FM Synthesis Advice

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by reziduchamp, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    I'm trying to reverse engineer an FM synth that is doing some really bizarre stuff and I have no idea why the maths is adding up. It seems to defy logic...

    So its taking an 8hz wave and adding it to 432hz to create a 440hz wave.

    This feeds into another 440hz operator and then another 440hz and it creates a sawtooth.

    Somehow this defies logic and I can't figure out why this is working. You can't just add 8hz to 432hz and get 440hz?

    Does anybody understand this signal path?

  3. mino45

    mino45 Kapellmeister

    Sep 3, 2021
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    A 440hz wave is 8hz higher in frequency than a 432hz wave, but a 8hz wave and a 432hz wave summed together will not result in a 440hz wave. You can generate or at least approximate other waveforms using a combination of sine waves. However, as far as I know that does not include other sine waves. Sine waves are the fundamental waves that will make up those other waveforms if you add them together. You can feed the outputs of the different stages into an oscilloscope plugin, so you will be able to see the resulting waves.
  4. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    I believe that even the engineer who invented FM synthesis doesn't really know how it works
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  5. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Yeah its my thinking too... Its why I can't understand the logic of mapping this synthesizer in this way...

    I'm talking about the Great Pyramid of Giza here btw... The sonic flow is FM Synthesis. Queen's Chamber is 432hz and the Earth's core runs at 8hz. These two feed into the Grand Gallery, which is 440hz, then into the King's Chamber, also somewhere around 440... Then they did some more magic and added harmonics directly in the rafters. 5 harmonics... Its a sawtooth generator...

    Ok so this is crazy talk... But then its the same design in The Red Pyramid. Starts with an oscillator maybe 10 percent wider in the base than the next two, which are perfect duplicate oscillators.

    I was watching a video about Barabar Caves and the harmonic series found there. They were feeding a sine into the caves and getting FM Synthesis back. They did a different design with dual oscillators. I'm pretty sure that this came before The Red Pyramid.

    The crazy part here is that the maths adds up, but the logic as you pointed out is insane. You can't just add 8 cycles to get the number you are looking for, but its the same logic in Red, where they made the room slightly bigger to account for mixing in the Earth's wave, 8hz.

    I learned today in relation to a harmonic series in a room that the wave that you feed into the room, a sine wave, is effectively your operator and the room is the carrier. It creates a harmonic series if you hit the right resonant frequency. So effectively you only need a single room to start a series that creates a sawtooth... Red is effectively using 5 oscillators by the time it leaves, so it should be a pretty harmonic sawtooth shape...

    All crazy stuff... I can't figure out why they did the addition thing though and how that could possibly work?
  6. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    When attempting to figure out FM in my mind it stands for "Fuking Mystery" so no help from my direction. In the far and few times that I've gone there it's exclusively been only presets and happy accidents for me, but then again I'm no Abu Rihan Mohammad Ibn Ahmad (the inventor of modern mathematics and astronomy). I'm more a shoeshine me a shoe and I'll shine it for you kind of guy in regard to FM Synthesis.
  7. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Yeah nobody gets it apparently. Even the crazy theorists who believe that Egypt is a lost ancient technology that had computers don't get this and even those who think its sound. Sound seems to be quite a well regarded theory as well.

    I don't understand how these numbers work in relation to a saw wave because it doesn't make sense, it just adds up perfectly... And since nobody has ever figured out what they are or how they work, FM is the perfect solution because 'nobody understands it'.

    I'm still trying to figure out how Menkaure works, but I can't find the frequency of its lower chamber. If that happens to be the same number as in The Great Pyramid then the sums seems to make its output 'sonic levitation'. Infrasonic, not ultrasound. The numbers would be perfect to create 'standing waves', the same thing they're using in these tiny sonic levitation machines... Which is super crazy stuff.

    Incidentally I don't think there's any astronomy involved in the orientation of the pyramids. They all reach into the Earth's 8hz oscillator, which runs around the East/West, so they're all aligned to draw that energy. It consequently aligns to North etc.... I've never heard of this dude. I wonder if he cracked the pyramids?
  8. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Oh... And Menkaure has a 'phase invert' button, lol. Its insane. The roof seems to act like a prism and inverts the wave. I have no idea if that's the case, but its two signals that are plugged in like modular into a mixing desk. So where we expect to get silence when we invert the wave I have no idea what this thing would do.
  9. Neponset

    Neponset Ultrasonic

    Aug 4, 2022
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    Can you link that video? It sounds interesting
  10. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Sure... But as a head up, the version I watched has a dude mocking this concept. Its snipped from a video I don't think I've seen...

    I've time stamped pretty much where they show the data. They've missed the resonant frequency of the cave and he's kind of on to something by saying that the data isn't right... If they hit it with the right frequency it would show these harmonics more accurately and if you look at the table they produced you have extra harmonics that you get when you aren't matching the operator with the carrier. Its missing the 600hz for example, so this isn't the resonant frequency, but they understood enough about what they were seeing to make a big deal out of it.

    Screenshot (48).png

    [Edit: I've tried to mirror what is happening in the video but I'm miles off. No idea what their software is to try to mirror that but I think ambient noise is adding as well - I attached an image of my shit effort]

    I've already called him out on saying that 'there is no echo in a cave this small' and I just spotted that at 50:18 he's asking for the margin of error saying that they didn't include it, when its written at the bottom of his own video... Take what you will from that...
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2024

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  11. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    These guys jumped inside a box and hummed random tones between 110 and 130... At one point the red harmonics on the bottom in the video came back as reflections. When I made the video I made some mistakes in my thinking. If I haven't got this backwards, as I often do, I believe that the resonant frequency of the box is 123, but they hit somewhere around 118-120hz, which is where the harmonic series falls in. The top frequency is somewhere around 600hz...

    I ran tests and if you lower the hz of the operator but put the carrier at 123 it introduces this exact series...

    So here is evidence of FM Synthesis in Egypt...
  12. audiv

    audiv Noisemaker

    Feb 24, 2024
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    I don't know, when I take 8hz sine wave add it with 432hz sine wave then feed them to 440hz sine wave and then feed them to another 440hz sine wave I get vibrato-ish noize like sound, exactly as I expected and this result seems pretty logical to me.
  13. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Do you have an example of the 8hz + 432hz stuff?
  14. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Yeah I made the exact pathway at the end of my video, you can see it visually but not hear it. From what I can see its still a sawtooth with a bit of wobble, but I just can't wrap my head around why they would do this 'addition' thing. Its in two pyramids that I can see, because Red is slightly larger, which I'm guessing gives a lower note, but that chamber mixes with the 8hz wave from the Earth. It looks like the crazy fuckers were adding cycles together, which is just nuts on paper.

    Its at the end of my video as an FM example. Did you mean where the pyramid is? This is Khufu, Great Pyramid. It feeds into the Earth's core, out of the Sub Chamber, hit an old moveable stone (there are some kind of holes for this) and then was sent into the Grand Gallery. At the same time the Queen's Chamber fed from a different pathway into the Grand Gallery. This is 432hz. You can find videos of people inside there measuring its frequency... But this is tainted because of the holes in the walls etc, so we really don't know exactly what its original frequency was... But looking at the increase in size in Red's Upper Chamber it accounts for mixing in the 8hz wave... Its built on a hill btw, you can see weathering signs on the torn up rocks and there's signs that its built on a solid surface, not rocks like the outside structure etc.

    Similar things happen in Menkaure too. Its mixing an 8hz chamber with loads of channels with the bottom room. I don't think that room is connected to the Earth's 8hz, it picks this up as it passes into the mixing chamber. The same room tone is sent through the roof into a different chamber, that is partly dug into the Earth, which I assume picks up the 8hz and feeds this mix into the mixing chamber (mixing desk :) )... I think this room creates standing waves, but I'm totally on a hunch, but I've seen some stuff that totally backs up what I'm saying and its just mad at that point... Its literally written in stone but its a matter of perspective...

    So at that point I think it looks like they flipped the phase in the roof, which creates a wave which is either an octave higher or some weird amalgamation that mixes with its creator below... I'm guessing that this is what creates standing waves, this relationship and that mixed sound would feed out and levitate rocks... But I'm in crazy land at this point, trying to explain how they made it so easy to lift giant rocks with a machine that is sat right in front of everybody, but nobody can see it because nobody understand how FM works. :) Me too btw, its all batshit, but the numbers are everywhere.
  15. audiv

    audiv Noisemaker

    Feb 24, 2024
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    Can you provide that video? The one you've posted have no 8hz oscillator, the Live's Operator can't go below 10hz
  16. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Its set at 78.3hz but it has a 0.1 multiplier... If you set it like that and scroll over its shown in the bottom bar... The 0.1 takes it to the Earth's frequency of 7.83hz, a little below 8hz.
  17. audiv

    audiv Noisemaker

    Feb 24, 2024
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    Well, then your description is wrong, initially you said "So its taking an 8hz wave and adding it to 432hz to create a 440hz wave.This feeds into another 440hz operator and then another 440hz and it creates a sawtooth." While in your video its 8hz and 432hz feeding ONLY to 440hz osc. But even that doesn't produce a sawtooth unless you add harmonics to your 440hz as you did in your video while keeping 432hz at low volume and 8hz creates a vibrato. So there your mystery solved)) You get a sawtooth when you harmonically draw a sawtooth))
  18. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    I'm struggling to see how you can be giving me advice on how FM works if you can't even use a multiplier? That's beginner stuff.

    Yes I missed off one of the 440hz resonators and that would have made the wave even sharper. Added more intensity to the harmonics higher up... That's really basic stuff...

    I tried to explain that these are the identical harmonics that are found in a sawtooth... I'm guessing that you don't think that this is a sawtooth wave? Ok... Well I've shown you what harmonics are in there.

    And even if Khufu isn't doing this perfectly, explain why The Red Pyramid has identical Operators? Are you telling me that this would not create perfect harmonics?

    I'll explain with an example... Lets say that the first chamber resonates at 100hz... By the nature of feeding a sine wave into a chamber with a resonant frequency of 100hz you create a harmonic series of 200, 300, 400 etc...

    The sine is the first operator. We know this for a fact because this phenomenon exists in nature when you find the resonant frequency of a box or room, right? The chamber is the second operator... (incidentally, I'm realising at this point that I didn't miss off one operator, I missed off two, which you also haven't picked up on)

    So our second operator feeds this series through the tunnel into the identical chamber (third operator), which by design has to perform identical features...

    But because the first is also feeding 200hz into it, it seems like we will also get harmonics at 400, 600, 800 etc...

    Then the 300hz adds 600, 900 etc...

    As far as I am understanding how FM works this is its nature.

    So why build these giant triangles? They have to have a resonant frequency by nature. Rooms like these do... You only need to watch a video inside Red to hear reflections in these rooms. They do resonate.

    So what else could they be?

    I'm rubbish at explaining, I appreciate that. I have a bunch of disorders so I struggle but I did my best with the video. It has taken a few attempts to get it this far and clearly I need to make some changes... Thanks for letting me know...

    And now back to the question that I posted... Why do these numbers add up? Yes its a little bit off 8hz, its missing 0.17hz. That would not make much difference, but yeah, maybe that stops it from functioning properly... So why did they build giant triangles around it if it wasn't working?

    Or are you claiming that after all of this evidence that these chambers will be making these harmonic series, certainly at some points, that they didn't build them for anything sonic?
  19. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Hopefully this is easier to understand... This is how you create a sawtooth in FM. Its not brilliant but its a generalization.

    Set up a fixed frequency at 440hz on each oscillator and then just feed 23 as you can see. It turns a sine wave (bottom image) into a sawtooth (top image).

    The 'Spectrum' shows what harmonics are in the sawtooth shape. Exactly the same harmonics that are found in this sonic pathway, according to the numbers (if we add 432 to 8 to get one of these 440 operators)... 3 operators, 5 operators, it doesn't matter, you can still make this sawtooth shape using only sine waves.

    Then in Khufu they added 5 more direct harmonics in the rafters, which FM8 can't do... Its a weird quirk that Operator can do, because its the same mindset that the Egyptians had (let's add direct harmonics). Ableton seems to have been thinking in the same way as these ancient peeps.

    To be clear here... The first operator here is the sine wave itself. The second is the combination of the 8 and 432... This might be the point where the crazy maths happens... The third is the Grand Gallery... The fourth is the King's Chamber and then the granite box is said to be set at 440 as well which is maybe a 5th operator... I've shown how these boxes have a resonant frequency and they create a harmonic series, so this must also be an operator... 4 or 5 operators, it doesn't matter... FM Synthesis can create a sawtooth by feeding operators like this.

    These dudes were doing some super precise maths and measurements, so it looks like they were shaping sound with precision and detail.

    Somebody better than me can probably make those teeth a bit sharper.

    Hopefully this helps to explain things better and you can see evidence that we can turn a sine wave into a sawtooth like this... Although I'm struggling to explain this its what I could see in the Barabar video. The levels of the harmonics are pretty much the same shape as a sawtooth.
    Screenshot (145).png Screenshot (146).png
  20. audiv

    audiv Noisemaker

    Feb 24, 2024
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    I'll save from that struggle, I don't use Operator, it's just that easy)) And yes, its a HUGE difference in FM whether it's 3 operators or 4 operators. That's a beginner stuff))

    And again what is your point? 8hz plus 432hz fed to 440hz doesn't produces a sawtooth, 440hz (or +/- 440) sine wave fed in to 440 sine wave produces a serial of harmonics that resembles harmonics of 440hz sawtooth (its note of A, play a note of lets say F and it becomes totally off). I don't know why you need this 8hz osc at all, it just acts as a LFO, even if you instead of adding two osc 8 + 432 feed 432hz to 8hz feed to 440 you would still get a better result by feeding 432hz osc directly to 440hz osc. But it won't be a sawtooth, switch your SPAN to High Res and you'll see tons of aliasing and the waveform will at best resemble distorted squared sawtooth at the configuration 432 to 8 to 440. FM synthesis act as FM, no wonders there 432 is pretty close to 440 and 440 can be divided by 8 so you actually have a ratio and thus a harmonic serial.

    But if your point is about ancient wonders then no comments there. It could be just that they used math and built chambers by ratios, I don't see why not but I would go that far to claim that they had some advanced technology or some kind of divine knowledge.
  21. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Yes this is like an LFO, but this is the Earth's energy... All of these pyramids are dug into the Earth energy, which runs at 8hz (close enough). Grand Gallery resonates at 440. King's as well... So we have a series of 440hz... Its odd, right? So its just REALLY strange to me that this Queen's is 8hz short of also being a 440 oscillator, of resonating at 440. It resonates at 432 instead... Don't you think that this looks really odd... just by numbers... That the whole series is 440, but this one is off? And the missing numbers are contained in the LFO. Does that not look like the deliberate intent?

    I don't think there was any divine knowledge here. I think they were winging it and we see evidence of this... In the rafters they fitted the roof at a perfect 10 Cubits or whatever those dimensions are... The way I see it they had a vague idea of the dimensions, but they had to wing it. So they cut scoops out of the rafters to 'tune it'. They clearly didn't know the shape they wanted that first roof when they laid it or they'd have cut those perfect before laying them... So that's tuning, whether its sonic or something else, its tuning in place...

    Then, after they got the exact dimensions, they STILL couldn't tune the next layer properly, so all 5 layers got tuned in place... So something is off... They were winging it a bit...

    Now Red Pyramid sonically is a predecessor. It has the same harmonics but it doesn't have this roof thing, with direct harmonics added. So it looks like an evolution of tech to me... This is assuming that these resonators aren't just decorations or something... And when we see a series of resonators like this you have to ask why, surely? The numbers are nearly perfect, but there's this Earth hz, the LFO that needs calculating in, if its a sonic pathway.

    Then in Barabar, to me it looks like what came before these, sonically. There's a room that's a double, but its weird, and this is where my retard comes into full force because I get things backwards, but one room is like a perfect sphere (you can argue its not perfect, but its awesome work) and this leads into a long version of a rectangular sphere kind of shape... Very strange...

    To me, this looks like the point where they figured out the sawtooth shape...

    All of this looks like the harnessing of sound as an energy source. It starts with a windmill, where sound is powerful enough to turn a turbine and they add a room to make it more powerful. It turns into a cutting wave and destroys the windmill, so the cutting wave is invented...

    Yeah, all crazy stuff that I'm seeing here, but I'm seeing much more than this. Its written on the walls in Egypt if you look. They showed us what these devices are. But you need to understand what they are showing us.

    There are 3 Dendera Lightbulbs. Khufu has a Djed Pillar, which looks remarkably like the harmonics in the rafters... It reaches into the rock after a wave is fed into it. Its parting the rock with its hands out wide... Then the dude on the right has knives in his hands... He's telling us that this is a cutting technology...

    Second lightbulb on the opposite wall is just like Khufu, but this one is lifting the rock, after feeding a wave into it. The Lotus seems like an attachment, like what you would pull away after laying a giant rock, like we see in Peru and Egypt. Nubs, like the atoms are destabilized when they fed the sound into them and the atoms lose some of their force...

    This is the sonic pathway that I see in Menkaure... It looks like they inverted the wave in the upper chamber. Flipped its phase, like a light prism would do. Both waves mix in the chamber... I'd already seen this, but having gathered some numbers if my numbers are right, it looks like they were creating standing waves in this room... The harmonics seem to refer to the roof in Menkaure. The translation of Djed incidentally means 'stability' or something on those lines... Seems quite close to the general feel of 'harmonics' to me...

    So now to the remaining Lightbulb... No harmonics in the roof in Khafre... This doesn't have a Djed Pillar. It shows someone pushing the rock... Basic soundwave...

    Khafre is a pretty simple sonic path. It seems like a single chamber, so looks a lot like a sine wave, with no cutting power, no harmonics.


    I've got loads more btw...