Help gettin amplitube error registry

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by charlyp, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. charlyp

    charlyp Newbie

    Jun 6, 2014
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    hi im gettin errors that i usually didnt have ...i have installed the amplitube3,fender,ampeg,hendrix...and work on cubase5 i attach a screenshot to illustrate exactly what is this start after i installed the finale sofware ...the points is that i cant open on cubase all the projects that i use this plugin because cubase send me this registry error u see in this shot and the program crash ...and im starting to freak out ...i choose to uninstall adn reinstall the ampeg and the fender but the same problem occur ...something is wear because when im workin with this plugins in standalone mode the amplitube3 opens and listen perfect this just in cubase but the others in standalone and plugin mode give me this same error too ..i dont want to uninstall amplitube3 before someone can help or let me know how to fix it ...sorry about my english i hope u can understand what i try say....

    error amplitube.jpg

    2error amplitube.jpg