Help with being productive/cutting out distractions

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Hareesh S, Jun 30, 2021.

  1. Hareesh S

    Hareesh S Producer

    Dec 26, 2019
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    How do you guys manage to control yourselves and limit the distractions you encounter each day and be productive, irrespective of what that entails? I'm at a point now where I open up Ableton to avoid studying, because I feel like I'm doing SOMETHING productive at least, knowing fully well that I do not intend to make a living off music, nor am I any good to even consider it. I'm at an important junction now and I know I need to step away from ANY "distractions" for the time being, but I can't figure out a way other than uninstalling Ableton, blocking youtube or somehow "locking" certain apps. Any tips you can give me(to overcome distractions and do the "dirty work")? I can't risk trying to control myself with the temptations present because its never worked for me, other than with food.
  3. Ed Jachimowicz

    Ed Jachimowicz Producer

    Oct 8, 2019
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    How about moving your study activities to another room?
    How about allowing yourself say 2 hours Ableton for 2 hours of studies (or whatever ratio could work for you)
    How about rewarding yourself for a few hours of study with whatever makes you happy.

    I'm 52 so no more studies for me, but I've been there too. Question that comes up is: did you chose the right study?
    Some 15 years ago I did what I loved best and that was persuing a career in photography. I didn't work out the way
    I had Imagen it but I did me realise that I should have chosen a study in photography or a course of how to run your own business as a creatif person. You write that your future is not in music, but why? I never understood that people we take lesser quality pictures or equal to mine made it in their photography business. I just like you to know that if making music is what you love than why not give it a chance. And quality in music is as subjective as quality in photography. There is a lot that you can learn and with all creative professions it also comes down to a little bit of luck. Wether it be knowing the right people, finding a niche etc.....

    From your words I understand you feel the responsibility to spend time at your study.
    Trust me: you can distract yourself as much as you like but I think you'll always do what is needed for a good note since it doesn't have to be a straight A all the time.

    Good luck und let the distraction also inspire you to create.
  4. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Whenever I ended up in such situation, it always turned out I didn't feel like I need to study. I didn't want any of this, or I fundamentally disagreed with things I had to learn.
    Motivation only came with deadlines or with a genuine interest in what I was doing.
    if you really have to study, then yeah, basically lock yourself in the room with nothing but the study material. Find physical books, go into a different room, leave the phone near a computer.
    Do make breaks tho, your brain can't focus on one tedious thing for more than 40 minutes in one sitting and about 4 hours a day total. More than that - and it'll zone out uncontrollably and have troubles writing into memory.
  5. Hareesh S

    Hareesh S Producer

    Dec 26, 2019
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    I don't know, I'm pretty introverted when it comes to making music. I don't post or release anything because every time I feel it's not good enough or worth anyone's time. + I don't really know how it works out as a career opportunity where I live, which is why I decided to primarily pursue it as a passion project. I'm not REALLY studying what I like, but I am decently good at it(computer science engineering), I just procrastinate and avoid studying anything so much its no longer funny.

    This is exactly my issue. a month before my exams I don't feel like I need to study at all. A day before my exams I'll whine about not wanting any of this and then complain about the educational system.

    I appreciate the input and I'll be sure to try suggestions from both of you, thank you!:)
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I've tried a lot of things, but the only one that really works for me at some point is a vacation from the rat race.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I know this is going to read as the same old rote. But make a schedule, use your phone's calendar app, it will be hard at first.

    It's going to be more than hard, it will seem impossible, however if you stick to it and consider those time slots deadlines after a while it gets easier.

    Also music doesn't have to be at a computer regardless of what you make you can flesh out skeletons on good old fashioned wooden instruments, some recorded clips from your voice (not lyrics just ideas.)

    Just like working out once you get the ball rolling it develops a momentum of it's own.
  8. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    I would say that, if they are mild regular distraction problems then sure, it’s more a matter of following simple tips.

    If it’s major problems then you will have to dig deeper and take more drastic radical measures, like questioning your whole environment, are you alone? Can someone couch you? Can you or even your institute put together a study group for people having problems. Look at it professionally not as in a matter of pride.

    Besides that, NEVER disrupt studies in despair, if needed carefully exit where you can keep a relation with your institute and have your merits, until a next time, who knows when or how. NEVER say “I’ll never come back to this”, life goes in rounds you wouldn’t believe, so don’t burn bridges. everything you do in life is an asset, even half finished attempts if carefully handed
  9. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I know an artist who paints incredibly beautiful and moving landscapes while watching soap operas and a fellow who has written moving poetry and fantastic songs all the while whilst working in production on a factory floor with high decible machinery's cachophonic whirlings piercing his brain all the day long. Excuses don't really cut it as nothing gets in the way of creativity if you are a vessel in which to see it through. Nothing! You can work in spite of obvious distractions.

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  10. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
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    I don’t know if this helps but when I’m in the studio I get myself into different mind sets . Some days I’ll do arrangements , mixdown , mastering , sound design. Having these differ mindsets allows me to keep being productive musical . It also helped me over come writers block . It’s also nice to take time away from studio and go back in felling fresh and creative . Listen to some of you’re favourite artists and get inspiration .
  11. Hareesh S

    Hareesh S Producer

    Dec 26, 2019
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    I don't know, at times I feel like I never even got into the race because I've procrastinated and pushed things away so much. I still don't know how I've managed to pass my courses and schooling so far, if I'm being honest.
    Yeah this seems like the best bet to me. Set timers, stick to a schedule, block apps and force myself to study or be productive, out of pure boredom, at the least. I know once I get the ball rolling it'll become second nature, but the initial hurdle is where I'm constantly stuck.
    That's a fair point. Fortunately till now I've managed to get through decently well, but I know I can do so much more if I just put in the work, and that's exactly where my mind likes to screw me over.

    Yes that kind of self-discipline and ability to turn everything else off and get to work is exactly what I need, just not in a creative field but when it comes to "mundane" tasks like studying. I can sit with Ableton for a whole day and not realize the time, but I can't bring myself to study and its pissing me off.

    Yeah that makes sense. I just have to figure out a way to adapt/make it work for my eternal struggle with studying. XD

    I truly appreciate each reply by the way.
  12. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Make a schedule, and (here's the hard part) stick to it.

    "Thursday morning, 9-12 I'll concentrate on X". Then do X minimizing distractions. If it's study just keep your book and your notes handy, nothing more. If it's composition, fire up your preferred software and make it full screen, no exceptions.

    Easier said than done, though.
  13. Hareesh S

    Hareesh S Producer

    Dec 26, 2019
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    While I've tried making schedules before, they were always "mental". I never WROTE it down, and I guess there's a psychological aspect to physically writing it down and having it stare at you huh? I'll do this, and try my best to stick to it. Thank you!
  14. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
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    Lebanon. Beirut.
    It all comes down to how passionate you are about something. take it from me, I am 50 and I spent 20 years working something I don't like and although I was good at it and it put bread on the table for me and my family, there is no single day that I don't wish I could go back and do something else. there is a balance between what you love and what can make you a living and you have to choose wisely and fight for your choice.
    if you are passionate about something distractions will become minimal but you have to do as most above said. stay away from you cell and turn off the internet. mange your time wisely, it is the one thing you have that you'll regret wasting when you have less of it.
    good luck
  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Take more breaks. Find a quiet room. Lie on the floor for 10 minutes and just try to pay attention to your breathing. I learned that from a yoga teacher. When she's on a plane and she feels she is exhausted, she lies down between the rows of seats for 10 minutes. When she gets up again she has regained her balance and feels fresh and powerful. Something like tai chi helps against stress - a consistent no helps against the mental cinema and useless internal dialogues. Coffee with caffeine and sugary drinks should be weaned slowly.
  16. I never fight temptation. It's calling you for a reason. What needs to be done will get done. Stop worrying and just do what you feel the need to do at whatever time it asks to be done. Schedules are for accounts not artists.
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  17. S I.

    S I. Noisemaker

    Jan 1, 2021
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    Someone special to me said "You have your whole life ahead to do jobs and procrastinate, but you have only your earliest years to study."
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  18. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    I only get like 4-5 hours access to a PC since everyone is at home now. The only thing I dread is opening my DAW without an idea going on, basically if I am working out on a song its easy to step into the DAW and work out ideas very easily. So whenever I get an idea, i just close my existing project, create a new one, paste in the melody or whatever idea I have, save it and close it.

    Idk abt u but I can sit working on my music 4-5 hrs nonstop without thinking about who posted what. The rest of my time I spend in listening music and watching tutorials. I have started spending a significant amount of time in watching start to finish style tutorials, there are tons of them on YouTube.

    2 days ago I was completely out of ideas, and that is a dreadful thing. Once I have a melody or smth I always kind of know what to do. As usual when I am out of ideas, I just listen to all my samples, open some project files, mess around with Nexus presets, till I create a melody. This time around tho, I found a nice Nexus voice preset which I guess I could use for a riser and I began working on it. Dragged in snares, psy basslines, sub basses, FXs and stuffs and made the buildup part. Next day I finished the break, Now I plan to finish the drop.

    So, conclusion being, have something ready or find something for the next time, you feel you have no idea. Browse presets, collect samples, mark them as favourites etc. You never know when they can be useful. I don't feel at all like opening anything else when their is something to work on
  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello @demberto, maybe over time you develop "A goal" and then develop a plan to achieve your goal.

    Put on one with the title "Tips against boredom"
    - one goal could be to make film music
    - to write a number 1 hit
    - to produce a CD
    - to create a thematic project (future, joy etc,)
  20. Hareesh S

    Hareesh S Producer

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Your right. If I'm not passionate about it though, I either need to GET passionate about it, or find a way to buckle up and do the work nonetheless, because some things are just unavoidable.

    This seems really interesting, thank you! Yeah, sitting at home constantly because of the pandemic surely hasn't helped, I'm sure my body needs an outing too, or else its just a bottleneck.

    ...I can't recall ever hearing it put that way, but it makes so much sense, it seems like its blatantly obvious. Thank you.
  21. The Dude

    The Dude Rock Star

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Perhaps watching other people doing would help.

    Last edited: Jul 3, 2021
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