Going to Dubspot!

Discussion in 'Education' started by euxyh103, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Feonix

    Feonix Newbie

    Feb 23, 2012
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    Please do yourself a favor -- do not be stupid and spend 11-grand going to DubSpot. I know where it is; I've lived in New York for over 20 years. It's on 14th street next to 9th ave. Let me explain something to you: I'm a music producer for a major label. Last year I co-produced one of the biggest hits in the world and I also do many commercials. I didn't learn by going to school or needing a mentor. I simply got over the fact that I have to do shit myself and went on YouTube every single night before bed to watch tutorials. I learned by reading publications from Sound On Sound and subsrcibing to DesigningSound.org. Please don't ever, EVER think that you can't do something on your own. With $11,000 you can get yourself a decent desktop, some great speakers and a soundcard with some very decent mic pres. I know the last thing you want to hear is someone quash your dreams on going to DubSpot. Believe me when I tell you -- they will absolutely not teach you anything you don't know (if you're already using Cubase, you probably know something since Ableton is a lot easier to use than Cubase). I myself, am a Cubase 7.5 user. I learned Ableton in 2-fucking weeks and you absolutely can, too. What they won't teach you at DubSpot (that they will in the real-world), are things such as working with songwriter's; re-producing beats; extensive sound-design (Max/MSP/CDP/SuperCollider/etc.) and most of all -- how to deal with people in the industry. With $11,000, my friend -- you're best bet is to move out to Hollywood like I did. Get yourself a roommate and apply as an intern at any one of the major labels. You don't have to pay and you'll learn a shit-load more from people just like yourself who will one day become something. The best feeling is staying late-night after everyone has left and working, learning on your laptop -- it's inspiring to be in that kind of setting. A DubSpot "diploma" will get you nothing (no offense, DubSpot). DJ'ing at a "top-club" in NYC? The top clubs in NYC are Finale, SL, Catch, Provocateur & Lavo (as far as I'm concerned). DubSpot won't be able to get you a gig at anyone of these and besides, the gig they do get you is just a showcase. It's not on the weekend, prime-time, with models & bottles around. It's about a 30-minute set in front of your colleagues. Hope this helps.
  2. euxyh103

    euxyh103 Newbie

    Mar 10, 2012
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    Hi Feonix,
    Thanks for your input!
    I already registered, paid, and moving with my wife to new york, so no time for regrets.
    I had my doubts about this place at the open house and through checking their website etc (example: me: how do you teach mixing and mastering without speakers? I didn't see speakers on the workstations. Dubspot: we teach it with headphones. Number one rule is mastering with speakers! )
    With that being said, I hope it'll be a great experience, I also do the whole thing to bring the concept to my home country for opening an electronic music division on a local college, so...

    It'll be great, i'm sure.
  3. PumasNFatLaces

    PumasNFatLaces Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    Chicago, IL.
    Best advice there. Wise words, Feonix.
  4. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Would be rather difficult - they would have to provide a room for evey single student if they would master on speakers.
  5. New Model No.15

    New Model No.15 Newbie

    Dec 16, 2013
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    The knowledge gained in a course like this is dependent on what you want to learn & the questions asked.

    Feonix - there is no "one size fits all" for learning.. ive seen others flourish with help i though was useless & vice-versa..

    on headphones - The point is to guide you in mastering, obviously everyone has speakers at home they can work with!

    the most important thing is that the journey is ENJOYABLE, and worth it. Working on the computer should be fun, and if it is- your bound to do something great!
  6. Aesop

    Aesop Newbie

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Good luck! *yes*