Here's mine tricks for upfront vocals

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Swg Itsyo, Jul 28, 2024.

  1. YFManagement

    YFManagement Kapellmeister

    Jun 29, 2017
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    My Take On Upfront Vocal
    0. De-ess ( Clip Automation )
    1. EQ & Dynamic EQ ( Determine the artist vocal range and do a clean up **Dont Thin Out** )
    2. Compression ( Depends on vocal delivery and cadences ) (Opto / Fet)
    3. EQ ( Broad EQ & Shelf To Taste )
    4. Make Room For Center So Vocal Can Live (EQ, Ducking, Panning, etc )
    5. Limit ( Not For Peaks but Fattening most extreme would be -8 GR )
    6. Parallel Compression ( Sends )
    Every voice is different If the goal is to have the vocal be the most prominent element in a mix I'll treat it as such In terms of priority, But never neglect the rest of the Music, Bass, Drums. (Do everything in context to avoid over doing anything)