How do you mute specific samples in a Kontakt instrument?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by bdbr, Aug 21, 2023.

  1. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Hi all, I'm using the NI Discovery Series: India percussion instrument. I am using it in ensemble mode and I am really wanting to mute 1 or 2 specific samples within the "tabla" instrument. I don't have individual control over any of the samples that are played in the tabla channel, but there are some that sound drastically different to eachother and I just want to mute one in particular since it's slightly off tune and clashing with the melody from another part of my song.

    I have zero experience with diving into the settings of a Kontakt instrument. I've tried and failed.

    Appreciate any help!
  3. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    What's your Kontakt version? Mostly the same process, but just in case.
  4. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    But roughly:

    • Make a copy of the instrument and work on that only, the most important step
    • Edit the instrument, Wrench icon top left of the instrument
    • Open Mapping Editor the standalone version makes it easiers since you can open the various editors in a pop-up
    • Enable "Selected Groups Only" and "Auto Sel Grp."
    • Enable "Select Zone by MIDI"
    • Press the MIDI key to select the zone
    • Disable "Select Zone by MIDI"
    • Adjust Volume & Tune etc. to your liking
    Check this image, maybe it helps:
  5. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Thank you! I'm using version 6.6.1.

    Apologies for the dumb question, how do I make a copy of the instrument effectively?

    Also, the particular keyboard note that I press in order to trigger the sample isn't selecting the sample in the mapping editor. Some keys do change sample some don't. Any idea with that? (Can't figure out how to have the picture show up here lmao)
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2023
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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  7. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Still can't figure this out :(
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Try to duplicate the same problem, but using a different Kontakt library. Anyone can make a mistake in the individual library/instrument; even NI. I don't even like to screw around in instruments if I can avoid it, which is why @phumb-reh suggested you make a copy before tinkering in it. If you were not trying to play it on your keys and using it in your DAW instead, I would always deal with a problem like yours by editing my Midi data in the DAW piano roll. Change velocity to 0, delete all the notes of same value, or move them.
  9. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    I'll g ive it a shot. The problem is there isn't individual note data in the piano roll. It's an ensemble of instruments/notes triggered by just 1 note (a pattern). You have mix sliders of the different instruments but there are quite a few samples per track and one of them is just really causing issues. Will tinker around. How do I copy the instrument?
  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    This is where he advised to work only on a copy, because when you are just learning anything it is easy to make a mistake. Kontakt libraries are no exception to that. Fixing mistakes can take a lot more effort than making them :)

    I am on Mac so I would just backup the whole main folder onto my external drive. If I screwed up the "work in progress" copy, I would just drag the original one I backed up and then allow it to overwrite the entire thing. I'm not sure the best way for you.

    I found the Discovery series instrument and it's not as big as i expected. If it cooperates installing, I will take a quick look at it. There is also an update v1.1. The nfo file notes "Fixed a bug for playback behaviour in certain scenarios". That is a pretty vague comment from NI. Have you already installed this update?
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2023
  11. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Sorry I missed your reply! I have the latest version yeah, that hasn't changed this issue. I also sent a support ticket to NI maybe they will be able to help me as I still haven't figured out how to do it.
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Ok. I am sure they are just jumping to help with a 7 year old lib. I have it open as ensemble and will see if I can come up with anything. Some nice sounds :)

    At C7, you run out of drum samples being mapped up the keyboard. That octave/note is where it changes to some Sitar samples.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2023
  13. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Ok. Btw for a bit more context, if you trigger any of the main patterns (red on the keyboard area) and solo the "tabla" track, I'm referring to those resonant samples. There's basically those really low bassy drums, then the more hand-drummy mid range frequency resonant hits. Thoes are the ones I'm wanting to silence.

    The samples are on notes C6-E6
  14. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    well, i do see what you mean, it's giving me a headache lol. i will go back to it again when i am up for a puzzle. this is not happening anytime shortly. you are trying to get rid of Tabla 1 Low?
  15. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Haha. I really appreciate you trying! It is a puzzle indeed. They don't make it simple to do these things unfortunately.

    I don't know the name of the sample tbh. It's the 'higher' table sounds that I want to get rid of, not the lower bassy ones
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    i don't like to do things hack job ways, if it can be avoided. An easy way of doing this would be to turn the instrument bus with your Tabla on it to 0. There are 83 groups inside this instrument.

    Open Kontakt, and your ensemble. click the wrench icon. click the down arrow on Instrument Buses. The tabla is on Instrument bus 1. Go to your Gainer Volume. Turn that to 0 for that instrument bus. Example, the sitar is on Instrument Bus 9. The first time you hit that piano key again you may get sound, for some reason. After that it should be 0 for every sample going to that instrument bus.
  17. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    I found this video particularly useful for messing about with Kontakt samples. Towards the end shows deleting and replacing bad samples.
  18. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Problem with that is I don't want to just mute the bus, I can do that on the library front interface.

    This actually helped!! Figured it out. Thanks alot. So damn tedious but managed to do what I was after.

    Thanks to both of you for the help.
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