Hard Drive getting mysteriously filled up in the background.

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Third World Kid, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    but you have to be careful because when you use Cipher all that deleted data will never be restored or recover again cause Cipher it will deleted all that data you deleted before

    Cipher you have to let work till the end & never interrupt it

    STEP 1 :


    STEP 2 :

    Let it Finish on its own , cause when Cipher end the process it will exit on it's own
    by the way you will notice that your drive it will completely full at first don't worry
    just let it complete the process
    after that you will notice that your drive will gain more space
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2015
  2. Third World Kid

    Third World Kid Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    Okay thanks Mr. Amine. The caution you have given is duly noted. I will do this when I get home so that I can take my time and avoid errors.
  3. Mr_Amine

    Mr_Amine Rock Star

    Mar 25, 2014
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    and there is one more important thing : when the process end try to shut down your PC for at least 1 hour or less depend on your machine , because this process make the hard drive C° Goes up so by giving your PC a little time to cool down that will be good
    good luck :like:
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2015
  4. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    i ran across this in another forum. maybe it will be useful to you:

    I had a similar problem with my SSD. I upgrade from a 128GB to a 256GB.. and had roughly 175GB free..
    A few months later my drive is in the red. With no reason for it. I cleared the hibernation file and manually set the paging file which gave me back about 30GB.
    The next day 15GB had disappeared again.

    I check the drive properties and it said it was only using about 80GB..
    WinDirStat also confirmed that the usage was only around 80GB.

    After playing around and looking around i found that the problem was with the Windows Search indexing file, that was located in

    Someone suggested running the WinDirStat as administrator, which I did and it finally showed that the indexing file "Windows.edb" was the culprit.

    Rebuilding the search index solved the problem and recovered 150GB of space.

    To rebuild the search index in Windows 8.1 search for "Indexing options" and click on Advanced. Under the troubleshooting section, click rebuild.

    Within 5 seconds of clicking rebuild, all my space had returned.

    Hope that helps someone!​
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  5. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Hi there Third World Kid,
    next time please don't use capitalized letters on thread title, one would assume you're shouting. :)
    I've also thought of better title for you, 100% free, tax-deducible service by Andrew. :disco:
    Try to come up with something spot on next time too, it's hard I know, but you'll get better over time. :wink:

  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    1. First thing you should do is download and install MalwareBytes and clean the OS with it. - https://www.malwarebytes.org/
    2. run cmd.exe from the start/run menu and run chkdsk /f C:
    3. restart OS
    4. run CCleaner and clean everything, registry too.
    5. restart OS
    6. I would check the indexing database file that realitybytez mentioned. I always disable indexing in Windows so I don't encounter that problem, ever. I suggest you to do the same, especially on computers used for audio/video editing. Just disable the indexing service in "services".
    7. defrag your hard disk [if not SSD]
    8. enjoy your cleaner and faster OS

    I charge 20 euro for that. :rofl:
    Cheers! :mates:

    P.S. if your hard disk is SSD, forget about defragmenting it! But check disk [chkdsk] is alright and very advisable to use.
    P.S.2 "cypher" is absolutely useless for your problem. btw you have a "disk wiper" like that in CCleaner if you need one. It's not bad to wipe free space, but if you have SSD I wouldn't recommend it.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2015
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  7. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    empty the recycle Bin, if you don't ! They stay in memory on your HD
  8. CousinKeiron

    CousinKeiron Newbie

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Check your system restore and see how much percentage the hard drive uses to store restore points. If it has a high percentage, it could be making backup copies of your files from keeping it safe in case you catch a terrible malware like CryptoWall which encrypts all your files from you using them. And If you don't have a external hard drive for your audio production work, I'll advise you to invest in one. I recently bought the Toshiba Canvio Basics 1TB portable hard drive. I keep all my Kontakt Libraries, Kits, Loops, stems, recordings, and more on.
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