Hoodhendrix is back!

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by hoodhendrix, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. hoodhendrix

    hoodhendrix Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Long Beach, Ca
  3. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Sorry. Any "song" beginning with "yeah" is automatically rejected, and filed in the non-musical catagory. Computer says > *no*
  4. hoodhendrix

    hoodhendrix Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Long Beach, Ca
    Haters are welcome too! :bleh:
  5. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Just doesn't quite seem to groove to me. One of the synth lines and the drum machine part seem to to not quite go together.
  6. mile15

    mile15 Producer

    Nov 3, 2011
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    Like "wildchild" says ... & tray to do something more original music this is yust another of 956.500.000 rap songs with "yeah" (this is my opinion i dont hate rap music) :)
  7. Jessycd

    Jessycd Noisemaker

    Nov 26, 2011
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    It's not bad at all ! But that's right, it should be possible to make it groove even better ! Anyway it's way better than the loads of shit we have here in France they call 'rap' or 'hip-hop'

    Maybe the "yeahs" are too much, but as I'm not a hip hop expert, I don't know lol
  8. hoodhendrix

    hoodhendrix Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Long Beach, Ca
    thanks! the funny thing is yeah is mentioned one time. I thought women where finicky.
  9. rimshooter123

    rimshooter123 Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2011
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    i like the background sounds and atmosphere
  10. hoodhendrix

    hoodhendrix Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Long Beach, Ca
    Thanks rimshooter / Reason 6/ Aligator device.
  11. Torture

    Torture Newbie

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Good but interchangeable hip hop song. Sounds are interesting and its well arranged but he music lacks a little bit of groove and originality and some parts don`t seem to fit. Vocals are fine in my opinion.
  12. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    Your track is bad for my ears! This is gonna be fun! First my Personal/Professional view, Yo track is whack like crack! (Yes, that was corny just like your piece.) And as in my other opinion given to Towa22, when you stated you could make songs and basically blaze them better than a Multi-Platinum Producer, judging from this track of yours as Maury would say..."That was a lie"! Now that I have given you the never come to a gunfight with a plastic knife speech. Let's get to the Critique part.

    My professional view...There is absolutely a lock missing on everything your doing especially the Rapping. The music is boring and basic, the Background vocal hit is out of Key with the music. The Bass is too mid rangey sounding and harsh and what the heck are you doing with that shaker?! The Yeah at the beginning is corny and just not needed. Unlike Towa22's latest track, you meant to be commercial with this track. You failed. This wouldn't even make it to a good mixtape. No record company or Listener of Hip Hop would like it or buy it in this condition. This is what you think is great or would be better that what a seasoned record producer could do? You think you could take something like Towa22's track and make it better? When you can't even make your track hot? I wonder...who's been blowing up your head to make you think that you are a Hot commodity?

    The Next time you use the Hoodhendrix has spoken line...I will laugh 10x's harder than I did the first time. Telling yourself and promoting your ego into thinking that a successful record producer didn't deserve to get there by learning to fuse his or her artistry of music and production skills to the level of being able to please the masses and sell their music as if that is an easy accomplishment (and that you or any ol' fly by night yet to be successful wanna be producer) is something at this point you couldn't even begin to fathom.

    In closing...I know that most folks here are just trying to do good music and elevate themselves, I have been there and done that, rejection and all. But all too many people here comment on nothing they really know or understand yet. My opinion is that they cause more issues by giving advise thinking that they're helping but at the same time they are not. Like your buddy Towa22 said..."he wanted a nice review". I say man up! This world isn't always nice! Life is what you make out of it! Do the best you can and keep it movin'!

  13. Torture

    Torture Newbie

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Didn`t want to read or comment this, but I saw my screen name a couple of times so I thought I should at least look through it...
    Not going to comment on your stuff about Hoodhendrix, as I think he`s capable of speaking for himself.
    But where did I say that I "wanted a nice review"? I wanted constructive and detailed criticism! Can be bad, ugly and brutal...I don't care. Even gets people back to reality sometimes. But it seems you just won't get that, cause you already made up your mind about me and some people here.
    And my guess would be that sticking to your mind and own opinions too much is one of your biggest personal and social issues. At least if your behavior in this forum reflects your real social life in any form!
  14. hoodhendrix

    hoodhendrix Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Long Beach, Ca
    Dude first of all you still butt hurt about conversations of yesterday. fuck the music now im seeing what kind of man you are. whats your gender anyway. um there is no reference of your work and accomplishments. buy you some new panties!! thank you for your love and apprecition. Hoodhendrix has spoken!!! i got plenty of other posts here homie so just dont speak on one track when i got several others in this forum!!!
  15. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    Didn't want to comment you say..? The only SOCIAL issue I have right now is responding to you. My question is why not leave your response to Hood? When I 1st gave you my opinion it was strictly about your track, but you like the other lost ones feel like they should critique my opinion of your music. Just because they didn't like it. So what?! Man up! You and the others are missing the point. Reality check, I will leave you and Hood to your constant stumblings instead of giving you my up front and brutal opinion since it only hurts yours, his and some others here feeling's. Like I said before, you ask for a "nice" review or in your words feedback. End of story. Keep ya head up!

    Have a nice night.
  16. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America

    First...Let me stop laughing 10x's as hard as I said I would. Dang you're funny!!!! Ok. I'm back to normal. Here we go with the name calling, cussing etc etc... Funny when I did that Saint came along and harassed me. lol Second, you wanna talk about gender eh? You and the others here get a hissy fit about my opinion or critique of one's music and your panties come off. Spewing ignorant slurs and cussing...Totally ignorant. What did your rant have to do with me analyzing your track? It was brutal I admit. But it was as I see it the true analyzation of your track. You can't handle the Truth! Can ya..? Did the truth hurt too much? Man up! My critique of your track, your behavior and Cussing was on point. Like it or not.

    Now...you think your a star on this forum...Hm...that scares me. I would never place a track of mine here. Why? Cause in my career I just let the Public do that in the stores and on iTunes etc, etc. Don't need to run it here. Plus why would I do that? So you can bite off my works? Lol. Now I'm trying so hard not to squash you like a roach for the above attacks on my manhood, but I'm so secure in that, so I will refrain. No one here should ever attack another's opinion on giving an opinion...Opinion's are like A'Holes and everybody has one...So at the end of the day the point of most un liked opinions are Moot!

    Lastly I have very little time to spend here messing with you young'uns. So again as I said to Towa22, if you ask for opinions Brace yourself. I hope this helps you...and if not, such is life. You will have to grow up sooner or later. Now on a very positive note...I appreciate you being bold enough to put your music out there and to ask for opinions. So I will give you my best advise as if we were friends, You're on the right track but you need to think outside the box more and find the originality in yourself. The best advise I ever heard was in a meeting with Jimmy Iovine(C.E.O. InterScope Records), Teddy Riley and myself and Jimmy said to Ted "Stop trying to make me a star and go find me one". Finding that inner originality that no one has will change you and your music forever. Again, just start thinking outside the box and go for Broke!.


    P.S. to answer your email question, I produce Pop, R&B and Hip Hop.
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