Hardware Synths & Grooveboxes (<~ 600 €)

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by jack, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    i'm tweaking sounds with software since a couple of years. First i had only a midikeyboard, now i have a e-piano. But i think it would be nice to have more hardware. The first thing is that I used much demo-software and in the early past i often think about to buy some software. But i'm not sure about that, i guess it could be a better solution to buy hardware. I know there are top-producers which only use software. But i don't mind that much. I think it is another kind of working with sound. With some Softsynths i like(d) to play with others i only switch during those thousand of presets. And i often asked my self aren't there any presets that realy sound like a synth. I think there are realy much unusable sounds. Also some synth don't invite you to play with those parameters. One thing in the past i didn't like also, was that some soundbanks havn't been sorted (this could be sometimes interesting but more often it sucks). But some software devolopers like NI have changed that. I know some hardware have sorted soundbanks too. When you don't use a controller midikeyboard it is a strange kind of limiting. And i'm limited to that. So i could buy such a keyboard - but then i have three keyboards and only one is making sound. SO this is another reason for me too buy a hardware synth.

    But which Synth should i buy? Would it help you when i tell you which Softsynths i prefer!?

    Microkorg, Korg R3, Roland Gaia, Waldorf Blofeld, Dave Smith Mopho/Tetra, Moog Minitaur & Audio Plugiator and some more are in the price range and most of them i could test in a store. But there is one synth i found interesting which cost a little bit more is korg radias. As you can see on the title i'm looking also for a hardware groovebox. And this product is a groovebox and a synth. So i guess i could be a could solution too.

    On the grooveboxmarket there are less products (in the price range) to choose from. I have worked with that synth based electribe and it made much fun. But i think i would prefer the samplebased on. Are there any other good grooveboxes which could load samples?

    May you have one of this synth or grooveboxes and could tell my about the strength and there weaks; Things i shouldn't accept from the workflow with hardwaresynths or other thing to take care if you change from soft- to hardware.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    As You don`t mention the MIGHTY Native Instruments MASCHINE, I would suggest giving Her a look over.

    Were I to have the £$€`s, I think that is were My hard earned would go. *yes*
  4. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    So you like it/her?
    I just spent a short time with it. Could be a nice solution (even if i don't found the system logical or easy to understand) but it's only a hybrid. And i think for a first invest i would prefer a hardwaresynth.

  5. staymunch

    staymunch Newbie

    Nov 21, 2011
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    i've been in the same situation you're in now, i would suggest staying with software i went out and bought a couple grooveboxes only to find there pretty much out dated, overpriced and sound pretty bad... i ended up selling them and just sticking with soft synths
  6. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    Doesn't sound good ;)

    Could you please tell me which grooveboxes you bought? And sorry for those may stupid questions but what do you mean with out dated? And have you tested these grooveboxes before you bought them?
    And how about the workflow - don't you prefer to work with a hardwaregroovebox?

  7. staymunch

    staymunch Newbie

    Nov 21, 2011
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    I bought a korg emx-1 and a roland mc505

    the korg was good, great work flow etc the sounds you could make though were average i found my self using massive more and more and the korg less and less lol it was a fun little box to play with however.

    now onto the mc505 i seriously hate this thing the interface is terrible and the sound quality was awful lol it made me wanna kill myself when i tried to use it hahaha

    and by out dated i mean its out dated lol u can do so much more with software for so much less cash and get as good if not better sound than most hardware synths.

    and as i said about the workflow the korg was good and intuitive but the rolland sucked. i guess it just depends on the manufacturer.

    i thought at the time i would prefer the hard ware groove box to work with but found for my needs i was wrong i'm now plenty happy with my computer mouse and ableton lol
  8. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Sorry to hear that Maschine didn`t float Ya boat Jack.

    I do not, nor have I tried the hardware, but I sure do LOVE the software.

    I think a definite bonus with any NI product is the amount of easy to find tutorials for pretty much ALL of their products.

    Add to this the GREAT integration with all of the other AMAZING NI software, ie: Kontakt, Massive, FM8, Reaktor, etc, and I personally would be OVERJOYED with ownership.

    Obviously, You are better qualified to comment having used the Hardware, as ever, this is just My very humble opinion.

    Best of luck with the hunt Bro. It would be cool for You to keep Us updated with Your findings. :wink:
  9. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    Thanks for your feedback.

    I guess you use massive ensemble!? Do think you would use korg esx still more if u would have it!? It was the emx i could play for some hours - and i thought (also) nice forkflow.

    Hmm yes may you can do more with software but do you realy feel more comfortable with it?

    May i havn't checked out maschine long enough.

    I like NI's stuff too. And the price for complete is good - if you buy single licenses or from another brand you may get only 3 Synths for it.

    You are right i should decide if i should use hard- or/and software. If i'm going to buy hardware i'm pretty sure i will still stay with software too. But i don't know if the hardware would really bring that wanted features as better workflow e.g. speed, direct connection, security. I think one important feature of the hardware should be a recall-function and it should also work good with the DAW. Newer (if the are cheap or not) synths seems to have a more elegant way to act > USB & editorsoftware. Found out there is one Korg synth that works as a "plugin" in your DAW - but i'm not sure how all that works and where the difference is. I think coming from software - where you could copy your synth (as often your CPU..) - you may should think about the timbres. That is what i have founded / still asking myself.

    May some of you have other aspects!?

    I think next should / would be testing some synths.


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