Hardware is dead long live the computer

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Mono_Byte, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. We all do the best we can do with the tools at our disposal. We have come a long way in regards to the science of recording technology, moving away from the analogue realm and more towards mimicking "reality" and new ways of understanding how we both create and listen to vibrating air. Finances often dictate what is possible, as Pipotron3000 says, but the bottom line to me is, if you can afford that ms20 and you feel it is important for your process go ahead and pop for it. Subtle differences might not be heard or appreciated by the listener using the ear buds supplied with their an iPhone or listening through their laptop speakers, but to the artist making the best they can muster from the tools in hand, be it with either analogue or software that emulates the hard gear, it can make a world of difference. The only thing that counts in the end for us the artist is the knowledge that we have birthed something novel, unique and never before heard, that we infused our very soul in that which we have offered up to the universe, just ourselves or to a listening public. Everything else is just cake, and I'll have a cup of coffee with that if you please, a little sugar, hold the cream.
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