Giving up hope abandoning the forum and sister site

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by KUSHSMOKERLIT, Jan 28, 2024.

  1. gotnofriends

    gotnofriends Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2023
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    Yes, all screen time is bad unless it's sports. But putting baby shows in front of a big kid is disgusting and lazy imo...
  2. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    a break can be a great thing, it gives one a fresh perspective.. and can remotivate oneself to what is truly important.
    p.s. we are not airplanes, and don't need permission to depart...
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  3. PartyShit

    PartyShit Producer

    Jul 19, 2016
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    " the point of waiting for certain releases that will never happen it's like an addiction checking sister site every couple hours lately"

    Can you imagine:
    I joined this site in Jul 19, 2016
    I was already a member on VSTclub & Magesy for years when I found AudioZ there was no way back
    All I care about is AudioZ & Audionews I never ever check any other site for audio stuff
    I pay for a seed server so I have crazy ratio

    So can you imagine now I'm 40
    When we had Cubase 5 x86-AiR & FL Studio like version 10.something, Ableton 8 or something in 2010:rofl:I was 27 years old
    Cubase 6 & Cubase 7 were finally x64 and I was waiting and waiting to get ck'd it seemed to be never ever ck'd...
    It was only ck'd in like 2017 or something so just imagine I was waiting 7 years for a x64 version of Cubase to be ck'd:rofl:
    Still until today my daily routine is I turn on PC first thing I check is what's on AudioZ then I go through my hungarian warez sites (I'm member for over 17 years on some sites) then I get lost for hours on youtube learning about crypto projects & BTC analysis where price is heading should I buy more...etc

    It's a never ending hellhole I sit in front of my PC about 13 hours on weekends while I'm working weekdays I can only sit for like 5 hours
    It's a lifestyle I'm depressed like hell I'm afraid to talk to people (in real life face to face) it's a very very dark space
    Ofcourse I have no life responsibilities no girlfrined no wife no friends no car I can't afford my own space/house I have to rent a room etc
    Actually the movie Matrix in 1999 did really predicted the future where people will be only exist online/on the internet because nowadays you can't get a good paying job you are not able to spend your saved money the way you wanted because you know that money never comes back or it takes years and years to earn back which doesn't worth the hard work & time to save again
    Life extremely sucks for me
  4. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    have you tried Heroin?

    at first, you'll feel great all the time, then you chase the dragon. Then the dragon eats all your resources, you sell everything you own. Then you live in the gutter for a while. Then rehab. Maybe you get an apartment. Get a computer, get online, download warez
    and maybe that don't seem like such a bad life compared to being a heroin addict.

    Life is a matter of perspective, if you lose your perspective, you lose your life...
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  5. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    SportsBall is the best. SuperSportsBall Bowl is coming up soon, Galactic Championship to be determined totally by atheletic prowess and not bookies in Las vegas and the mob, so organic. So many different ball shapes, think what we could do with a cube and a broom on a frozen lake with black lights and a strobe light penalty... Every week a new game so important,until its over then its trash talk until the next one.

    at least it gets me away from the wife for a bit...