How can websites tell when I'm using a VPN?

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by ghostwriter, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. tnc

    tnc Producer

    Jun 16, 2011
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    New Zealand
    Haha, sorry man, but you dont seem to know more than things you heard on the internetz. Btw Who is "they"?

    "Minux" in all chips?? All IPs can be tracked to Phone lines? The 80s called and wanted its main source of connection back ;). Sorry i dont want to be rude, but you dont seem to have real technical insights or real life experience.

    Funny read though. Like reading one of those "vaccines are bad because I did research on da interwebz."

    Working in the field for more than 20 years so I kind of know what can be done, what is realisticly done by websites, governments and ISPs. All emails cant be saved either. You would need access to all routers in the entire country to do that. Or pass all traffic through routers you control. That is not how it works in real life. Well in China etc maybe. But not in democratic countries.

    No, all phone calls are not recorded. Same goes for IP transmissions. Court order needed for the Police to able to actually record, and only for "hard" crimes. May differ from country to country but most democratic countries have this law.

    I dont have time for a lecture on all the things you mentioned.. sorry.

    Take care!
  2. softice

    softice Producer

    Sep 19, 2021
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    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023