Hans Zimmer Strings/Spitfire Audio New Engine - Review!

Discussion in 'Software Reviews and Tutorials' started by phloopy, Jul 14, 2018.


    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    It's not their house, it's a forum. It even wasn't on their fb and/or twitter page.

    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    It's funny, bc the library use non-Kontakt engine. But the rest of their libs still on Kontakt...
    Anyway, it's very destructive behaviour. Imagine if Toyota or any other car producer have done the same. It's unacceptable.
  3. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    The disturbing thing is, it's not their land. VI Control is a longstanding community forum for virtual instrument composers. He posted on there, and having been a site sponsor previously, Spitfire seem to have expressed their displeasure to the site who have then seemingly been paid to censor him, in effect. Pretty disturbing and raises concern over the legitimacy of any product review on their site now in my eyes.
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  4. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    I skipped the part where VI Control was mentioned, my bad ( and I have / had also no idea what VI Control is or was )

    anyway - and for the sake of digressing - what Phloopy said about the owner of realtone is interesting... it confirms a (good?) commercial strategy and the fact that some people out there are not here for the love of Art :)

    LALALA Kapellmeister

    Oct 26, 2015
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    Do you understand that it's not just a marketing, it's a form of concealment, and it's also an oppression(yean, I know how it sounds, but when you're trying to shut someone up, while he done nothing wrong, it's oppression). And again, pay attention to a "car example". Imagine if someone like Toyota will pay to MSM and to all kinds of forum owners to hide fact that brakes on 1/3 of their cars aren't work properly and could lead to accidents; and if something have happened, they will push an argument that "it's your fault, you're just another bad and clunky driver". Really, after all these dirty and ugly shit, I just want to sey "Fu_ck you spitfire".
    And the funny part is fact that if they would've apologized, said users that they'll find a way to meet their needs and concerns about the library, it wouldn't have hurt them as hard as this dumb move with censorship.

    Btw this stuff with Toyota really happened and they just withdrew all cars and compensated everything for buyers(if I remember correctly, it was something around 250k cars).That how it works.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
  6. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Censorship at VI Control? Thats sad... I visit there every now and then and have found the forums(fora) to be very educative and full of useful insights...

    This throttling of honest opinion is uncool though... Guess i should cease visiting their reviews section all together...
  7. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    i was a witness of the whole story, i watched the 5 hrs stream 3 months ago, and went to VI Control and read the whole thread when they ganked on Daniel. It was Paul, the owner of Spitfire and even Hans Zimmer went into it with his fakename. And at once the Zimmer/Spitfire FANboys teared Daniel apart, who, compared to most of them is sucessfull in the business. Its all abt envy.
    I dont want to start a discussion abt the "geniosity" of Zimmer and all these "composers", it would be the same question like how complex is EDM? I am a Jazznerd since late 60s, u maybe know what i think.
    Btw there was a french composer who was expelled there too, because he doubted Zimmer could arrange a big Jazzpiece. He made a website to show how this Hollywood System works. Many "unknown composers" actually do the work. But everybody thinks Zimmer is the Genius. He gets the credits, but he is just a very good salesperson.
    Interesting enough i know now Daniel James as a person, defending himself for abt 2 weeks in lots of threads, so i took his side because it was UNFAIR to gank on him.
    He got severe damage from the whole story, watch the latest streams at Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/videos/279973174.
    This whole DRAMA was NOT abt the library it was abt: how dare u critizising Spitfire, who give out free copies to reviewers but NOT to Daniel. Because he is not predictible (u know what i mean). He critized em before.
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  8. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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    The only reviewer you can trust are your ears.
  9. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Ow wow very useful info. I honestly also thought this library was going to be "super epic massive loud mega bombastic explosions" kind of strings. Very surprised that is not what it is.
  10. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    I'd be interested to know more about this, do you have a link ? ( to share or in PM if you can )

  11. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    the french composer was mentioned in this VERY long thread, i had to seach for him too and read all his accusations against Zimmer and the Hollywood composer Mafia. He might have taken it down, believe me, he was REALLY pissed, Daniel was very politely and a gentleman and pulled back. He explains it on his 2nd July stream. I try to find this Zimmer Hate website, give me some time pls.
    In the meantime i just googled and found this interesting website:
    in my personal opinion Zimmer is the Dieter Bohlen of film music, german musicians understand exactly what i mean. He is very successful and the media is sucking his d....
    in the meantime the 1000s of educated composers who went through 20 Years of education get no jobs.
    Listening to music since 1965 i know Life aint fair to great musicians.
    Any regular Rick Beato watchers know this also, if not, go watch his channel at YT.

    here the whole Videocast of Daniel in 2 minutes
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
  12. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I might agree with you but there's a thin and blurry line between this and democracy / freedom of speech, and this is called dictatorship.
  13. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I would say that this is the opposite. They have a lot of excellent libraries (among those, the symphonic ones of course) and a few crap. If it was the other way around I don't think they would be able to survive with such prices. Obviously, the quality is here and this is what justify their premium prices.
  14. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    I'll be grateful if ever you find it ( what you call the "hate" website ). not that I like the hate much, but to see what the guy has to tell about the business side, saying his insights are legit.

    this (these) industry ( industries : Hollywood, the music business, etc.. ) needs and works with leading figures.
    either they comply, or there's thousands of them out waiting in line. And to "comply" requires hard work and dedication, despite what it looks

    but it's a long debate, and I don't want to add to the already "the world is unfair" rhetorics

    looking to hear from you :mates:

  15. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    This is all about opinions and I´ll moderate mine a little...... Spitfire Audio has too many expensive shite libraries in their shop, support is really poor and updates comes very seldom.

    Basically I think the problem is that Spitfire Audio now has such a reputation they can get away with nearly anything and all too many ppl believe that Spitfire = quality which is far from the truth.

    I dont base my jugdement on hate comments etc - I base it on the fact I´ve tested loads of their libraries and the fact I´ve bought quite a few myself.

    There´s this tendensy at Spitfire Audio to create an image of themself as the intellectual boys in the schoolyard and at the same time as the neighbor's nice and ordinary son... in the sentense they alway use when the promovate yet another magic library: "Hi there, I´m Poul Thomson from Spitfire Audio" - presentations/walkthroughts!
    I really dislike that double attitude towards costumers!

    I don´t hate SFA I just think they´re pretty overrated and so keen to take the lead in the business they simply forget who is paying for the party* (*read: the costumers).

    If you take other Kontakt Lib Devs (just a few) like SonicCouture, Embertone, Fluffy. They always support their releases with care and relevant updates and quick feedback from costumers. AND AS IMPORTENT: they dont bully people that criticize their work!
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
  16. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    @ black bounty
    i am sure they deleted most threads mentioning him, but his name was "headshot" in VI control and i found more about him here
    Also here https://vi-control.net/community/threads/why-do-we-all-have-to-be-zimmer-clones.60141/
    Another french composer doxed him ? https://vi-control.net/community/th...to-be-zimmer-clones.60141/page-6#post-4059036

    btw: Hans Zimmer posts under the name "rctec" and its really him.
    Here HEADSHOTS Forum:
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
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  17. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Watch this:

    And this:

    Zimmer and VI-Control members were EXPOSED by Headshot. His forum http://www.modernity-sucks.com/viewforum.php?f=32 is quite enlightening. Hans is a bully who let everyone at VIC gank up on Headshot for questioning something Hans knew was a big fat lie. He can't write convincing big band music even if his life depended on it! So he pays the RCP minions to do the hard work and takes all the credit as usual.

    And VI-COntrol owner makes moderation decisions based on who's advertising there or who's famous and bring traffic to his forum. Don't you dare speaking the truth and question Spitfire or hans Zimmer. Insta-ban!

    Daniel James does for the views. He stopped receiving free libraries from Spitfire and all the sudden started to harass them. It's an act in my opinion and I can see it from a mile away.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
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  18. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    well, to me if that short video segment is representative of the rest of the "review" then the reviewer looks like a simple fool
    to review a strings library with all that ridiculous d%cking and f&cking is just showing off for his "followers", at the expense of the product. no wonder they banned him!

    some people tend to see obnoxious behaviour as a sort of "true sayers", to me 99% of the times I hear of someone being "political incorrect" it ends just showing to be the epithet for some regular common d!ck
  19. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I´ve actually watched (more like listen to) the full 5 hours video and Daniel James has a lot of good reflections on Hans Zimmer Strings and SFA's new engine - imho.

    Bullying Daniel James for this review just tells me that:
    Hans Zimmer/Spitfire Audio/Mike Green apparently is an unhealthy combination if the debate is to be open and free - especially when it comes to SFA and HZ products!

    Btw: I can recommend Daniel James reviews in general - they´re superb!!
  20. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I agree with the thread Author that Spitfire Audio is unpredictable. Yes they do have some good libraries but it is like buying anything:
    If every second one is shite, it is pretty hard to trust in that product.
    I am sure this probably has some great things in it and based on the review which is mixed, some of the sounds are good to anyone\s ears. In terms of cost versus size versus playability versus quality nobody can truly be honest unless they try it for themselves.

    I am pretty confident that everyone at least once, has tried a sound-set that was not given great reviews and loved it. I am neither supporting this or refuting it. I think the only way to find out is to try it but with the physical download size whetehr full or demo if one is available, I cannot imagine it is something people will rush out to try, even though I believe Spitfire is using Zimmer's name to capitalize on sales rather than quality. Of course Zimmer will do nothing but support it, he has his name on it. Logical really.