Hans Zimmer`s best score/soundtrack (vote)

Discussion in 'Music' started by Von_Steyr, Jul 16, 2016.


Which is Zimmer`s best score?

  1. Rain Man

  2. Days of Thunder

  3. The Lion King

  4. Crimson Tide

  5. The Rock

  6. Gladiator

  7. The Last Samurai

  8. Pirates of the Carribean

  9. Batman Trilogy

  10. Inception

  11. Interstellar

  12. 12 years a slave

    0 vote(s)
  13. Batman V Superman

  14. the Thin Red Line

  15. Pearl Harbor

  16. Backdraft

    0 vote(s)
  17. Black Rain

    0 vote(s)
  18. Madagascar

    0 vote(s)
  19. The little Prince

    0 vote(s)
  20. The Fan

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    music comes in to save the movie being dramatic, or completely destroy it by tilting on the neutral or comedy side

    Yeah, I think that music is more important than teh Zimmer fan-club (Zimmerbots?) seem to think. I mean, they don't seem to have heard of musicals, for example! Anyway, I shud prolly start a topic or two, but I barely have the energy atm!

    i remember having the ability to cooperate with the video editor and build an action scene for example on music

    Yeah, we did that kinda shit all the time when I was in college, just making "music videos" telling some crazy action trope based on lame muzak we'd done, ftl. It was unusual 2 have the direction and editing kinda "performed" by the music, but it worked. More than the hospital-trolley, bad-lighting dystopia theme did :) I think I remember them doing something like that on the low-budget, unheard-of flick Guardians of the Galaxy, having the music played on headphones 2 the actors. But music shud rly remain just a quaint, nostalgic afterthought; emotional feedback is irrelevant in a film costing $200m, right? There just isn't the space... in space >__>

    I am glad you offered some examples of what you consider to be "memorable" film music... the "white keys" type of composing you have been decrying... (whadafug????)

    Actually, u deliberately mistook my intent, u sly dog. I was giving examples of small, indie flicks; u said there was "no space" for music in them, 2 defend Zimmer and his no-music philosophy of film scoring. You also seem 2 equate something being "memorable" with it having innate quality. Not necessarily. But: throwing an irrelevant wall of text again? Well I think we know, now, why u admire Hans Zimmer - u Zimmerbots love quantity over quality, as I said (what seems) like years ago!

    Fury Road. Junkie XL literally owes his whole career to eating the scraps...(etc)

    Guess that is what makes u Zimmerbots feel big, eh?

    Im sure you can provide us with your material and shool us the way its supposed to be done,eventually the teacher has to show his pupils an example so they can learn

    U mean u haven't read my posts in this topic, after all? :D Maybe u just didn't understand them! I know for a fact Claudeykins didn't :P
  2. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    You are full of surprises- "..was in college..", I thought for sure you were 12-14 years old.


    PS - The reference to Junkie XL is that he is just the latest in a long line of established composers that Hans has created opportunity for, in my mind elevating him above most other composers of his generation and deserving of credit for doing more with his time than just making music/money.

    Also "white keys" refers to "D-minor" music that you kept mentioning.
  3. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    Btw Junkie did a great job with Don Davis for the Matrix revolutions (or was it reloaded?)
  4. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    tw Junkie did a great job with Don Davis for the Matrix revolutions

    I don't think I saw those films but I know that JunkieXL has been writing music 4 beards, long b4 I'd heard of Teh Frame, even.

    I thought for sure you were 12-14 years old

    U realise that "12-14" year olds can go to college, right? Maybe if they're talented enough...

    Also "white keys" refers to "A-minor" music

    U realise that Am is not the only scale that uses white keys, right? Maybe if ur experienced enough...

    Junkie XL is that he is just the latest in a long line of established composers that Hans has created opportunity for

    THat's one way of looking at it. Another, more accurate, way is that Teh Frame is not beneath latching on to any passing (credible?) musician to do his (D) minor work for him. A parasite, if u will. A Salieri.

    Anyway, I think that about wraps it up. In closing, the real problem u Zimmerbots have is that Teh Frame is the emblem of a decline in even the ambition of people (execs) looking at music as an art-form. Soundtracks are now an "experience", something lazy, noteless and formless and soulless; something irrelevant and best forgotten. Emotional feedback will now be just ensuring that all 10,000 Dolby channels play sub-bass loudly enough for the audience to piss, shit and puke simultaneously. This has the added advantage of increased popcorn, Coke and adult diaper sales. Since Zimmer has shares in all three (and famously wears an adult diaper when composing) he will likely be a multi-billionaire, before long. This is the true mea$ure of a musician; stretching from Mozart up to Bernie Worrell.

    By hyping something so lacklustre and colorless as Teh Frame, u contribute 2 a malaise that has set in. A laziness, where using VSTis and samples is becoming Hollywood shorthand for phoning it in; where we'll all soon have 2 use the Zimmer Frame: writing bland muzak in D-minor, LCD and forgettable. Being forced to write muzak that consists solely of the kind of crap we aimlessly noodle, when previewing Omnisphere synth patches. So long as it's in D-minor. We shud never promote the likes of Hans Zimmer here, there or anywhere, not if we have any sense or feeling. It should be against the rules. Like making topics promoting Donald Trump, who has had a similar contribution to ideas, culture and hairstyle.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2016
  5. ClaudeBalls

    ClaudeBalls Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Funny you ended on Trump.

    Your debating/commenting style is a clone of his. A few misused catch phrases backed with a bunch of ignorance, stupidity and insolence.

    Do the internet a favor and chop off your fingers in a dull paper cutter.

    Thank you.
  6. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
    Likes Received:
    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    Man this threat started being annoying.I remember @Von_Steyr asked what OST we prefer.Now it's a battle!No thanx.I'm out :banned:
  7. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    A nice thread turned into rambling for no reason.

    @Von_Steyr! Today industry standard IS Mr. Hans whether it is trailer music or film until tomorrow someone so innovative comes with a new ideology. All other be them very skilled and extremely talented are of zero use if whatever they do is not in demand. However we all respect them and they are the men of their craft just like Hans. The word "epic" in film industry is synonymous with "Hans" no matter how much you cry rivers. No offence but if one failed to differentiate the difference between say abstract art and fauvism styles of painting, he is not an artist and should not be taken seriously.