is confused me with what to use and in honesty, detracted from actually making music. Got caught up in the latest point version download of everything ..must have...
    I've come to my personal senses now, and I suppose cracked software has helped me know what I "really" need.
    So last year I went legit with my Daw and this last Xmas have spent a small fortune (for me) going legit with some key vsti and vst effects packages. There have been some good deals since November that I have been able to afford, and I finally have most of the tools I really want/need to make the kind of music that I like to create (hobbyist!).
    Slimming down has refocused everything for me back on the music, and I have to say that actually owning the software does make me feel better inside, and inclined to relate to it seriously as an investment that I've literally bought into.
    I do feel for the small start up developers who really need a return to keep going and build on their imaginations for even bigger and better stuff but can't afford to once it's out there many give up and what might have been.
  13. muciones

    muciones Kapellmeister

    May 11, 2015
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    I only buy when they discount. I purchased until now for $4000-$4500 music gear and software but for hobby, I'm so lazy to finish even one song these days
  14. iansan33

    iansan33 Newbie

    Jan 11, 2016
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    Sounds like you need a good violin sample :)
  15. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    To me that statement is a little confusing. But how do you know they make enough money. Im pretty sure that even big companies like AVID, STEINBERG, NATIVE etc would not excist today if that was the case. The inovators that comes up with an idea for something must start somewhere, earn money before their idea would even see the light. Unless they already are finacially secure some other way ofc.

    I mean its like i should have a car for free since i dont use it in my work or everything else for free like its my F****** right since i dont earn money on it. Nah.. to me that dont seem right. I guess the majority of us want good stuff, no matter if we only do it as a hobby or as proffesionals, someone has to pay down the line. I can agree on the subject that we just renting it etc since that sucks but honestly, if only proffesionals gonna pay for it the inovations for new software will be lost. So as long as i can pay for good software i will.. If i one day cant then i can always enjoy what is out there from the groups until im back on my feet again..

    Just my point of view..

    Be safe everyone
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  16. iansan33

    iansan33 Newbie

    Jan 11, 2016
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    Well said dude !