How Do Macs and PCs Differ?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Diabulus in Musica, May 27, 2014.

  1. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Mac or PC? Over the past decade, that's become an increasingly divisive question, with camps on either side insisting they know best. But, fundamentally, what's the difference between a Mac and PC?

    Surprisingly, it's nothing to do with cost, or the necessity of dressing like a hipster to use one. In this video, computer scientists Professor Tom Rodden explains the actual, fundamental differences between Mac and PC.
  3. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    The man speaks with a strong Scottish accent! :rofl:
    Following his explanations MACs are more uniformed; no other developer than APPLE can build machines with a mac operating system - opposite to Windows system, where you can find dozens of developers building machines with windows operating systems. So MAC has a built up monopolistic "empire".

  4. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    I thought it was always smell
  5. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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  6. SSS, that was quite funny, me thinks!
  7. widgetmaster

    widgetmaster Newbie

    Mar 28, 2014
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    OK, briefly .. the REAL answer : right here right now. There is NO difference in a mac or a pc as far as hardware goes. They are now the same machines and mac is usign Intel processors.

    Here are the two differences. A mac computer is acutally a pc .. but it has a different bios chip in it so it can run
    OSX instead of Windows 7 or 8. That's it oh, and a mac will be around $2,000 more than a like pc.

    If you really love apples os and you want to stick w/ it .. why knot. It's just going to cost you a few hundred dollars more, but you should choose what you like.

    I, personally us a 64 bit platform with windows 7 64 bit, and I have the 12 core I9 from Intel. It does the job, and much better than a quad core mac, which would have cost the same as my system. The Playstation 4's are running 6core amd cps ... and they run really nice as far as real time response goes. Any how ... that's the difference. You pay a premimum for the Mac, it has one little bios chip different from a pc so you can run OSX, and of course, you get osx when you buy the computer. I might mention most of the adobe art programs, protools, cubase, word, excell, and most other major apps look and feel the same on a pc as they do on a mac. Ok, its that simple and i am outta here.
  8. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    In recent days I have become vegetarian so I merely eat cold android food.
    Truly my finger is all about the limited-draggable-world of gestures,digital signatures and cookies!
  9. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I love how these debates always have the line "there's NO difference. Except A. B and C. And THATS IT!!"
    So there is a difference? lol

    Who actually gives a shit?
    I'm happy with both my Mac and PC. If either died I'd replace them without a second thought.
  10. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Could not be better explained. :wink: :rofl:
  11. mkaylor

    mkaylor Newbie

    Jun 22, 2013
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    I work on desktop PC's and Linux workstations all day and I have a iMac at home. If you've never used a Mac for any length of time, you shouldn't comment and show your ignorance! Macs generally don't break for get viruses. Almost all programs for Windows can be had for Macs now days. They are the best when it comes to creativity like photography, drawing, and music. Mac is the best of the PC and Linux worlds put together.

    Linux is another good option for not breaking but you have to be very versed at the command prompt and there is not a lot of music software available. Bitwig may change all of that!

  12. Nima

    Nima Noisemaker

    Dec 27, 2011
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    10 to 15 Years ago there was a big difference processing Graphics and Rendering. I used a mac as an Architect for my Autocad and 3d Max Projects because it was faster.

    for Music I never found any difference.

    Now a windows can offer exact the same speed in Graphics as a Mac for less Price. Many people Buy Mac just for image like the cars they Buy. (MAC=Luxury)

    I never liked the Apple Monopoly.

    As widgetmaster mentioned a 64 bit Win7-8 with a 150 to 200 $ CPU and 8 to 16 GB Ram is fully working for Medium-size Projects.

    The soundcard or Audio Interface is the other important component to have a good recording and Mixing System.
  13. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    What do you need to be on mac for a LONG time to get it to work smoothly my macs freezes third party apps crashes etc etc how long should i wait before it becomes stable?

    Thats NOT true there is m,any many many many more programs for windows

    Another silly thing in Mac is that you cant move files from folders to folders easy atleast not on OSX 1.6.8 hence no Cut and Paste and unrar packed files is a nightmare create zillions of folders

    So i beg to differ Mac is not the best
    If you KNOW windows it is stable
    I also guess if you KNOW mac os it is stable i have been on win since 1992 and bought a Mac just because i read comments here and elsewhere about Mac from people like you and i have to say it is the worst buy i have made consider the price and what you get for it i am NOT impressed in fact it is the other way around i am dissappointed..
  14. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.

    *no* That is completely wrong! *no*
    Some month ago I had to fix something on my uncle's old PC (windows). I tell you: THAT was a nightmare because windows files & folders hierarchy is very difficult to understand. Files & folders are scattered in a total disorder + unpacking installers (exe) for windows is much more difficult than unpack MAC pkg.Installers.

    Opposite to your description I must say that unpacking rar archives on MAC OSX 10.5.8 is really easy, as long as you use the right tools and people don't have prepared hundreds of split files.

  15. aussie

    aussie Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I'm with Kook 100%.
  16. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    there s only one thing that i like about macs,and only about theit notebooks,the fact that the shells are made of alloy,better and more uniform heat dispersion,i wonder why most windows based notebook manufacturers don t use alloy as well instead of using plastic
  17. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    It's easy to tell the people who know nothing about Macs. They have to bash it. Believe me (but you won't!) when I say that Macs are superior to PC's across the board. They are efficient, trustworthy, far more stable (insert anything else as positive descriptors)...
    I know first hand since I started on used Macs (1983-1996), went to PC (1997-2007) because of cost and converted back to Mac in 2007 (regardless of cost!) because of the instability and CONSTANT issues posed by the PC/Windows platform!! Everything from constant malware, spam ware and viruses (despite the use of Avast) to recurring hardware and software failures in the PC/Windows platform. Like Kookaboo said... the architecture in Windows has shit all over the place... and with OSX, one can find everything in detailed organization.

    I admit that Apple has it's issues... it is a machine after all, but NOTHING remotely comes close to it when it comes to performance. And that's why Apple/Mac is the number one choice among elite composers/artists worldwide.

    The argument between PC and Mac is identical (in the United States) to the argument between Chevy vs. Ford!!! *no*

    All I can say is this... drive whatever the F*@K you want and SHUT UP ALREADY!!!!!!!!! :rofl:
  18. BigEmptySky

    BigEmptySky Member

    Apr 21, 2012
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    I like my typewriter, it never gets viruses, it never crashes, no BIOS to deal with, no memory issues, no hard drive crashes, no upgrade costs, no one can hack it, it never goes out of date and it gets the job done all the time. Damn, it doesn't even need AC power!!! :bleh: :drummer: :guitarhero: :headbang: :wink:

    Not to offend anyone but who really cares? Nobody out there can offer a "truly" non-biased opinion one way or the other. Most are fan-boys, or gals, of one OS or the other.

    Those who slam Mac's saying they can't run all the same programs that Windows users can, bullshit, get educated before making such foolish statements. Mac's are Intel PC's and therefore can handle an installation of any Windows OS and therefore any application made for the Windows OS'es. Mac's can run any Windows OS just as efficiently as any Windows OS on PC hardware. Mac's can natively boot (Bootcamp) any Windows OS, Linux OS etc.

    Then there is Hackintosh where you BYO system and are not tied to any Apple hardware and again you can have multiple OS'es installed. Best of all worlds perhaps.

    But really who cares? The debates, or disguised offers to explain the differences, are so old, I remember them back in the 80's, and we've all seen and probably participated in them over and over.

    Bottom line is that it really doesn't matter...

    ...this is just like trying to explain, and defend, how DAW's differ and then that discussion gets down into debating which is better, blah, blah, blah...

    ...I like and use both Win PC's and Mac's plus I'm going to dip into the Hackintosh waters soon, oh yeah, and my typewriter...

    ...IMO go do your own thing with whatever tool you prefer, after-all thats all they are - tools...

    ...can anyone please tell me how typewriters differ? Cause I might want to change brands. :dont:
  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It's funny when these conversations happen and practically none of it is even a remote understanding or based on any facts whatsoever.
  20. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Windows organization could be improved but it's not that big a deal. User files get stored under Users under the account name, Program Files get stored under Program Files and Windows files get stored under Windows. Pretty straightforward. Make sure to check those benchmarks I've included in my essay which disprove pretty much everything you've said in the performance department. Mac is the choice of composers as a holdover from the old days when it was actually true, nowadays not only is it not true but it's exactly the opposite. Macs got DESTROYED in benchmarks and ASIO beat out Core Audio as well.
  21. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    +1 [​IMG]