How is not Fabfilter suing TBTECH for plagiarism

Discussion in 'Software' started by altair033, Nov 23, 2024 at 5:58 PM.

  1. omiac

    omiac Moderator Staff Member

    May 3, 2024
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    :deep_facepalm: For the second time in as many days, a reminder of our forum rules:

    If you would like to participate in such things, the internet is full of places for you to do so, but this isn't one of them. Please be respectful of others.

  2. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Yes sir! And Eukleides for all sequencers too! And Hippocrates for all western medicine. Shame on you all! As of now, we Greeks, as rightful owners of all our ancient ancestors' legacy, demand 11 trillion euros as refund for 2500 years of plagiarism and unauthorized intellectual property theft (which is ~1 mil for each citizen, should suffice i guess):rofl:
    Say that again! Vision was the first midi sequencer to implement multi-track audio recording so genuinely it can be called the first DAW software, Opcode paved the way! Gibson's bs lasts for almost 70 yrs now, starting with acquiring Epiphone in 1957 (another company started by a Greek fellow, plagiarism everywhere haha) which were arguably the better guitars at the time, only to copy their designs into their own models and degrade them eventually to a brand synonym of inferior cheaper products.
    So to the OP, although,
    "A software patent covers novel and non-obvious aspects of the user interface that can be considered graphical and ornamental in nature", generic GUIs like what en EQ curve or a sequencer timeline for that same reason looks like can't be really patented unless they are truly unique. As mentioned, only unique algorithms can be patented and i'm sure FabFilter have their own ones and it would be a fools' errand trying to "reverse" those in a new product imho.
    There are some clever programmers though that made history with their code.
    Torvalds made a Unix like OS in Linux without using a single line of code from it. Apple might have never succeeded suing MS or anybody else because their "innovations" like the windows gui and mouse weren't theirs originally to begin with, but they did learn from that! I can't forget the late Jobs saying in 2007's iPhone presentation, "and boy have we patented it" haha. The guy was inherently genius, he knew from the getgo they had a ground breaking product and everybody would imitate the Apple gui and design. And as recent history shows, Jobs (and his team) was spot on with that.
    PS: Apple did pay for Unix certification in the partly usage of Unix code in MacOSX (now known as just MacOs). And although MacOSX was not Unix it still will conform with it.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2024 at 7:04 AM
  3. Wuji

    Wuji Kapellmeister

    Mar 20, 2016
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    What a discussion. You can have design patents. What you can't have are color patents or patents for shades of colors, circles and squares. Is the Kirchoff EQ and others visually very inspired by Pro-Q? Sure. Is that a unique design? No, it's the same old concept of an EQ in the same colors as another thing. Just as playing a chord progression in the same rhythm of another song could be inspired by it but is not stealing the song if it doesn't have the same melody. Or a DAW manufacturer can not sue for design infringement because of another using a similar concept or color scheme. These laws are all very specific and make sense. If you would make these laws so specific that you could sue for such a simple thing as a similar color scheme you could use that to kill all your competition and most big companies do that if they can. That's why they sue all the time and mostly lose but they easily can just kill smaller companies with money and sue them until their bankrupt.
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