Fog Convolver 2 crashing any Reaper Session

Discussion in 'Reaper' started by Mynock, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Hello there Audiosex Galaxy! hope everyone is well and productive. :mates:

    Recently, I tried to import Fog Convolver 2 (FC2) in a Reaper session (have both versions 6.81 and 7.05) and, when inserting the plugin (vst2), Reaper closes immediately (either using fx browser, or the fx chain). Also, doesn't work if I turn off anticipative FX processing on globally in Preferences/Audio/Buffering. I can't import it using BC Patchwork/Freestyle and DDMF MetaPlugin either (over the years, when I had similar problems with other plugins, I was able to solve them using this way).

    I tested other AudioThing effects from bundle 2023.6 and this doesn't happen with any other plugin. FC2 simply doesn't load and, on top of that, it ends any session abruptly!

    "Funny" thing is that I can insert FC2 in Sibelius and Finale, as VST, without any problems. :dunno:

    Any idea what it could be? As always, thanks for any help:excl:
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
  3. VintageDOC

    VintageDOC Kapellmeister

    Dec 28, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Strawberry Fields
    I had problems with the first release of FC2 acknowledged by AudioThing. Using Reaper 6.81, WIN7. First, try uninstalling FC2, re-boot to play safe, and re-install version 2.1. Use ONLY VST3 as Reaper is notorious about failing on certain kinds of VST2. So far this has worked for me. I have not tried using FC2 on any other DAW to date, so I can't say if this is a Reaper problem or something else.
  4. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Near Nyquist
    Audiothing & Audiority are the only 2 devs that I know was never properly k'd. Tons of hidden timebombs and even anti-R2R hidden code (as mentioned by R2R in the NFO long ago). R2R stopped releasing those 2 for a long time now, probably because they are already tired with it. haha. I think only VR and TCD been releasing them and there's still reports of time-bomb occurring on the comment section.

    If i ever needed to use them, I'll bounce/render right away once I get something usable and continue the tweaking on a new clean audio track. It's not advisable to keep them on the project, as for your case, crashing it could be one of the bad cracks, if the V.R version, could possibly be timebomb. Deleting the hidden license folder and reinstalling them can sometimes reset it but it will trigger randomly again. No known solution for that.
  5. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Thanks for your feedback guys, yes the problems with time bombing and corrupted licenses are a fait accompli with the V.R team releases. But the strange thing is opening FC2 (vst2) in music notation softwares and not opening it in an updated daw, don't you think? :rofl:


    General note, for anyone who has the same problem:
    when opening FC2 in Sibelius and Finale (vst2), there was no IR loaded or any list of IRs available to load.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
  6. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Problem solved! It may have something to do with the recognition of the folder containing the program's IRs (in the vst2 version)! I say this because, when opening FC2 in Sibelius and Finale, there was no IR loaded or any list of IRs available to load. :dunno:

    I really should have installed VST3 (When starting the VST3 version, in Reaper, the plugin starts with a loaded IR and a list of IRs available for loading appears). In general, I'm still a little reluctant to abandon all vst2 in favor of using only VST3, as I find it a little heavier on the system. But it will end up being inevitable.

    Thanks for the support and chat fellas! :like:
    All the best to you, always :mates:
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
  7. Novacoma

    Novacoma Noisemaker

    Jan 2, 2022
    Likes Received:
    Right-click on the plugin the fx browser window and select run as ... In "separate process".

    Altiverb started crashing Reaper recently, never did before, and this solved it for me.
  8. AstralDis

    AstralDis Producer

    Sep 13, 2019
    Likes Received:
    on another note, the latest VR bundle 2023.6 has proven to be quite stable so far - this is from my observation and from a few people I have discussed it with.
    Also no problem installing legit stuff along VR - just keep in mind to install VR first or otherwise you will overwrite your legit with the VR one.
  9. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for another try, now vst2 plugin is inserted without crash but the GUI is not displayed... :dunno:
  10. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I was using other plugins in this bundle for 3 months, without any problems. Today, I needed to load an IR wav, I thought about using FC2, I tried to use it and I had this problem. So far, no more complaints with this release!
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