Help: Organic Loops Cinematic Guitars and Soundscapes

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by ElMoreno, Sep 27, 2020.

  1. ElMoreno

    ElMoreno Kapellmeister

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Hello audio friends,
    I heard the 'Organic Loops Cinematic Guitars and Soundscapes WAV REX' Demo here:

    I'm not interested in guitars but only in those thrilling rises, dramatic ambients soundscapes, drums, FX... but unfortunately those sounds they are not in the pack (they were only used to create the demo).

    Well, I know it's difficult but maybe some of you can recognize them and tell me which pack they come from?

    IMP: Free coffee & pizza for all those who are committed to research and suggest the right one. :cheers:

    Thanks thanks thanks… :thanks:
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