Help with Win 10 and cracked software-going mad

Discussion in 'PC' started by Yellow Raven, May 20, 2021.

  1. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Lebanon. Beirut.
    Hello guys
    I wanted to install Studio one 5.2 and it runs on win 10 so someone made my pc to boot with win 7 or win 10
    I am having lots of issues but the most irritating is win defender that keeps deleting the cracks even after exculding the folder, the DLL and The Exe files. if any one can help me I will be grateful as this is driving me crazy.
    Also Studio one 5.2 gives me this msg:
    msvcp140.dll and vcruntime140.dll were not found and Studio One won't start

    I tried everything but nothing worked

    any help is appreciated.
    thank you
  3. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    It wants you to install the latest Visual Studio Redistributable for Windows 10.
    The link you posted already has the answer.
  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Better use a serious AntiVirus. Zone Alarm is free and fully configurable.
    If you decide to use it, Pm me, I'll give you tips on how to take max advantage of it.
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  5. Ariel Gonzalez

    Ariel Gonzalez Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Somewhere Out There
    bro, if any dll is missing you have to download it (obviously from some safe sources) and place on the daw folder.... and after that run the daw and it should work well
  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Here is a Easy install Pack:

    Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes All-in-One

    LATEST April 8th, 2021 95.1 MB // Win 10, 8, 7 (32-bit & 64-bit)

    Before you unzip the Studio One file - switch off "Windows Defender", otherwise it will delete the file you need.

    Disable Defender Antivirus Protection in Windows Security / Security Windows 10
    To temporarily turn off real-time Microsoft Defender Antivirus in Windows Security, please follow the steps below. Be aware that your device can then be vulnerable to threats.

    1. Select Start> Settings> Update & Security> Windows Security> Virus & threat protection> Manage settings (or Virus & threat protection settings in previous versions of Windows 10).
    2. Turn off real-time protection. Scheduled scans will still run. However, files that are downloaded or installed will not be scanned until the next scheduled scan.
  7. Hazen

    Hazen Rock Star

    Dec 28, 2016
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    There seem to be many issues with k'd Studio One version 5. Just delete it and go on with your life, has nothing to do with Win 10 or Win 7!
  8. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    im haveing zero issues with studio one useing latest build bought from splice
  9. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    A lot of people do not like defender.
    Disabling in group policy is the best way. You also have to disable everything that gives it any leeway to restart itself, disable the use of smartscreen or anything where it can detect again if you are serious. Just make a note of what you do in case you change your mind in the future.

    Google "Disable Defender in Group Policy".
    You should get a lot. Find one where it stops it from coming back on again after updates.
  10. here287

    here287 Noisemaker

    May 14, 2020
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    Is it better than Avast free antivirus?
  11. puw

    puw Noisemaker

    Jul 29, 2014
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    I know you've gone to a lot of trouble to get a dual boot system, but here's another way of thinking; does the last version of Studio One that works on Win7 do everything you need it to, or is this just wanting to have the latest version?
  12. doctorG

    doctorG Kapellmeister

    May 4, 2018
    Likes Received:
    The Maltese
    !st Win Defender is a cr#$%&@*fk! Create a Seperate folder to put you downloads in.
    Open Win Defender....choose 'Exclusions'....pick the Target folder you just created
    or put them on a "Seperate Drive' and Exclude the Drive letter....and viola...u'll never b bothered agaoin!
  13. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I haven't tried avast since a long time, but last time I tried it was much heavier on resources than ZoneAlarm.
    Also ZoneAlarm comes with a configurable firewall.
  14. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Lebanon. Beirut.
    Thxs Olymoon I'll keep that in Mind. on the win 7 boot I have Avira I got used to it but it keeps asking for updates and things I was tryning to do without an Anti virus, I that fails i'll contact you.
  15. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Lebanon. Beirut.
    Yes it's got notation which I've been waiting for, for ages. it is essential to me. I now run Notion 6 but it's not real time as you have to resend each time you want to view your edits. believe it or not, my first DAW was Finale (my first sequencer was the Roland MC-50) so I'm used to notation.
  16. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Lebanon. Beirut.
    Hello and thxs for the help. the link worked and I was able to run and Authorize Studio one but that's it. it wouldn't run after that.
    PS I excluded all folders that contain my cracks and music software from access to Defender

    any further suggestion?
    thxs again
  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Hi Yellow Raven.

    Windows Defender scans all processes from download to installation etc ...! You only have to switch off Windows Defender before you unpack the folder with Studio One, otherwise Defender will delete your keygen and you can no longer patch it. Switch Windows Defender back on after the installation. Windows Defender also scans your hard drive regularly and protects against viruses and Trojans etc ...! You would be wrong if you think Defender is deleting something in Studio One.

    1. Un-install Studio One
    2. Disable Windows Defender Antivirus
    3. Install Studio One
    4. Enable "Windows Defender"

    2. Turn off Windows Defender through settings:

    3. Read carefully and follow the installation instructions that are included in the download.

    P.S. Always leave the folder in the packed state, i.e. with the WinRar symbol etc.
    Last edited: May 21, 2021
  18. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Lebanon. Beirut.
    Hello Again and thxs for the Help

    I did All the Above still not working Studio one only runs for like 3 Seconds and disappears.
    I am no computer wiz but i've been installing cracked software since 1990, first time windows give me this much trouble.
    also win now is asking me to activate! can this be the issue ?
    best regards
  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Hello Yellow Raven, sometimes things go totally wrong.

    Can you take a few screen shots of the error messages?

    1. Uninstall Studio One ( see " How To Completely Remove Studio One - Windows " )
    2. Install an older Studio One Version - begin with Studio 4.
    3. If Studio One runs smoothly update with Studio One 5 ...

    How To Completely Remove Studio One - Windows

    There may be an occasion when you need to completely remove every trace of your Studio One installation on a Windows PC - perhaps you are having issues and want to try a complete reinstallation.

    In this article we are going to tell you how to nuke your Studio One installation. Before doing any of the following BACK UP. Just to be sure you read that then here it is again BACK UP all the files we are going to tell you to remove.
    There are applications that you can use to remove programs on Windows but even these will leave some remnants behind - the way in this article WILL remove your install as if you had never installed it. You can leave all the content you have installed for Studio One as this will not affect nuking your install and to download it again is both time consuming and unnecessary.

    The following instructions are for Windows 7, the exact procedure might differ slighlty if you are using a different version of Windows.
    First, perform a regular uninstallation of Studio One: open the Control Panel, choose "Programs and Features", locate Studio One and click on "Uninstall". This removes already most of the program, but there will be a few things left which are not removed by the uninstaller.
    In order to be able to remove them, we need to make hidden files and folders visible first.

    Open the Windows Explorer, click on "Organize", and select "Folder and search options". Select the "View" tab, and in the "Advanced settings" window, scroll down to "Show hidden files, folders and drives". Check that option, and hit OK.
    Now you will be able to see all hidden folders and files on your system. If you do this for the first time, you might be a little surprised :)
    Navigate to the following folders, and delete the folders called PreSonus:


    As the last step, we'll need to delete an entry in the Windows Registry. Open the start menu, and type "regedit" into the search field. Click on the entry that appears, this will open the Registry Editor. Navigate to the folder "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/PreSonus, and delete it.
    Please only perform this action if you are sure about what you are doing. If you are unsecure about it, we recommend that you leave the Windows Registry alone.

    If you have performed all these steps, you will have removed Studio One completely from your PC. Restart your computer to finish the cleaning action.

    Then, go ahead and install Studio One from your PreSonus account. You will be asked to authorise your installation when you launch it. If your sound sets and songs have been put on an external drive then you'll need to go in and reset those locations.
    Doing the above is a last resort, but if you are having crashes and other issues then this may solve the issues.
  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    thats not exlusive to the cracked S1, ableton (R2R edition and normal retail version ofc) also requires VSC Redistributable Runtimes, its simply bcs both companies use VSC by Microsoft to build the DAWs.

    just get it from microsoft, the name tells u which version to download. if not you can possibly find more information about which version to go on the Studio One page in the FAQ section. It is a common problem.
  21. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Lebanon. Beirut.
    I must really thank you for your patience but alas it did not work. I followed the instructions carefully with the clean install and turning off the Windows defender but no success.
    thank you again and sorry for the trouble
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