Good place to sell rare DJ vinyl's?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by terrific!, Jul 7, 2022.

  1. terrific!

    terrific! Guest

    Wondering wheres a good spot to sell some special DJ vinyl? Ideally I want to offer it up worldwide rather than only where I am located because people around here dont know diddly crap about dance music and wont appreciate the extreme rarity of these. What do you guys think?
  3. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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  4. terrific!

    terrific! Guest

    Yeah its kind of a grey area. Without going into too much detail, I dont want this thread to come off like a sales pitch, these will be the prize possessions of someones collection no doubt. I'm trying to find some good alternatives to ebay and Discogs.
  5. terrific!

    terrific! Guest

    Thanks, you guys are awesome! :beg:
  6. chuckens

    chuckens Ultrasonic

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Slightly off topic but, I helped my friend open a Record store just before lock-down! Glad to report it's still open & doing well!
    Anyway you should DL the Discogs app and Scan your collection. If they have a barcode that's much less work. You need to check the etching between the label and end of the record for the serial number. After all that then you will know how much they are worth at least.
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