Hopefully a bit better

Discussion in 'Electronic' started by iseeghosties, Jun 29, 2022.

  1. iseeghosties

    iseeghosties Kapellmeister

    Apr 10, 2022
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    I try to make music everyday to practice but I just post so you guys can give me feedback and tips on how im doing :)

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  3. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Just a couple of minor questions/comments.

    Did you add some vinyl effect as I can hear crackling throughout? If you did I'm not sure it adds anything to the track but that's your decision.

    It needs to fade out properly rather than just stop.

    There seemed to be some hissy sound way in the background. Was that a deliberate effect as it comes and goes especially in the quieter parts when the drums drop out.

    I also think you need to work on the bottom end as it sounded a little tinny/thin to me and needs more warmth.

    As I said these are only minor comments so just take them as intended rather than criticism.
  4. iseeghosties

    iseeghosties Kapellmeister

    Apr 10, 2022
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    So I actually just added a rain sound in the background so thats what you hear. after I rendered it I knew it needed to at least be lowered. Well I tried to just let it kind of flow out because if you remember back in my old tracks they just end abruptly but I will work on that with this next track. Thanks for the comments it helps alot :)
  5. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    The intro goes for way too long with the same feel, i get that it's a very "ambient-ish" part but it could still use a bit more variation, same with the second "chorus". The snare feels very thin and the song is overall lacking bass and a lot of body (think 100-200Hz).

    As for the good things, i really dig the main melody and the sound of the plucky synth, love the use of delay too. The song gets repetitive at times, but i like the theme enough so i don't really care that much.

    Overall i really liked it, nicely done. I'd say most of the issues i have with it comes from it being too long for what it really is. If this plan of yours includes coming back to these songs and working on them later on, then i think this is a pretty solid start. But if this is the final result, i don't think there's enough ideas to justify that lenght, even for the genre, feels a bit overtretched. Now, when i say "ideas" i don't necessarily mean you should add stuff, maybe playing a with the interaction between instruments a bit more would be enough, or changing a few notes here and there, things like that.
  6. iseeghosties

    iseeghosties Kapellmeister

    Apr 10, 2022
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    When you say more body like the other poster said, Do you mean more like thicker frequencies? I didnt want to muddy it to much but maybe I didnt do enough so im trying to think of ways I could do that.
  7. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    Yup. Unfortunately i don't think you can get away with just boosting the mixbus on that area in this song as it is, you'll have to do that on individual instruments, and since i don't know how these instruments sound without processing, there's a chance you'll end up with a lot of mud. If that's the case, you'll either have to do some mixing f**ckery or better yet, choose other samples.
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  8. iseeghosties

    iseeghosties Kapellmeister

    Apr 10, 2022
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    haha I get ya. Also in my last song the kick was to much in this one is it better like the frequencies wise. I think it sounds much more clear.
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I would recommend you really consider not using what I will call "Special FX" inside songs. Ever. They are almost always going to feel "generic", "hiding something", "played out/overused/previously used", and other things like that. So when the guitar player lets you know he has a voicemail message he'd like to put into a track, you can fire him then. :)
  10. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I like it. Very nice that plucked. It is a plucked right?.
    It has a very nice atmosphere all the music.
    The truth is, I don't have constructive criticism to make, because it's not a style that I understand much about. I usually do some things, but they are just "touches".
    Someone who knows better the genre will tell you.
    For my part I like it, it sounds very good. transmit good vibes
  11. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    there is a clear risk of going too far out into the wilderness with "abstract" compositions even when fairly simple.
    i think you show ear and sensitivity for the craft when you manage to remain on the right side of that edge.

    I would say you are def on the right track.

    Critique? well, its a simple piece so there is not much to say that would not become overkill "feedback". but i would def say the mix could be more defined. specially the drums would have needed to become eq:ed (wheres the low end?!) and compressed and raised up a tiny bit, a bit more punch and definition. that would carry the beat forward much better.

    Nice job still
  12. iseeghosties

    iseeghosties Kapellmeister

    Apr 10, 2022
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    Thank you! and so before like I mean the first track like this I made people where saying its to punchy haha now its like its not punchy enough xD I guess there is a sweet spot unless you mean like where is the bassline?? But never the less thanks for the kind words.
  13. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    you are welcome @iseeghosties,
    its confusing to hear feedback when we are still in process of developing a clear sonic concept ourselves

    nevertheless, you went overboard and killed the low end
    how? i dont know if its simply that you lower the channels volumes or used a eq.

    import into your project a reference track similar to what you have in mind, disable "all" plugins, match the volume of both songs. put an eq/frequency analyzer on the master channel and simply listen and look at the curve on the master eq and compare. Your curve will be dipping in the low end.

    A classic tip that everybody experienced will tell you is to make a great mix with ONLY the volume faders first.
    get as far as a perfect mix just like that. And once that mix is balanced and even comparable to your reference then you can start refining the sound with compressors and eq etc.

    so now, or with your next project if you wish you could do this:

    -disable all compressors and fx that affect frequency, and all master plugins in the project

    -choose a reference track from whatever place that is sound-wise similar to what you have in mind

    -import it to your daw as a reference and A/B it and compare at the same volume with your project.

    - without plugins make your best effort to make a nice balanced mix of drums, instruments and whole project with only fader moves. make it sound close to your liking and to your reference track.

    - then you can start applying compression and eq etc to add that extra 15% that you cant do without.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2022