How do I turn a basic melody, bassline and drums into a full composition?

Discussion in 'Music' started by Sylenth.Will.Fall, Mar 26, 2024.

  1. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Thank you. More valid points here that I will add to my thinking.
  2. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    9. Learn to identify what doesn't fit and where it doesn't fit. Specifically, particularly. As long as you look at your composition in whole you cannot correct it.

    10. Learn to work on every part of your arrangement. For a long time. Focus on a single part. Edit it thoroughly. Add notes, delete them, change their duration and velocities. May be mute side parts, leave main ones only. Work on it until you say: 'Oh, it fits!" Then repeat it with other parts. Yes, it'll take time.
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    it depends on the genre for me.

    i dont have this problem with ambient or drone, it just flows - due to both dont really have a fixed structure.

    i also tried some techno long time ago, this also went nicely. maybe its just a genre-issue for me?

    I have the problem with trance tracks i tried to write, i have the usual 16bar idea done and then i dont know to arrange it and build a solid thrilling arrangement :D

    i read many times, just copy the 16bars a few times to the total length of the track you are aiming and then just take away the channels till the middle of the track or the breakdown area, where the main idea comes in ...
    it sounds so easy, but it feels like stealing away the whole main idea!

    the usual escape is to just dont write and produce no trance tracks anymore ...

    do you also feel stuck in a similar way? hmm maybe try another genre, with less fixed structure for the arrangement?
  4. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Noted, thank you.

    Hmmmmmm. Thank you AS. This too is giving me much to think about..Without realising it until others have said too. I have kinda been boxed in. Everything about the way I have been trying to construct something has been wrong.

  5. The King

    The King Guest

    @Sylenth.Will.Fall you can't get out of the circle you mentioned with the proposed methods.

    It seems all the contributors of this thread themselves have already been stuck in this circle and still there. How can they pull you out?


    We will all drown.:sad:
  6. Margaret

    Margaret Rock Star

    Dec 9, 2023
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    Porn Star
    Oh no man! Speak for your own! :knock:
    I am very famous music producer! :dj:
    Everyone on this forum know me! :guru:
  7. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    Stop to simulate 'the deep expert knoledge' and give us a real advice, please. At least one. Concrete one.

    Why is your 'deep expert knowledge' so secret?
  8. The King

    The King Guest

  9. OffshoreBanking

    OffshoreBanking Platinum Record

    Jan 5, 2021
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    This is a complex topic that is totally different from a person to another for an infinity of reasons.

    You can't expect a different outcome if you do the same thing over and over again.
    You need to change your behaviour or you'll be stuck in a loop everytime.

    1. Are you a creative person ?
    - Be honest with yourself.

    2. Was music the right thing for you ?
    - There are plenty of different arts that could have been better for you.

    3. What type of "music maker" are you ?
    - A Hobbyist, a musician, a sound designer, an audio ingeneer, an artist, a professor, etc... Multiple at once ?

    4. What is you goal with music ?
    - Enjoying yourself privately ? Sharing it ? Performing live ? Meeting people ? Travelling ? Creating something unheard of ? Making money ?

    5. Can you do it all by yourself ?
    - Are you really able to produce a track by yourself ? Have you learned the skills to do it ? Wouldn't be a part of a band easier or more fun ?

    6. What type of music do you want to make ?
    - Define clearly what type of music you want to make, the sonical elements that are a part of it and the structure it should have.
    - If you are creating something new, you have to make the rules, are you willing to put in the work ?

    7. Choose the right tools for the job.
    - Keep it simple, don't download the entire sister site, don't blow your money into hardware/software that is too expensive for you.
    - Stop trying new plugins that are cracked every other week, learn how to use your tools properly.

    8. Define your project.
    - Is it an Album ? an EP ? A Single ? Film scoring ? other ? Do you want to pitch it to a label ? Post it on the internet ? What's your artist name ?
    - How do you want to present yourself as an individual to the world ?

    9. If you can answer these questions an be true to yourself you will be able to go forward and change things for yourself.
    - There is Nothing wrong with enjoying recording yourself jamming with no intent, music is a nice pastime.
    - If you are frustrated by the situation and want to change direction you must impose yourself a strict discipline.

    10. Start a new session
    - Try to come up with a high concept idea, give 100% of your energy, pour in your emotions, style and personnality.
    - Not every attempt will be a hit, if you can tell it's not good, stop, put it in the vault and start over.
    - If you can tell it's special, but it's hard to pull the thread, hang in there, work your ass off and don't let go at the first hardship.

    Music is different from making a 10 seconds lip sync TikTok video with a little dance or rambling about anything on a podcast for 2 hours.
    It can be hard even for the most talented people, every one has ups and dows, but hard work can, and will, compensate your flaws.

    As for concrete advice, I can only talk about electronic dance/techno/experimental music and what I like to do.

    - Set a strong mood with high levels of energy.
    - Don't let people guess the next part and get bored by the wait, the surpise element is a great thing.
    - Make your song look like a rollercoaster with rises, drops, bursts of energy, random hijinxes that scratches the brain.
    - Stretch it, groove it, remove stuff, add stuff, double it with another sound, invert it, create silences that allows for something big.
    - Open filters, close them, pan sounds, make them move around your head, create space, trick it but always with intent.
    - Do no fill the void for the sake of it, do not alienate your audience with ultra autistic techniques that only you understand.
    - Sometimes it can be simpler, sometimes more complicated but you should always be able to communicate your emotions clearly.
    - Sometimes it's done, but the track can't stand on its own without a singer, you can't fix that with adding other instruments.

    If you are after consistency/cohesiveness, stop using presets and make your sounds and FX from scratch, it is immensely rewarding and glues things together better than anything else.

    Many artists are struggling with low self-estime, bipolar disorder, depression or manic episodes, if you are subject to mood-swings, don't let them cloud your vision and make you abandon something that would otherwise have been great.
    Create a nice environement for yourself, sleep well, eat well, take a break from listenning, see if the track holds up after a week or 2, go outside and feel the sun, exercice, get positive feedback from close friends or strangers online on your ongoing track.
    If you are lucky enought to have a family or a lover spend time with them, there is more to life than creative madness.

    The only advice really is : Don't take yourself too seriously, don't be boring and have fun.
    Just stretch that loop, put a bridge in the middle, do little tricks here and there, be smart but don't overthink it.

    Be more confident, stand by your choices and just do it.

    Cheers :mates:
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2024
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  10. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    The method you mention might work in some Techno subgenres. Abstract-minmal or hard techno are more repetition based than, say, melodic or dub techno. Conversely, there are some trance subgenres like dark forest where you can get away with having the same loop for 8 minutes and just throwing in crazy sound design stuff, but a solid arrangement is key for stuff like Goa trance IMO.

    But even if you use that method, you better mean it, cause it's very transparent when you use it as a cheat code :wink:
  11. Choosename

    Choosename Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Milky way
    This should be pinned somewhere :hug:
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