Hate is humanity, love a construct, peace is delusionary.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Judge Dredd, Sep 13, 2018.

  1. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Throughout civilisation small groups of humans have survived by merging through victorious conquest or being consumed after defeat. That just how it's been. Everything else, as explained, is a continuation from that, from inter village/tribal warfare, to feudalism to modern nationalism as it continues to this day. And it all comes from a basal human nature for seeking ownership and control of power, resources and wealth.
  2. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I always thought that Judge Dredd would die in a hail of bullets, not sitting alone in Peach Trees block, cutting himself & listening to The Cure!
  3. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    The Creator made the whole universe and everything in it, thus you are subject to Him even if you deny it. This planet is the only one where the created race denies its Creator. He upholds your life in every moment and could take if from you, but He does not. Do you know why?

    So that the obstacles you currently have, within and without, can be resolved successfully in order for you to grow, that you may become a better soul. Not a better human being, but a better soul. The body will pass away shortly and become as if it never was. The soul however will come before God.

    People often blame God for their own mistakes, errors, suffering and confusion. But that is no different to a child blaming everything/everyone else because it got hurt, when the child was at fault. Don't become like that, instead choose wisdom.
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  4. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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  5. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    The answer to the World's problems is watching Elon Musk smoke a blunt on YouTube.

    Getting women out of the workforce again would help a lot.
  6. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

  7. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    Where are the other ones moosh?
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  8. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    First i need a beer!
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  9. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I disagree. My position is that there is only one way for all things to exist, to "be", and that is the survival instinct. Seeking power, domination over others, possessing in excess of your needs are not natural states of thinking for any living thing in Creation. These are deveations from the notrmal state of being and they are learnt. These are the activities that cause the imbalances in our existence. From over-eating and consuming poisons to make yourself ill to over-powering others and hurting them and making them ill in all their forms. The brain may well be involved in processing these activities, but wanting to embrace this negative behaviour is a result of social and religious indoctrination. Learnt, not naturally occurring in any living entity.
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  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    You mean you've never seen the video of those full grown savannah bulls stomping baby lions to death?
    Lion cubs pose no immediate danger to them.. but they go for it anyway, if that isn't an expression
    of strong dislike or "hate" I don't know what you'd call it.. anyway it's one just more lion that won't get
    a chance to eat any of the herd, but it won't stop the cycle.

    An "enlightened" bull should just go ahead and let the cub grow up to eat his grandkids eh ? :winker:
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  11. sparkles

    sparkles Guest

    Seemingly, the "bad" f***s the "good",internally, the orgasms of the "good" embrace everything
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  12. T3NR@

    T3NR@ Producer

    Aug 4, 2017
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    The OP is a perfect product of 19th century psychology where human beings are approached from an angle of mechanics, mostly derived from the work of a man with a heavy cocaine addiction and hidden sexual perversion so intense he created a science around it, the perfect evolutionary step out of catholic sexual repression and shaming. Every argument filled with outside information from established and "proper" sources and education singularly dedicated to producing such a mechanical/digital mind, no inner wisdom, no seeing the truth of causes tied into the effects so clearly pointed out. Any one that believes in such a world knows nothing, remembers nothing about being a child and what the world really is.
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  13. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Apart from those kids born in to famine, in the third world, in war zones or families where they are abused. They must look back on those good old days with a clear understanding of the wonder of childhood... If they survive that is.

    One can't blame 19th century philosophy or the sexual repression for the way man has treated man throughout the ages since he fell out of the trees.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2018
  14. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Or male lions who claim top spot in the pride and then set about killing all the cubs to bring the females into season again so he can spread his dna around.
    Or chimps that band together and attack and kill members of other troops.
  15. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest

    Uranus and Planet of the apes.
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  16. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    If there is some chimp in the clan that is being an "A-hole" they will also gang up on him and beat the ever luvin' shit
    out of him.. he might not die right away... but he'll soon fall out of his tree
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  17. Judge Dredd

    Judge Dredd Guest


    Also, I was just reading nearly 400 people are murdered in SA each week. Not much love and peace there, then. Add that to all cases around the world and it's not looking good for Humanity being great. That doesn't even take into account all the abuse and violence people put each other through. I say humanity kind of sucks donkey balls.

    Then I thought about all the wars through our history and the numbers of death they've caused. I found a wiki on it. Just look at the numbers quoted.

    Being hippy dippy about it and wanting to live in the land of rainbows and unicorns is one thing, but denying reality to get there, well, each to their own.
  18. sparkles

    sparkles Guest

    dedicated to all of us ,big ups brothers n sisters
  19. sparkles

    sparkles Guest

    To be honest this got me
  20. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I hit a point in midlife that i realized I had become cynical. A weird coincidence made me open my eyes to life again. And I realized i'd passed a judgment on life... And I began to wonder about many things...everything. So I began to study more and try to understand what was real, and who I could trust in what matters and to what degree.
    And I began to understand that all the terrible things I'd seen about life were true.
    All the suffering, waste, cruelty and injustice ... all those things i saw were true.
    I simply hadn't seen enough.
    I thought I had "seen it all", but with the eyes I had I did not see. My eyes were not really open.

    To have a "world-view" is inescapable for all of us. Even an infant has a world-view.
    But it is not how the world IS, and only how we FEEL, and from that, all the reasons WHY we feel how we do.
    Justifications, rationalizations ... there is enough evidence to justify any kind of feelings.
    Certainly how we feel about life is highly influenced by what we know of it, and our logical and rational evaluation triggers certain emotions, but overall we will be dominated and raped by our emotions ..made to look like a fool on the internet because we say "LIFE IS" , instead of simply how we FEEL about it.
    If we could become as children again, we would see what fools we often are because of what we no longer see..what our brains by necessity of evolution disregard as irrelevant. Fast for 3 days and "life" becomes hell. Eat light for 12 hours and then have a substantial meal. You then think life is heaven.
    Anyone who thinks they can say what life is, or what people are, or any grand generalization of that sort, in a paragraph, or a book or even a library is just being arrogant or ignorant or both.
    We may only say how we feel, and give our pathetic justifications.
    Withhold final judgment..
    We are going to have our world-views, but at least we can be aware of what they really are.
    Even in my reply here I see so many generalizations and judgments ... it is unavoidable, and we have to say (or think, at least) SOMETHING about "how things are", but make as few generalizations as possible... and more importantly, withhold final judgments. Due to our limitations, every judgment can only BE tentative.
    We must act, so we must judge, and often quickly. And often, right or wrong actually doesn't matter, so long as we survive, but when it comes to presenting an "intellectual" judgment ... on the internet ... we all play the fool.[/QUOTE]
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2018