Get Reason Lite for free

Discussion in 'Mobile' started by dashfiss, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. dashfiss

    dashfiss Kapellmeister

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Propellerhead just released an IOS app (no Android yet!) called Compact. If you download this and log in (inside the app) to your Propellerhead account (free), you will automatically recieve a licence for Reason Lite, which you can download immediately. Offer ends in 3 days I think.

    So I have a bit of an interest in Reason because of its extremely flexible routing (modulate everything with everything) and it's just a very comfy and good looking working environment, extremely stable and well thought out.

    No matter what I've wanted to do in Reason, I've been able to. If it's something complicated, it's like solving a riddle. You will solve it and be very satisfied afterwards, and learn something new in the process.

    The Combinator is a stroke of genius, it allows you to make a self-contained instrument within it, inserting any synth or effect you want while giving you endless routing and modulation possibilities inside.

    Best piano roll in the business - EASILY - but you'll probably only know if you read that chapter in the manual. Having said that, their manual is a joy to read, very well written.

    Almost 2 decades worth of free stuff on various sites, be it synth/combinator patches, refills, song examples, videos, mastering setups etc. Can't say it's very hard to get into Reason, routing and CV are concepts known to most of you anyway, but reading the manual gives you so much more than just fiddling around.

    Now, I was impressed with how much you get with this version, no you don't get Malström but you do get the brand new Europa, Thor, Subtractor, Kong, and about half of the rest, so it's a decent package that you can get by with for a long time. You can even start buying Rack Extensions (which itself requires a licence) with the Lite licence. Am a bit tempted to get THIS limited offer (, it's the best synth offer I've seen in my life tbh, you get a TON of synths and effects for the same price as SERUM. You get Parsec 2, Expanse, ABL3, Dominator, Nostromo, Spire, Predator, and lots more (as Rack Extensions, not VSTi, although Reason now supports VST).

    Here's the offer:
    Here's full contents:

    I haven't tried, but I assume you'll have access to all of the free REs with the Lite licence, here are most of them:

    You get some of the soundbanks (samples and presets) with Lite as well, but can choose to download without, in which case you get a file no more than 143 MB (not sure if you'll lose all synth presets too).

    No I don't work for the Props :p Just excited to get my hands on this. If you want to try the FULL version of Reason you can for 30 days, saving and loading fully enabled. After that you can continue to create anything you want with it, and even save everything! But you can not load projects, not sure about patches.

    Have fun :)
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2018
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  3. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Is there meanwhile a way to make things bigger in reason, last time I played aroud with reason anything was super tiny.

    Thank you very much, dowloading !
  4. dashfiss

    dashfiss Kapellmeister

    Jan 30, 2014
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    All devices are still bitmapped, but I think I read something about scaling some time ago, maybe you can double the size or smt, can't test it right now sorry.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2018
  5. vayabahia

    vayabahia Producer

    Feb 9, 2013
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    If anyone is interested I have a license for sale of Reason 7...