HELP!!! Mac no Start (openssh's file) (solved)

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by freebeatprod, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. freebeatprod

    freebeatprod Newbie

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I'am completely sad, I made a mess with my mac .. I try to be expeditious and clear
    I have Openssh file in my "/usr/lib/" if I remember correctly version 1.7.4 (I have 1.8.4 on mac) nothing problem whit that file...

    Stupidly, I went to the "/ usr / lib /" and I put the file "openssh" on the desktop (thus leaving / usr / lib / without this file) .. made this operation did not open programs (safari, logic etc.) I decided to turn off the mac.

    When I turned on the computer, the system did not start, showing the classic apple logo screen and the loading, but loading never ends

    I think I'm sure I can blame the moving operation of files openssh (the cr**k of openssh it was not explicit until now)
    I do not know what to do, please help me!!!!!! The problem is not openssh file but the fact that I've removed from the library!!
    I tried pressing (holding) shift and then turn on the mac ... but nothing has changed ... someone would know help me ?? I do not want to initialize the computer, I just want it to be like before :( ...
    because I have so many works of clients, and my songs that I care a lot.... PLEASE HELP :(
    ATTACHMENTS an img of mac status

    Attached Files:

  3. xsze

    xsze Guest

    That's what she said :sad:
  4. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    You can open via recovery with cmd + r or option + r. I forget which.

    But also you can re-arrange the harddrive from another computer using a cable. I dont remember more than that, but you can do it. Or apple can. But they treat everyone like a retard, because 95% of their customer base are brain-dead zombies that know nothing about computers.
  5. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    explore the possibility to start your computer with a linux live media, and see if you can undo the mess ?
  6. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Thanks for reminding us. It's called target disk mode.
  7. freebeatprod

    freebeatprod Newbie

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I have a backup but it goes back to 1 month ago (but I will not initialize mac, would work too long search for and install all plugins, initialize is the last attempt before I die !!) Organicspace, what you say is comforting, so would be enough to put the files in / usr / lib / "and theoretically should work (am I right?) ...
    Suggested: auto-fix with my hands or go to an apple center?
  8. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    I had to use the original OS X installing disc and reinstall over itself there's a way to do it without affecting any of the other files you can reinstall OSX over itself but do some research before you do it to make sure you do it right and yes I am NOT messing with any of those plugins anymore until they have a easier and better install for them good luck
  9. pimpdrop

    pimpdrop Ultrasonic

    Oct 4, 2012
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    if your home folder isn't encrypted all you need to do is boot into recovery (cmd + r) , open terminal, and move the file back to the correct folder. i just tested it
  10. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    Sorry for your trouble..... but your title is alittle misleading :excl: !!!! Please correct it.

    Thank You. :wink:
  11. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Friendly community here NOT

    "I feel a little bad saying this (but not much), you are to blame for your mistake (that's obvious), but you shouldn't be so stupid as to have valuable information on your system and NOT be backing this up regularly. I back up to an external 3 TB drive EVERY Monday at 3 AM and I also back up to a cloud server as a back up to my back up!!! When will you people learn!!!! :rofl: "

    I feel a little sad for those smartasses NOT REALLY what goes around comes around you know!!

    Your problem happened to me also but unfortanetly i could NOT repair any disc atleast not on my machine.
    Too bad as noone answered on AZ when i had my problem so in panic i formatted the disc (there is absolutely no need to do that)

    Not everyone have the experience or knowledge in computers especially if you migrated from one system to another or messed around with hidden features in the OS.

    So my solution is if you have more than one disc on your computer install another OS (I installed Snow Leopard on another disc from a retail DVD) if your computer is newer i guess you could dl from apple Yosemite and install it on another disc install tinkertools or similar app to make you see hidden files go to the macintosh HD disc locate desktop and put back the openssh file where it belongs after that you could delete your temporary OS..

    I guess a Linux DVD/USB could also work to get the file back..
  12. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
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    Wild West
    Apart from the obvious arguments about not following openssh instructions properly and not backing up the simplest way out of your problem is to remove the HDD from your computer and plug it into another MAC, either yours or your friends or even a computer repair shop. Your HDD will then show up as an external drive and you can then rearrange your files as you wish - either put in the openssh craic or replace your original lib file. Then replace your HDD and you will boot up as normal. By the way I am using the openssh craic on OSX 10.8.5 and OSX 10.10.2 with zero problems. Good luck :wink:
  13. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    All the solutions are posted here...if at least ppl read the f*kin posts and apply them :dunno:

    -linux boot media (hackintosh USB key works too...but most real Mac users don't own one :rofl: )
    -recovery (cmd + r) at boot up
    -remote disk access (target disk mode) with another Mac (my friend used it)
    -mount disk on another Mac

    But to me, poster asked for help and it seems he don't want to do it himself :dunno: (see post 7)
    "Suggested: auto-fix with my hands or go to an apple center? "

    So now it is up to freebeatprod...or not
  14. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    you can also boot in safe mode.
  15. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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    First off this has nothing to do with Openssh except show him in bad light.Change your header.Next,Check your start up disk.
    Startup Manager

    Simply reboot your Mac and hold the Alt/Option key on your keyboard as soon as you hear the Mac’s startup chime. After a few moments, you’ll see all of the bootable devices appear on your screen accompanied by their corresponding icons and volume names.

    The Mac Startup Manager will update as needed, so if you add or remove bootable drives or devices on your Mac, the list will automatically display the current options. You can use your mouse, trackpad, or keyboard to select the desired drive, and either click on its upward arrow button or press Return once you’ve made your selection. As long as the Mac is compatible with operating system contained on the selected drive, your Mac will continue booting the designated operating system.

    Examples of when you may need to use the Mac Startup Manager include booting to your Windows Boot Camp partition, booting to a complete cloned backup of your system drive, or reinstalling OS X from a DVD or USB drive.

    The Mac Startup Manager works great if you have a number of boot options from which to choose, but your Mac also recognizes a few additional startup keys that direct it to boot immediately from a specific source. These keys include holding the C key during boot to boot directly from an inserted CD, DVD, or bootable USB drive, and holding the N key to perform a NetBoot to a compatible network server.

    Hope this helps
  16. django

    django Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    All of the solutions are here, personally if you aren't that computer smart I'd go with target disk mode, it's the most straightforward because it treats your mac like an external disk and you should be familiar with it.

    Most people here are musicians first who have to learn about computers second. The more you delve into the world of cracks and ware the more you have to learn about the hidden files and structures of your system. This is the price you pay for getting thousands of $ worth of plug ins for free.

    But the thing is, that equipment is unlikely to make a big difference to the quality of your music or increase your productivity. The improvement of some subtle sonic differences between two different compressors/EQ's etc is nothing compared to the improvements you could make just by learning your existing plug ins better. Risking all of your work when you didn't fully understand what you were doing and considering the explicit warnings was crazy.
  17. freebeatprod

    freebeatprod Newbie

    Apr 3, 2013
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    gentlemen, it was not to put in a bad light openssh, absolutely not! (I immediately made it clear that was not an issue of his file)
    in my post I never said anything bad about him (or his work). I wrote this title because being inexperienced, I thought it might be helpful (change given protests) ... Yes, I'm undecided whether to do it or an apple center, because I'm afraid of making mistakes and make it worse, so do not blame me, I simply scared ... thank you all !!! (sorry for my english, use translate)
  18. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Don`t give up so easy.

    Since You know what caused the problem, boot Your PC with a linux live CD; mount Your drive and reverse what You have done (copy back the folder to his original location)

    If that doesn`t work, than think of other options like apple center and things...
  19. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Don't let the insults and chastisement get you down. Not everyone is a total guru about this stuff, and at least you were asking what you, yourself, should do about a problem that you admitted was your fault - and some people refuse to do even that. This is the sort of terrible waste of time (if not also of money) from which people learn, the hard way, and you will probably learn more in remedying this situation than you'd expected.

    Backing-up one's system is a wise thing to do, however. Carbon Copy Cloner is my close ally.
  20. freebeatprod

    freebeatprod Newbie

    Apr 3, 2013
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    I'm writing from the computer (ex) broke ...
    To solve the problem I have:
    - Press Command R when I turned on mac
    - Reinstalled OSX via internet (The same version, 1.8.5)
    - Restarted
    No data lost, everything seems to be as before, the only thing he asked me to install Java SE 6 (I have not yet installed) ... it all worked out in the best way
    Thank you all for the answers (yes even those who were cruel) ...