FS: Arturia V collection 9,Autotune Pro X, iZotope Music Production Suite, Sonarworks SoundID , Korg

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by tmktmk, May 21, 2023.

  1. tmktmk

    tmktmk Guest

    Send me a PM to negotiate or for more details .

    Hello , Am selling :

    -Arturia V collection 9 (250€)

    -Autotune Pro X perpetual License + Autotune Unlimited (300 days left) ( Account takeover) (200€)

    -iZotope Music Production Suite 5 Universal Edition (200€)
    Transfer through Izotope support

    -Korg Collection 4 ( Account takeover) (200€) SOLD

    -Sonarworks SoundID reference for headphones and monitors (150€)
    Transfer through Sonarworks support

    -Presonus Studio One 3 Artist (30€)+ 25$ Transfer Fee

    -Presonus Notion 6 (80€)

    -Arturia Analog lab V (60€)
    Transfer through Arturia Support

    -Baby audio Crystalline (50€) Unregistered

    -D16 Antresol (30€)

    -D16 Decimort 2 (30€)

    -D16 Devastor 2 (30€)

    -D16 Tekturon (40€)

    -D16 Toraverb 2 (40€)

    (Willing to sell all 5 D16 plugins for 150€)

    -XLN RC-20 (50€)

    There will be no transfer fees and Paypal fees are included
    No trades please .
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2023
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  3. tmktmk

    tmktmk Guest

  4. tmktmk

    tmktmk Guest

    I Added :
    -D16 Antresol (30€)
    -D16 Decimort 2 (30€)
    -D16 Devastor 2 (30€)
    -D16 Tekturon (40€)
    -D16 Toraverb 2 (40€)
    (Willing to sell all 5 D16 plugins for 150€)
    -XLN RC-20 (50€)
  5. tmktmk

    tmktmk Guest

    bump bump
  6. tmktmk

    tmktmk Guest

  7. tmktmk

    tmktmk Guest

  8. tmktmk

    tmktmk Guest

    up up