Have Cubase Pro 11 update all instances of a sample after editing?

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by belinea2010, Jun 6, 2021.

  1. belinea2010

    belinea2010 Kapellmeister

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Cubase Pro 11

    I have a kick sample that I am using in a project so it appears many times.

    I want to edit the sample in Soundforge and then have Cubase update all instances of the sample to reflect my editing as importing the edited version and coping it 100+ times seems bad time management.

    I would have though there was a way to update the pool and the instances of the sample but if there is I have not been able to find it?
  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Depends on how you've set it up.
    1. If Cubase uses this exact sample, you don't need to do anything, it will used the edited version, if the name is still the same. When you changed the name Cubase won't find it and reports it when you start the project so you can choose the sample (automtically or manually).
    2. When you told Cubase to import this sample into the media bay, it uses that sample and you need to copy the new one over it.
    3. Worst case scenario, for some reason Cubase made a copy everytime the sample is used. Then you have dozens of BDs with different names while they are on principle all the same.
      Maybe even then deleting all those samples and pointing to the edited version for all of them when you open the project will work.
  4. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    In any DAW each of us has to be very careful not to get ahead of ourselves to the point where we lose track of which file is where we started.
    The below is for 10 &11.. For a start pressing F5 while any audio file is selected in the pool will refresh the pool....next... clicking on name, type etc tab will sort the pool in that order.

    There are two facilities in Cubase I use all the time if I know I may have to drill down many times and edit. "Duplicate" and "Render in place".
    I Duplicate and only work on the duplicate and always select "new" on the Pop-up otherwise it edits all versions that are not new versions unfortunately if you select 'continue'.
    In the duplicate - Either select the entire file and press "P" to set the markers or if only one tiny bit, cut (scissors or range selector) either side and press "P" then Render in place. You can customise where you save it to. I recommend the same folder you have the project in or a sub-folder within. In the Render settings (screenshot highlighted) you can give it a unique name to avoid confusion.

    I then import the render I have saved as a new audio file and delete the duplicate. I then have the original and the rendered is what I work on. Cleaning your pool regularly is a good habit.


    In the pool there are some very useful tools..
    You can remove any files you decided were useless and multiple instances... Play with the menu. when you do remove they are generally in the trash and you can clean that out too or restore them. It's too lengthy for a single post so play with it. It's the best way to learn. Save everything first just in case you do something you did not intend to.

    RE - SOUNDFORGE - Because you have saved the Render-in-place as a unique name, you can import that file you rendered into any audio editor because it resides in the folder you chose on your HDD :) - Cubase is mostly intelligent - I use that term sparingly - For the greater part if you change it in Soundforge or any Audio editor, when you open the project it 'should' say "The file has changed since your last edit....do you want to use the new version?" - I am not going to suggest to you what to do here because only you will know which is the one you want to keep. Keep in mind if you say no you will have the one on the HDD and the one in the pool which may or may not be what you did last. That is why I use A.I, sparingly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2021

    Attached Files:

  5. belinea2010

    belinea2010 Kapellmeister

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Thank you both for your replys which are great, and I really appreciate.

    I'm working on the project again later today and I will give all your kind suggestions a try.

    Thanks again
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2021
  6. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    @belinea2010 - I do not know if you have spent any time working with the snapshot feature in the mix console since Cubase 10?
    I cannot sell that feature enough because it has been requested of Steinberg and overdue for probably 5 version updates.

    Basically, it beats saving different project names to store all your hard work on vst's, settings, faders, groups, buses etc etc...
    So in context, if you are editing samples and they're all in the pool, whichever pool sample is in the snapshot you saved, will be recalled. (If there are several in the pool).

    I have enclosed a link to the online manual.
    It makes the workflow a breeze. You never have to ask yourself "Did I save the last project...what did I call it?" - If you use it because can save 10 completely different mixes, vsts, buses etc etc in a single session/project.
    https://steinberg.help/cubase_pro_artist/v10/en/cubase_nuendo/topics/mixconsole/mixconsole_snapshots_c.html#:~:text=In Cubase, you can save,are saved with the project.

    EDIT: It is worth learning all of the settings in Cubase that you can save. For example the insert chains. It saves all the tweaks you made on a chain of inserts and reloads on call. Put some kind of unique identifier that puts it at the top like a dash or underscore so you know which are yours immediately versus the stock Steinberg chains (which I tend not to use though many people do).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2021
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