fls 12.4 weird problems

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by roku, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Eris Locaj

    Eris Locaj Member

    Mar 6, 2016
    Likes Received:
    There is a beta version (New Version in Horizon) Fl studio 12.4.1..
    12.4.1 RC1

    Additions and changes
    FPC can save and load pad presets agai
    Keyboard focus button on title bar for Slicex, Con
    volver and VST plugins
    "Reset plugins on transport" is now off by default
    New "Focus selected channel on playback" in channe
    l rack
    Transistor Bass: click and drag to draw notes/acce
    Transistor Bass: rotate notes with shift + ctrl +
    Wave Traveller is now thread safe
    Wrapper keyboard focus is now on by default
    ZGE Visualizer: added audio rate selector in expor
    t options
    Access violation recording multiple mixer inserts
    to PL
    Active voices increase while playing loop
    AIFF file with reverse byte order fails to load
    Automation recording in PL doesn't record when are
    a is selected
    Auto unarm doesn't work when rendering mixer track
    Channel rack scrolls up when play button is pushed
    Clip continues playback after releasing playback t
    Freeze on startup when samplerate is reset by the
    audio device
    Maschine Jam: 8th column incorrectly stops clip
    Menu and picker fadeout leaves visible box in Wind
    ows 7
    Menus show up on wrong screen
    Merge pattern clips isn't undoable
    Overlapping audio clip plays twice
    Rendering mixer tracks doesn't put them in project
    Rendering mixer tracks uses incorrect filenames
    Username not shown in FL title bar
    Bass Boost: doesn't load in 32bit
    Beepmap: only outputs on right channel
    Beepmap: sound is different than in old versions
    Dashboard: spin controls aren't scaled properly
    Dashboard: spin control move speed is reset on imp
    ort from text file
    DirectWave: loop points for ogg encoded waves aren
    't read
    Formula Controller: used variables are greyed out
    Gross Beat: missing knobs in Create Sequence tool
    Gross Beat: step buttons in "Create sequence" tool
    don't draw all states correctly
    Newtone: variation control is inverted
    Parametric EQ 2: band selection is wrong
    Parametric EQ 2: maximize button missing
    Patcher: crash replacing Patcher with preset from
    plugin inside that Patcher instance
    Patcher: no preset selector for Dashboard
    Patcher: crash cycling through plugin presets
    Patcher: double-click on Control Surface module do
    esn't open its editor tab
    Patcher: notes from MIDI Out cut in DirectWave
    Plugin Manager: doesn't save state of "Verify" che
    Razer Chroma: causes audio breakups in 32bit
    Slicex: no undo popup menu on deck B
    Slicex: access violation in 64bit using "Layer sel
    ections in both decks"
    Sytrus: operator volume knob is not bipolar
    Sytrus: won't always retrieve output buffer
    Transient Processor: output muted after adjusting
    Transistor Bass: pan control is inverted
    Wave Candy: visual glitch in meter mode
    Wave Candy: OSD window doesnt scale properly
    Wave Traveller: helper lines aren't shown
    Wrapper: Melodo crashes when bridged
    Wrapper: further fix for hidden VST3 plugins to re
    spond to automation
    Wrapper: Tls Pocket Limiter crashes when bridged
    Wrapper: Fabfilter plugins have wrong size window
    when scaled
    Wrapper: freeze with bridged SynthEdit-made plugin
    during keyboard input
    Wrapper: negative mixer track offset outputs to tr
    ack 103
  2. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Is the random opening of new projects (without saving?) a known bug? Are others getting it?

    Glad you're back on track btw. ;)
  3. Everything went south for me. Not only was it not opening up correctly, "Fruity Wrapper could not be found" issue came up and then my interface would stop putting out sound. I did a fresh reinstall and still nada.

    Nobody knows the troubles I've seen! I am currently dawless and tumbling through space.
  4. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
    Likes Received:

    Man overboard!!!! Help this guy out!

    any unistall program that can help him?
  5. gompo

    gompo Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Happened with me once.
    For me it was fake serial issue. Simply Uninstall, remove settings, reinstall the program. It will work. :)
  6. roku

    roku Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    in case anyone was wondering....i tried again and updated to the new 12.4.2 and all my previous problems returned. so...i guess its back to 12.3 again for me.
  7. roku

    roku Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Best Answer
    ok ive now really solved the problem.

    seems i had to back up my plugins list...completely remove fls....use the fls regclean tool...then reinstall fls and apply a NEW regkey.

    now my templates work and its not randomly opening new projects anymore.