Free Funktion One impulse responses.

Discussion in 'Software' started by floond, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. floond

    floond Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2013
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    "The Hive Project—The Yard Theatre, Hackney Wick’s night time alter ego—let us have a few hours in on their Funktion One soundsystem. Many tinnitus inducing tones, coloured noises and hours of studio tweaking later, we came up with a set of impulse responses that turn your convolution plugin into a mix tool for club soundsystem music. But even if your music isn’t club related, these impulse responses give a fresh perspective on the mix of any genre. Load these IRs into your convolution plugin and hear what your music sounds like on The Hive Project’s Funktion One rig."

    Direct download link : (32bit 96kHz WAV files)

    Advanced IR pack :
    (This full collection has the converted 44.1, 48, 88.2 and original 96kHz sample rates each at 16, 24 and 32 bit depths versions for your convenience. The conversion was performed by Naoki Shibata’s excellent Shibatch SRC HQ.)

    How to use these IRs

    Put a convolution plugin on your master channel as the last effect in the chain.

    Pull the master channel down about 12dB to allow some headroom. (Like a real Funktion One rig, these IRs give a bit of a kick.)

    Load in the impulse responses. (True stereo if possible, otherwise try parallel stereo or mono.)

    Turn down the dry signal or make sure the plugin is set to 100% wet so that only the IR sound is audible.

    Enjoy the sound of your track through The Hive Project’s Funktion One.

    True stereo, parallel stereo or mono?

    The impulse response pack contains 4 files:

    1 mono IR

    1 parallel stereo IR

    2 files that form a ‘true stereo’ pair of IRs

    The true stereo set gives the most realistic impression of what it sounds like to stand in front of these speakers. If you’re using the parallel stereo or the straight mono IRs it’s best to reduce the stereo width of your master channel to about 25–50% to mimic the width reduction that occurs with the true stereo set.

    Headphones or speakers?

    If you have accurate monitoring and an acoustically treated room that’s quite dry sounding then speakers will work. In this case it’s best to use the parallel stereo or the straight mono impulse responses set to full stereo width.

    However, where these IRs really shine is by using the true stereo set with a good quality pair of headphones (preferably open-backed). This removes the influence of your own room acoustics and by using the true stereo set you get a slightly narrow stereo image comparable to standing about 10 feet in front of The Hive Project’s speaker stacks. This emulation of the behaviour of real speakers make these IRs a valuable aid to anyone who’s forced to mix on headphones.

    More info here: