High CPU "WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service" & "No Internet Access"

Discussion in 'PC' started by Waves, Aug 16, 2021.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello @ Waves, that's still too much, something is still going on in the background.
    Install "Latency Moon" - just click on the link. Then post a screenshot here.




    Please use the CCleaner:
    CCleaner -> Extras -> Autostart -> Windows
    You can also post a picture of it here then we can deactivate the programs!


    Managing auto-starting programs
    When you install a program, often it will set itself up so that it starts every time you start Windows.

    This can be a real pain, because having a lot of programs start that way means it takes longer for Windows to start and the memory used can slow your PC to a drag.

    Not every program has to start automatically. You may decide to let some do so - like messenger programs. For the others, CCleaner gives you a way to stop them in their tracks.

    Windows keeps a list of programs to start automatically in the Registry. You can do one of two things with each item in this list:

    1. Disable it - the item will still be in the auto-start list, but it won't run.
    2. Delete it - the item is deleted from the auto-start list.
    Why would you choose to disable the auto-start instead of deleting it? Sometimes you might want to remove an item, but have the option to add it back in later if you change you mind.

    To control which programs start with Windows:

    1. In CCleaner, click the Tools icon at left, then click the Startup button.
    2. In the Startup screen, you'll see a list of all items that have been set to start automatically with Windows. Those that have been disabled will be grayed out and will state "No" in the Enabled column.
    3. Do one of the following:
      • To prevent a program from starting with Windows, select the program entry and click Disable.
      • To prevent a program from starting with Windows and to remove it from the auto-start list, select the program entry and click Delete.
    Note: You can select multiple startup items by using CTRL+Click.

    Last edited: Aug 17, 2021
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  2. Waves

    Waves Noisemaker

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Now i don*t have a WLan connection. I think i will install a fewer Windows version. Who knows what's wrong with the windows installation. I think it is wasted time to search for a solution for this. Thank you very much for your help.
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Using an outdated version of Windows is not a good idea, you will only deteriorate! You can of course reinstall or repair your Windows. Download Malwarebytes AdwCleaner for free to remove adware, bloatware, unwanted toolbars and other potentially unwanted programs ...

    Repair Windows with sfc / scannow

    In some cases, Windows system files are damaged or not installed correctly. Therefore errors occur when calling such components. In such cases, a specific Windows repair can help. Please proceed as follows to repair Windows:

    Open a command prompt: Windows key on the keyboard, then immediately type “cmd.exe”. A hit list now appears showing “Command Prompt” or “cmd.exe” - depending on the Windows version. Right-click this hit and select “Run as administrator” from the context menu.

    (Note: You can copy the following command line to the clipboard. Right-click and then “Paste” you can then paste it into the console instead of typing it.)

    You are now in a DOS window. Enter the command here

    sfc / scannow

    Please also note the Microsoft article at https://support.microsoft.com/de-de...-checker-tool-to-repair-missing-or-corrupted- system.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2021
  4. Waves

    Waves Noisemaker

    Feb 14, 2017
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    I will try to get an actually Windows version to work. Yes, that's ok, no old version. So i will use all your tips for that. Thank you so much for the time and all the effort.
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Good Luck @Waves!
  6. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    @Waves get the so called lite versions of win10 for obvious reasons i can't link to some
  7. KidPix

    KidPix Producer

    Aug 17, 2017
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  8. Waves

    Waves Noisemaker

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Thank you. When nothing works, this is a good idea. I will take a look.
  9. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    I had this and fixed it. First make sure usage tracking is disabled. Then delete the user data file, in one of the many kontakt folders. Sorry can't remember the folder. After a restart of kontakt it will create a new one but this one will be 1kb and not cause the issue. This can also happen with the latest other NI plugins like realtor and guitar rig. Fix is the same but user data file named a little different but in same master folder
    found it,,, users \your name\ app data \ local \native instruments \plugin name.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2021
  10. Waves

    Waves Noisemaker

    Feb 14, 2017
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    For Kontakt i try this. Thank you.
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