Focusrite lack of information (scarlett 2i4 + snow leopard)

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Pm5, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Scarlett 2i4 questionning.
    I have a good used opportunity for a Scarlett 2i4 (110€) it sounds just fair. I need a rugged mobile sound interface.

    But this is madness... here you go :
    I use a Macbook pro on OS 10.6.8 , it's all good this way, I don't want to upgrade it (had a big slowdown switching to 10.7). I use only Ableton 9 there. It's only for live sets, and I can't afford the rolling balloon.

    On the site it says : class compliant , no need for drivers , no problems (which is pretty usual on "simple" (ie. no DSP or weird routing) sound interfaces)
    On the knowledge base on site : no need for driver, but you need at least 10.7
    On some vendor site : 10.6.5 and above will work
    On related models (above and under) : all different (some work from 10.5, 10.6 or 10.7, ...)
    On forums : I found one post saying a friend's friend's cousin didn't have any problem with it on snow leopard
    On google : no fucking solid infos or review or experience...

    this means : no success story like "wow despite the site says unsupported it does work super fine" , but there's no "ah I'm doomed the vendor told me it would work and it doesn't" just nothing.
    (and I already had many unsupported setup working fine (Digi002Rack, UAD Satellite, ...)


    Do you have some experience return on the Scarlett 2i4 with MacOS Snow Leopard?
  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hi, I don't know the answer for your question, but be aware that Scarlett 18i20's gain controls don't shut the sound even at zero.
    This is not written anywhere, not in Focusrite site nor in the manual. This could be important for you, so try to be sure how the gain control work on this one.
    This is a copy of Focusrite support's answer about that matter:

    They say "particularly high outputs" but the truth is that a telecaster with its single coil is passing through even at half volume.

    Luckily I don't do live, but for any live musician this is a cold shower.
  4. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    pc users swear that a Daw like Sequa, Magix Samplitude ect.. the Audio Engine sounds Cleaner, Bigger as like protools HD! This seems to hold true on Macs, its a video, audio producers Dream Machine
    sounds more pro vsti plugs ect.. especially piano plugs ect.. where on a pc they sound like plastic crap, saying goes you get what you pay for :rofl:
    But back to Topic on the Scarlet try using the ploy tech usb drivers using that setup, the really make difference and are compatible with a lot of external audio interfaces

    Ploytech usb drivers
  5. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Not sure if my info is of any help but, but for what its worth.
    I've been using that soundcard for well over 1 year now on both my mac and my studio pc ith no issues. Alltho i run osx 10.9.4, I Didn't have any driver issues on the mac. I did install the drivers before I plugged my soundcard in, as the manual recommended that way.

    I love the sound and the quaity im getting. :)
  6. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    I'm not sure these .exe files will work on "MacOS Snow Leopard" (=> cf title of the thread)

    breaking news : Because they use Macs... :unsure:
  7. freerider197

    freerider197 Noisemaker

    Apr 11, 2014
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    i bought a scarlet 2ì4 and i am on 10.9 and work fine, no driver, plug and play. :grooves: :grooves:

    i tested it on a 10.6.8 macbook(white) and was the same, it work fine just plug and play. :grooves: :grooves: :grooves:

    so i think you got the answer