Free Presets for VPS Avenger - Acoustic Guitar Expansion

Discussion in 'Software News' started by EastBoundSounds, Nov 5, 2018.

  1. EastBoundSounds

    EastBoundSounds Ultrasonic

    Jul 17, 2017
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  3. Agent007

    Agent007 Banned

    Oct 19, 2018
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    Wherever Nord VPN takes me
    Free? It is listed at $45.00
  4. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    EBS Acoustic Guitars
    The Acoustic Guitar Expansion for VPS Avenger is loaded with over 1,000 samples from 6 different acoustic instruments including two phosphor bronze 6 string guitars, one bass guitar, one resophonic guitar, one 12 string guitar and a nylon 6 string guitar. The guitars were recorded with condenser mics and some via line in through amazing DI's and vacuum tube preamps at high samples rates with 32 bits floating points then imported into avenger to create over 100 presets including 10 chord banks w/ presets ( Minor, Major, Power, and open chords) 22 granular converted multi samples, 35 Sequences, 36 Shapes, and 22 Wavetables. The Presets / Patches in this expansion have custom automations that use expressive modulation to trigger other oscillators, FX chains and other well calibrated parameters covering a wide range of techniques. From electronic, ambient Sounds to authentic natural sounding acoustics you can really blur the lines. Each note was painstakingly played, recorded, imported, mapped and processed to create an endless variety of genres. (The Nylon guitar was picked in bridge and neck positions) Enjoy !!!
    Price: $45.00
  5. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Not that it has much to do with this, but To me when a "company" first sell something for $50-300, then after a few months start to sell it at 50-80% i get a really bad taste in my mouth. For thoose that actually liked the plugin or expansion etc, and bought it full price it kind of lost its value. It just mess things up to sit and wait for a sale or giveaway. I prefer buing from companies like Spectrasonics, Xfer and alike that rarely even have sales. Sure first it has to be good plugins.

    Sure, many cant afford it and go with a not legit cause of that but that dont really cut down the value of the plugins. I just think its the wrong strategy to go with that kind of cut of sales and giveaways. I think many are better of going with a "rent to buy" option to get income many of them need. Cloud options like Slate used also really sucks. one or two year of subscrition dont give much for your money. Roland atleast give you one (1) after a years or something.

    So really, i cant understand the reason for doing theese kind of sales from a customer point of view. Sure i have bought some preset banks on sales and even a few plugins but the satisfaction and inspiration hasnt really been there. Many may think difffrent but yeah, i jsut dont get that strategy.. casue if they need to dump the prices, either they have vaulued it wrong from the start or maybe they jsut wanna rip some people of from the start..
  6. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    Preset is free . Expansion is not... Obviously :bow:
  7. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    I definitely agree... Look at what Air Music Tech has done with their plugins. Good ones but still. Selling them for 1$ each? Seriously i bought these 49$. Air Music Tech is never gonna see my money again. Ever. Period. Sonivox has done it too. Very very bad strategy. It gives customers the "buy first get fucked first" signal
  8. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Yeah, agree on AMT.. they are one of the worst.. To bad since some of their VSTi's are good. I think i stoped using them cause of their agressive sales. Cause in some way, back in my head it feels like if i use somethign they sell for $1 it can be good.. stupid but the bad taste just aint going away.. i bet if i used the non legit version i would still use it :rofl:
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