Help with Factory Libraries not being discovered by Reaktor & Battery, and maybe more.

Discussion in 'Software' started by Risque Mailer, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. Risque Mailer

    Risque Mailer Newbie

    Apr 17, 2024
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    Hi there, a friend got a new M3 Mac and asked me to dive into the world of installing K'd Kontakt 14 Ultimate.

    I've gone and gotten everything I could from sister site + rut, and overall been solving a lot of issues with the ancient tools. Pacifist and KLU are my best friends.

    I've also been documenting the process, which I hope to release at least as a clear list of what works and what doesn't, when I exhaust all my options and am done.

    Here's my current problem: Factory Libraries are completely missing, and also not getting Demo'd with cracked Libraries, in Reaktor/Battery.

    #1 - Reaktor 6
    What I've managed to do:
    Native Instruments Reaktor 6.5.0 Rev2 macOS [HCiSO] => file size is too small, 150 MB clearly doesn't contain libraries.
    Installed Native Instruments - Reaktor 6.0.0 STANDALONE, VSTi, AU WIN. OSX x86 x64 Release Date: 2015 => This has a good amount of Libraries, namely Blocks and Factory, which got installed directly into Macintosh HD/Users/Shared/ as "Reaktor Blocks" and "Reaktor Factory Library"
    Also reinstalled the 6.5.0 Rev2 app for good measure.

    Problem: Libraries are not being detected. Blocks DOES show up if clicking Edit. But Factory Libraries are nowhere to be seen. I have tried moving the folder to the directory stated in Reaktor 6's preferences. And vice-versa. No use.
    What works: Polyplex, partially. Oddly. Installed natively without Pacifist, went directly to /shared/ and is instantly recognizable by Reaktor. BUT it is only a demo version, with timer.
    And again, What doesn't work: Flesh, Pacifist install, does not show up inside Reaktor, even though the folder looks more or less structurally identical to the way Polyplex goes inside /shared/

    What might help me:
    An understanding of where identifier files or crack licenses are and where they go, for Reaktor. Ideally something as easy to use as KLU.

    #2 - Battery 4
    What I've managed to do:
    Native Instruments Battery 4.3.0 macOS [HCiSO] => file size just 333mb, clearly no Libraries here.
    Installed Battery.4.Factory.Library.v1.1.0.HYBRID-R2R, which came inside Native.Instruments.Battery.4.v4.1.6.Incl.Patched.and.Keygen-R2R (though the keygen and reg keys are for windws sadly. I would run keygen on a windows machine if needed, but there's been nothing asking me for a key!) => This was manually installed with Pacifist and goes directly into /shared/ as "Battery 4 Factory Library". Oddly this uses .nicnt file but of course I'm not installing this into Kontakt so... I shouldn't use KLU on it, right?

    Problem: Libraries are not being detected. Same as usual, tried moving the library to and from the path shown in preferences, tried changing preference path, etc.
    What works: Battery NOW Library works! Installed Native Instruments Battery Now Library v1.0.34 (I think) Even though it got installed in /shared/ It works after moving it to the user library directory shown in preferences, and it all shows up loose (no folder structure?) in User Kits.
    EDIT: Factory Libraries for Battery 4 do work if I manually browse to it using the Files tab. Not native recognition.

    What might help: ...anything you think. I have no idea where to go now with this. I will keep installing whatever libraries I have and hope something shows up.

    Unrelated broken stuff...
    I can see random assortment of Kontakt's instruments from inside Maschine and Komplete Kontrol, but both of them only plays a previoew sound byte on clicking the instrument title, but cannot progress to opening the instrument via double-click, stating an error about VST2 to VST3 not being supported.

    Sorry for the long post. I have been reading threads here for a while now, and glad to see this healthy community is alive.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
  3. Risque Mailer

    Risque Mailer Newbie

    Apr 17, 2024
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    Scratch all that, I've solved everything in some form or the other. Everything except Komplete Kontrol and Massive X, both of which are busted somehow.

    Komplete Kontrol simply doesnt open any Kontakt plugin, throws the same error "Could not load plug-in"
    Everything is via Rosetta btw
    Only synthesizers work in Komplete Kontrol.

    Massive X is just always on Demo mode. works in Demo, but still... never getting cracked, no idea why. I can't even find the actual location of it since it doesnt have a standalone, to force Rosetta to try. But Logic is running in Rosetta anyway... Still Demo for Massive X.

    So the solutions for whatever problems I had in the main post:

    Battery NOW Library: Move the Library folders after install from /Shared/ to /Users/*YOUR USERNAME HERE*/Documents/Native Instruments/Battery 4/Kits
    I SUSPECT that this Library is a complete overlap with every one of the supported individual EXPANSION sets, maybe a handpicked selection from there?
    Battery FACTORY Library: install Battery.4.Factory.Library.v1.1.0.HYBRID-R2R - Move the Battery 4 Factory Library folder from /Shared/ to /Users/*YOUR USERNAME HERE*/Documents/Native Instruments/Battery 4/Kits to make them appear under USER kits section. This is...also fine. I can't make them appear in Might have to do with RAS2 older cracking method.

    ROSETTA MODE ONLY IS CRACKING. Which means you also need to run LOGIC also in Rosetta mode to get this.
    FACTORY LIBRARY: MOVE from /Shared/ to /Applications/Native Instruments/Reaktor 6/Library
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