Get 30% off StudioLinked products to HELP reduce Illegal downloading

Discussion in 'Software' started by StudioLinkedVST, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. Moleman

    Moleman Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2013
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    StudioLinkedVST is the 'Behringer' of all plugins
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  2. Dread_J

    Dread_J Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Peru, Indiana
    gee ... and I thought you were looking for clients but it turns out you are Jesus or Buddah .... Amen bro'

    Please, don't insult people's intelligence Sir
    Give your coupon, advertise whatever you want to advertise, but please, don't b°°°°°°t people.
    you've prepared your interventions here, the last 3 days
    first, the video with Little Stevie Wonder not really enjoying your product,
    you made your "little buzz"
    now this (look I'm nice, give me your money).

    Just so you know, your products don't even interest me in any way. You didn't lose a sale here.
    but I had to say that your "sales-technique" was .... well ... (insert a word here)
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  3. Gnib

    Gnib Producer

    Mar 29, 2013
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    I wonder how much their stupid stuff is downloaded from a WareZ site anyway. I`m at least don`t want to get into their shit and the crap music it is meant for.

    Then again, I`m from Europe, not Texas or L.A.

    di gustibus non est disputandum
  4. thickchez

    thickchez Kapellmeister

    May 13, 2015
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    You agree that most software is overpriced.. so why not just make yours free ? Or lower all of the prices by 30% forever, not just for the month of April..
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  5. jaymo99

    jaymo99 Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    I started making music with computers a long time ago, I bought a daw and plug ins only to find out the DAW and Plug ins were horrid, then a pro musician friend of mine turned me on to places on the web you could get daw and plug ins, this was before torrent sites and DC++ etc. I Started with Cubase SX and went from there eventually buying Cubase 6, I would get demo versions of plug insane spend an hour to sign up and then download it.... only to find out it was crap cpu hungry monster. that was hard to instal and harder to get off my system and then deal with the never ending stream of spam from them asking me how i liked it or if id be interested in other products... umm no. these days its really easy to try plug ins as long as you like without having to sign up, install. and away you go no limitations you can save full versions. id try em for a month or so... if i liked it would stay in my system, if i used it a lot , Id buy it normally waiting for a sale or something. I try a lot of plug ins but 99% of the times what i do is made with my favourites be it a GUI that makes sense, superior performance and great sound. these are the ones i buy to support dev's who make quality products. and even then i wait for sales because its all too expensive. while i know some stuff cost a lot to make, they must be making money somewhere cause there still developing new products. I know the mentality they have the see how many times something been downloaded and think "gee look at all those lost sale" the truth is they are not lost sales because most of the people downloading them would never be interested otherwise But because people have had a chance to really use them and like them then they are more likely to buy. Ive spent way more money on my system because of this then i would have if i hadn't had the time to really get my head round it and knew my purchase was a sound investment.

    Too many years and too much money lost on the crap shot that is buying a plug in without knowing exactly how its gonna work or not work in my system 30% is nice I guess if your in the market but that still makes it 70% crap shot when buying i really don't like those odds.
    The Music industry needs to understand, most people don't down load music because they want it, only because its there it gets listen 2 a couple of times and then forgotten ( sadly thats the case with todays music) But the music Industry makes money because the over change for a CD and see downloads as lost sales which are people that probably wouldn't have bought the music anyway if downloading wasn't available.. same with Audio apps and plug ins.

    But good luck with your effort,if i try something I really like and have to have ill check out your site
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  6. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    never heard of Studio Linked products... :dunno:

    You should promote some warez links, instead of fighting piracy, so more people get to know you :bow:
  7. E.C.R

    E.C.R Platinum Record

    Aug 28, 2014
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    agreed, has happened to me so many times, when I have approached the seller about this I have more than often been offered an alternative but its really frustrating to spend big money on a library or a software and then a week later its on sale for 50% of etc
  8. KingzDubStep

    KingzDubStep Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2015
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    seriously this guy and his cheesy sales drive me mad as hes just fishing for new business for his overpriced garbage plug-ins
  9. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    Wow!! This site has become just like every other place on the internet. Haters galore with a few intellectuals thrown in the mix. How sad.
    I guess that is the cost of free marketing on the interwebs. or pay real money for a magazine ad. The target audience for this campaign is here though, so good attempt. I hope you learn from your missteps and improve your approach next time. I don't see any other direct marketing in these forums to this hostile demographic.
    No sarcasm or cheekiness intended with this reply.
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  10. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Now why *cough* *cough* .. magesy? it's just another leecher who makes money off of releases on Z.
  11. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    The one you are thinking of, it never used to be like that and also there is more than one going by that name.
  12. Lean

    Lean Producer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Personally I think it's a great idea however whether it will work remains to be seen. I think you will attract a minority of users "in the grey area".

    However there is always going to be a percentage of people that will download without any moral considerations because "it's free" in their mind.

    I can only applaud such an initiative but as I said my own personal feeling is that you may only attract a few extra that were already "in the grey zone".

    The real goal should be to change the mindset of the buyer/consumer and that is difficult and can only really be done by improving products, better customer support and reliability etc

    For example I would be very interested to see how many sales a line such as "30% decrease in price to lower piracy" versus a line such as a "40% Sale for a limited period" and see which generates more sales.

    "Legit 30"
    isn't a very good choice in my honest opinion and immediately puts some people on a back foot. It contains sort of negative connotations whereby you sort of draw a line over a persons personal circumstance versus reality although that probably is not the case.
    It's like saying I wouldn't pay without a 30% discount and would rather steal etc. I know that's not the way you mean to come across though

    Then maybe ask the buyer to fill in a questionnaire for a 10% bonus asking whether the other strategy would also have persuaded them to buy the product.

    Essentially you can say they are very similar but in effect they give you a much better indication of whether people are considering the piracy/moral aspect or simply the financial side.

    Once you mention "Piracy" people become defensive and instead of taking it as something positive they often shy away/disconnect and refuse to be branded as the "one who wouldn't go legit without a discount."

    Personally though I think it is both generous and inventive and can only applaud you for offering such.

    Best of luck and I hope it raises some good revenue :bow:
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
  13. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    month near end, i wonder if @StudioLinkedVST will be kind enough to share the results of this test with us
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