Fresh Meat!

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Synthetech, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. Synthetech

    Synthetech Newbie

    Sep 7, 2013
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    OK.. for better or worse, here's a small track to either enjoy, tear apart or even better, BOTH!

    Yes, I'm a flaming n00b when it comes to making tracks. I barely can get a project going in FL. I think I have spent the past 2mo's seriously banging my head against the keys to figure out FL. And I barely know a damn thing on how to use it so far. So please forgive my n00bness as I wade my way thru to better sounding tracks.

    I made this track today

    It's mostly a Roland MC-505.. you know, mostly me just picking patterns out and turning them on/off and percussion voices as well being muted on/off. So nothing special.. it isnt any real genius composition going on.. just me picking what sounds good and running with it.
    So it was all recorded on the fly for the most part. No note edits and such. I mainly used FL as a multitrack recorder, compr./limiter, and Sylinth's "Dance Lead" synth voice.
    The Roland SP-808's FX was the built in phaser FX and then ran thru an ART FXR Elite for Digital Delay.
    The MC505 used it's onboard FX and a bit of Chorus on FL.

    The 505 begins the track by driving my Korg Poly800 with HAWK800 mod. Then Sylinth ("Dance Lead")blurts in a bit early, followed by SFX provided by the SP-808 phrase sampler (Children of the Sun spaceships). The 808 is using a "Hard Jet" phaser FX and the D-Beam is used to pitch/slow down the clip and speed it back up again... while I also change the rate/speed of the phaser's LFO.

    Later the 505 brings in one of it's voices (kinda bad fade in) and then more 505 voices/percussions.

    I did the SFX on a separate track as well as the Sylinth Saw Voice and then mixed them all down to this final mix.

    Thanks for listening!
  3. Synthetech

    Synthetech Newbie

    Sep 7, 2013
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    Another version.. slowed down BMP and using a Guitar Rif clip from Children Of The Sun for a backing track.
    Just the MC-505 and SP-808 used here.. on the fly Live playing/mix.
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    This is a really good track, even more so for a "noob". Very Industrial sounding, I really enjoyed it mate. We have a lot of great material here for you to step up your musical game and you can always ask questions. Welcome to the forums. :mates:
  5. Synthetech

    Synthetech Newbie

    Sep 7, 2013
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    Thanks for the kind words, Catalyst.

    Means alot to get positive feedback. :D