Haven't heard from Team TCD for a while?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Frunkenstein, Oct 8, 2024.

  1. omiac

    omiac Moderator Staff Member

    May 3, 2024
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    FWIW all drama aside, I currently have 36 TCD plugins installed and often in use, all of which work perfectly without any issues whatsoever. IME whatever the method may be, no team is above mistakes. It happens. Roll with it. I am thankful for all team efforts and grateful for the opportunity to fully test and use them before purchasing those I absolutely cannot live without, and still I use the debloated nonintrusive cracks instead of officials in most cases. So yeah, TCD is alright in my book :yes:
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  2. DiRG3

    DiRG3 Producer

    Aug 14, 2022
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    Yeah I genuinely miss their releases, they tended to aim for the stuff I'm most interested in as well as being great about timely updates. Many of them are used daily with absolutely zero issues. I truly hope they don't leave forever, That'd be heartbreaking.
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  3. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    It DOES seem TCD is very angry. Just speculating, but considering the demeaning language and threats included, it makes me wonder what might be lurking in those releases...
    Well, as always, back up your stuff...
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  4. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    TCD, if you have access to this:

    Thank you very much for so many great releases. Controversies and criticisms aside, the scene needs teams like you guys!
    Again, and again: Thank you and please keep up the good work! :thumbsup:
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  5. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    maybe by spitting on the face of people who help you for free, you will end up like idiots. learn to unblock software yourself instead of inventing a life for people. deal with your beliefs and your behaviors of spoiled children devoid of any humanity. you take generous people too much for vending machines. some comments deserve slaps, and do not motivate to give you gifts. this is not a football match between megalomaniacs.
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  6. mystdeep

    mystdeep Newbie

    Dec 8, 2022
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    TCD had good releases that also others haven't done, they're a big positive
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2024
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  7. DiRG3

    DiRG3 Producer

    Aug 14, 2022
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    Yeah they did a lot of high quality plugins nobody else did, and I can't stress this enough, they kept updating faster than literally anyone else which was awesome to see, and all the while the stuff more often than not worked even if it wasn't up to the legendary r2r's standards. They were definitely a big net positive in the grand scheme.
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  8. Psychoacoustic

    Psychoacoustic Producer

    Sep 9, 2015
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    It's a crap analogy. Most medical doctors don't actually fix the problem either. For my disease caused disability, I'd be more than greatful for a Rev2 type fix.

    Someone I know has spherocytosis, the medical "solution" was to remove the spleen and he lives just fine.
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  9. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    That wasn't my analogy. I merely quoted R2R and then added mine below it.

    That said. Of course, I wish you well.
  10. ceo54

    ceo54 Producer

    Jan 28, 2019
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    This is the first time I'm reading about TCD releases having issues because whatever released I've used, I never encountered any issue including their Fabfilter release. In the matters of scene, while I appreciate the work of all the teams, I preferred TCD and Bubbix over R2R because their releases being portable and no keygens required.

    I'd be a shame to watch TCD go.
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  11. daval

    daval Ultrasonic

    Nov 8, 2023
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    All i know is TCD's pulsar modular releases were amazing. Always the first when there was an update.
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  12. Kingvrage

    Kingvrage Producer

    Mar 1, 2016
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    I for one appreciate TCD releases. I love what R2R does but the many many keygens are so time consuming when setting up a new machine.
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  13. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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  14. daxy

    daxy Member

    Apr 4, 2022
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  15. robie

    robie Kapellmeister

    Dec 10, 2023
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    I see this situation with TCD a lot differently from the way many of the people here do, at least based on the comments I've read. I don't really think this is an issue related to 'gratitude', or 'free' or not free. I think it has a lot more to do with respect. By that I mean not only respect for the community here that TCD became a part of, but also respect that TCD needs to show more of for themselves and the work that they do.

    I stopped downloading any of the TCD stuff quite awhile back. To me, the issue was that they were putting out so many releases that it was obviously impossible for them to actually be testing them prior to release. They'd need a crew of 100 people to really test the stuff with that level of output. I remember one release awhile back when there was a time bomb with such a loud noise it could have damaged your ears or your speakers. Most people landed on that time bomb within 10 minutes of trying out the release. That told me that TCD couldn't have even tested it for that 10 minutes or they would have found it themselves. That's just not being safe, and it's not showing much respect for the community or themselves. In their nfo's they're more likely to say 'go F yourself' if you don't like it, then acknowledging that they should have really tested it before releasing it.

    Safety, and being careful (or as R2R says, 'keep your machine clean'), has nothing to do with the fact that it's free. Nor does it have anything to do with your level of "gratitude". I'm quite certain that's why R2R called them out for being more concerned with 'quantity than quality'. Also, please don't confuse the example I mentioned with it just being a mistake. A "mistake" would be the one time they forgot to test something. If you're always doing releases without testing, then its not a mistake, it's just the way this group does what they do. I mean, who knows.. one time its maybe you get a speaker blown out, maybe the next time it's your operating system that gets bricked.

    Also, I'm real surprised to see bobdule's comment above. I've always admired bob quite a lot, and have watched the number of times he's come by threads here to explain things about his releases and to teach people how to use them. Bob puts a lot of time and and effort and respect into what he does. He's almost the exact opposite of how TCD does their thing. I don't get this angry response to these concerns. Bobdule always seems to show respect in ways TCD would never even think of doing. There's no price tag on showing respect. It doesn't cost a penny, all you have to do is earn it.

    R2R are like the "elder statesmen" of the scene. They've been around so long, they must have seen 100 different release groups, and individuals who release stuff, come and go. Over a long period of time I've only seen them call out a group very, very rarely. I think there's much to learn from R2R and their experience. They're trying to help and preserve the scene, not damage one group or another. And at this point they certainly don't need to prove themselves to anyone. I'd take it seriously when they call out a group the way they did with TCD. And I haven't even gone into R2R's point about TCD lifting code from other people/groups without giving credit for it. That is also an issue. Groups doing stuff for 'free' doesn't mean you can skip over giving them credit when its due.

    Again, just my opinion. No need to attack if you disagree. We just look at the situation differently.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2024
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  16. Auen Fred

    Auen Fred Rock Star

    Jun 3, 2024
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    tcd is a 1 person team
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  17. stopped

    stopped Platinum Record

    Mar 22, 2016
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    also, something people seem to miss sometimes is that according to scene rules, in order to release something someone else has already released, it is mandatory to state what you're correcting and what others got wrong
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  18. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Man, I don't believe this I was just running in rush over most of the comments and seems that people don't remember a thing.
    First disclaimer, no hate, but facts...

    TCD was part of sister site, like regular member, from where he was banned for a very good reasons, and i believe the thing was because he was very rude to every single user who had rational observing things, without valid reason, even nothing was about him.
    At the time he was releasing once in a blue moon.

    I personally had great clash with him via PM and he was the one attacking me and even was nothing about him, it was about my comment in Nexus 4 thread, again nothing to do with him, and I believe many users from here may know what the issue was with that release
    (dangering the supplier from the side of Team VR)
    Now, TEAM R2R was addressing TCD, because people were silent abour him, and yet like I have said, the greatest hater of Team R2R and their work was exactly he himself, an individual who was completely untrustworthy. People are praising one who actually made me away from sister site, like he was doing on purpose countless releases right after TEAM R2R was released something, just to "burry" them.
    He was always hateful towards them, analyzing their work while he was not benefiting community at all.

    Same was happened with TC Team after calling me out in their info of GA release, for no reason.
    I've had not any interaction with them in single situation but they decided to be rude and hateful with me for no reason, after complaints they got negative comments from users and they simply disappeared from audio scene, that was their last release. Why? Because they were acting "unprofessional" to say in that way. Our comrade Olymoon was aware of that and he was pretty fair with that matter.
    TC TEAM proxy man was doing same thing as TCD, commenting every single release from TEAM R2R, writing come comments with cracking codes etc. bunch of nonsense, for no reason.
    They got on cheating basis thr source code from Team AiR member for eLicenser keygen making one license that covers all of them, license that doesn't exist and which is not properly working, again credits to Team AiR were at bare minimum...
    They were that arrogant!

    To summarize :
    Cracking teams should not behave like that with regular users, we don't need your cursing because you feel yourself entitled to do so, and here is the answer for that from Team R2R, exposing him...
    Sorry TCD, you brought this to yourself, and TEAM R2R knows very well what are your intentions...

    Someone said team PeacOut was mocked by Team AiR at the times, yes it's true, but look now where they are, and then at the time, after short period of time they made a huge progress meaning they were eager to learn proper way not to do things just for the sake of praise.
    Second reason I think RN we don't have people with those skills, maybe some quality individuals will form a new group, as it is in motion, as we can see lately, but it gonna take some time, and TEAM R2R perhaps will retire very soon...

    About Team AiR, they were doing right thing, constructive criticism*, now TEAM R2R is doing the very same thing, while is history in making of warez scene and remember, like Team AiR, Team R2R is far to long on scene and there is no quality people to inherit them in clean, right way...
    It's frustrating seeing revisions after revisions in releases, for two reasons it is spamming sister site, (I don't know who allows that) but looks horrible, whilet
    hey focus on quantity over quality therefore this callout comes especially to TCD.

    Now the best part, every single release from TEAM R2R can be unpacked and investigated and learned basic things like I did, unlike all others are obfuscating their installers which is freaking scary...
    Why is that?
    How one can trust Teams who contains in their installer things which are totally unnecessary and irrelevant to crack itself.
    They will not steal our data or similar, no suspicion on that, but it can screw systems which is lame AF.

    *Still love and Respect for Team AiR, H20 and all other teams from that era!
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2024
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  19. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Cooperation between groups benefits everyone, in the past R2R has offered advice and assistance to help out other release groups, so not quite sure what the basis of this situation and problem really is. So I guess we will have to wait and see how this eventually plays out. It would be a shame if TCD doesn't return to the scene.
  20. DonCaballero

    DonCaballero Producer

    Feb 6, 2016
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    I always appreciated the TCD releases.
    Easy to install, timely updates, and a lot of stuff not released by others. :wink:
    The occasional rev2 or rev3 is worth the trade-off IMO.

    I've supplied a few things and was often surprised at the fast replies. Even when they couldn't crack something I'd get insight into the protection, and advice on who else to send it to.
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