Hans Zimmer Strings/Spitfire Audio New Engine - Review!

Discussion in 'Software Reviews and Tutorials' started by phloopy, Jul 14, 2018.

  1. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    You judge Daniel James based on a 110 sec. extract of a 5 hour long review and focus on his linguistic behavior - seriously an amazing efford and an interesting angle to this issue you offer us!!
  2. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I think the behaviour of Spitfire is a great example of how one (spitfire) is able to destroy his name in a short time.
    Not this "first look" * does impair their reputation but their reaction.
    I think Hans Zimmer is pressing spitfire massively in the background (lawyers/damages?) and his overbloated ego is the problem. In the meantime he's actually thinking about himself he's a musical genious, and any criticism in his eyes is lese majesty.

    With one word: awkward.

    *When this is a first look, I'm really in fear of a "closer look" :rofl:
  3. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    You have a point vladdrac but that doesn´t change the fact the library (HZ strings/SFA) seems to suck regarding the review from Daniel James - have you tested the library yourself and have you watched the full review?
  4. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    If the product was great, there would be no reason to "harass them". The product was not great, and if they makers cannot accept that, they are becoming as bad as East West.
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  5. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Said with a very few words :like:
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
  6. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    i hope u do know, there is no way to resell their libraries, and there is NO DEMO Version !

    No Resale of Products. For the avoidance of doubt, you are granted a personal non-transferable licence to use the Products solely for your own personal use. Products are for use only as described hereunder and must not be shared with or given or transferred to any third party or uploaded to any file sharing site or offered for resale or public transmission unless mixed into your own original music productions. The licence granted to you is effective only from the date you download, install or use the Product(s) (whichever is earliest) and such licence will remain in force until terminated by Spitfire Audio as a result of any breach by you of this Agreement.
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  7. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    Daniel James is an honest person, i watched abt 100 hrs of his videos. He bought an 799$ Library which sucks hard due to various reasons (they admitted bugs in LEGATO mode) and he cant even resell it. How would you react?
    Ok he bought at a special early adopter price at 599 i think.
  8. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Yes, I've watched the 5-hour stream (I guess I have no life lol) and couldn't agree less that the "library sucks". The production company I work for bought a copy and I used it in my last gig. No it's not the bombastic sound you would expect from Hans out of the box but it does not suck. You can make it sound epic if you put some effort instead of going online and try to make a case by nitpicking the most stupid things. You have tons of microphone options and control available. Use them to your advantage, including the "pointless bottle microphone" which works wonders for sub. The tone is gorgeous. It's not perfect and pisses me off to pay the big bucks for an unfinished product (legato) but overall the library does NOT suck. Stop repeating words you read online like a parrot without even playing the actual instrument. That's silly.

    Regarding Daniel being honest or not, I didn't even know the guy before but he made so much noise in the past few months that it was hard to ignore it. I guess he got what he wanted: free publicity. A little research in this particular case would show you a few facts:

    • He used to get free libraries from Spitfire but not anymore.
    • Zimmer Strings and the new player were ANNOUNCED and he immediately started spreading FUD without knowing specifics.
    • Spitfire cleared any misconceptions regarding the library/player BEFORE releasing it. Any sane person thinking about throwing $600 at the screen, would at least go to the product's website and read the fucking notes. Everything was there: size of ensemble, articulations list and microphone options, functionalities of the new player, etc. There was not a tiny bit of doubt regarding what you were getting for $600. Taming your own expectations and dealing with reality seems to be a problem nowadays.
    • Daniel kept spreading FUD to the point of challenging Spitfire for a "video-off". Lol it's all about those sweet views, isn't it? Spitfire ignored him (lol again).
    • You don't have to be a genius to know where this is going, right?
    • The library was released, Daniel did his "first look" video and all hell broke loose.
    • That went for weeks until one of the Spitfire owners and Zimmer himself showed up to defend their product (rightfully so)
    • Daniel pushed those guys so hard that everything they would say next could be interpreted as an attack on Daniel's right of having an opinion. Now he plays the victim until he gets an apology from them lol It was surreal.
    • Fast forward a few weeks...
    • Spitfire announces the new free Labs.
    • Daniel accuses them of fraud out of the blue without a single shred of evidence (it's fucking charity)
    • That shit backfires and he's prohibited of talking about Spitfire at VI-Control ever again. LOL Achievement unlocked.
    • He cries all over social media, playing the victim after trying to ruin Spitfire's image and business.
    • He goes as low as claiming mental issues, suicidal thoughts, yet another desperate attempt of manipulation now that he was cornered. It works.
    • VI-Control owner lifts his ban and everybody sings Kumbaya.

    That's pretty much it. Knowing all of this, it's hard to not see how biased Daniel's "opinion" actually is in this particular matter. He was butthurt that Spitfire didn't give him a free copy of the library and ignored his emails. He may even have some valid points that get clouded by all the noise and unfair methods. Amateur hour.

    Spitfire should focus on fixing their libraries instead of giving attention to some Internet drama queen.

    Holy shit that's 10 minutes I will never get back.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
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    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    I think that you are the only who biased here. This library is epic fail. And yes, most of those mics are useless, that's for sure. Not bc "I'm amateur", but bc it how it works in our days - everyone use different libs and different reverbs. It would've been much better if they added more art-s instead of all those mics. And this their "great new engine", it's total f_cked up. I thought that they will make a better sampler, which will adopted for their samples in some way, but instead we got an ugly and clunky clon of Kontakt.
    Btw bottle mic isn't good for sub, he even tried to use it for sub.
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  10. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I did not follow the whole video I must confess and never will. But the parts I saw I found the author not to be too hostile against Spitfire.
    What I do find is, a big company or a big player like Spitfire/Zimmer didn't make a good job keeping this thing small as it deserves to be kept. Just bad management.
    I agree, the lib doesn't really suck.
    But a lib worth $800 (!!!) must be a universe better than "library does NOT suck".
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  11. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    If you´re able to do a comment like that in 10 minutes I´ll suggest that you are considering a career as a telegraphist or stenographer - you obviously have a talent :yes: - just jokin!

    You have a few point I can agree with (in your 10 min. comment) but basically I see/read you arguments as a pure defense for SFA/HZ latest release and pursues Daniel James exactly the same way as they do.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
  12. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Totally agree with DJ on his criticism. The funny thing is, they are butthurt over these comments when it seems that he enjoys the product as a whole and is satisfied with it. He just dared to give a fair and balanced review with the pros and cons.

    How dare he cricitize the high and mighty SP audio?

    Glad I pirated most of the SP audio stuff I have, if this is how they behave...
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