FL Studio vs Studio One

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Esteros, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    Learn studio one and drop FL
    Go back to fL if you really miss it later.
    But Fruity Loops has its own interface not like other DAWs.. If you learn studio one you basicly know PT, Cubase, Sonar, Acid, Reaper etc etc
    Stuff Like FL and Ableton are kind of niche. People enjoy using them a lot but it wont become standard anytime
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  2. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    Dont get me wrong, Radio hits, Underground Hits, some good stuff has been made on FL
    But... to a lot of us.. FL will always be fruity loops.. That annoying Kick and Snare, Slayer Guitar...
    I have not used in probably `10 years but last i seen it looked the same.

    only Nice daw ive ever used that was a good learning tool was Reason.
    I started on Reason 2 and some year later when I was actually in a room with hardware.. I wasnt completely lost.

    down with FL though. Learn studio one. It's a amazing program!
    Before switching to MAC and logic I was studio one faboy.
    Thier atom drum pad, Very very nice.

    ABLETON is very fun! But its very very much aimed twoards live performance. I sometimes throw beat stems in there to play around .
    But its highly advised to buy a Controller for it first.. Triggering them loops on a regular midi keyboard can get confusing.
    I my self am going through this now waiting for a cheap apc to pop up

    *ableton is very good at getting some plugins to register when logic cant*

    Studio 1 .. Do your self the favor. Open up many doors instead of one.
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  3. Another useless answer :metal:
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  4. And for some of us it will always be loopy fruits.
  5. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Studio One shines when it comes to automating things especially with a high resolution fader such as the FaderPort.
    By default the faderport controls tegh volume of a channel,if you open a plugin GUI you can easy lear the fader to any parameter.
    When you close the GUI the fader controls again the volume, if you reopen the gui the mapping is remembered !
    Imagine how much control you get with a faderport 16 !

    onther thing is the CPU monitor of Studio One, it show all used Plugins with its associated CPU load and latency and you can swith off plugins, perfect for finding bottlenects of the source of spikes etc...

    Another great thing is that you can drag audio from studioones arrangement to sampler or simpler, super fast mapping ...

    Th eonly downside i see of studio one is its ugly color scheme and laggy GUI under macOS
  6. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    I'm pretty sure that FL is the most popular worldwide DAW at the moment, but the best selling one is (Ableton) Live (because most of the people that use Fl did not buy it, if you know what I mean).

    Anyway, the basic DAW functionality was there for any popular software like 8-10 years ago! If I am not mistaken, I think that Reaper's developers are the only one that really innovate (minor) features (that get copied by other daws after a year or two).
  7. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    ...one of the most popular...
  8. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I disagree on that.Reaper is over complicated and not user friendly.Instead of infinite skins they should improve its workflow.For me Studio One is far more logic and faster.
    In Reaper you must start tweaking just to have a track inspector,or for basic shortcuts,like switching from arrangement window/mixer./midi editor.Its plugin's GUI takes half or 3/4 of your screen.

    I find Studio One more inovative than Reaper these last years.
    Now Studio One manages cpu ressources incredibly well,I love this DAW.My latency is at its minimum setting and I never go until 50%.Huge difference compared to some years ago.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
  9. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I thought it was Floopy Roots :dunno:
  10. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    What did S1 devs innovate?
    I feel like S1 and Bitwig just took the best design ideas of other DAWs.
    Anyway, all of these are just tools -whatever works the best - I like Reaper, because I have made very convenient shortcuts and it has stuff that's not implemented or very clunky in other DAWs.(But still use FL for sketching - it has 0 load time and built-in stuff is pretty powerful (mainly Harmor, Sytrus, Vocodex, Sakura) compared to anything else, if you are after creating your own sound design patches.)
  11. Mix FX - plugins that are merged into the summing engine allowing per-Channel effects that simulate consoles.

    Drag and drop automation everywhere.

    Faderport integration.
  12. No, that's Head n' Shoulders double strength.
  13. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    phat +1
  14. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    First one - probably useful for analogue heads, totally useless for modern music, if you are talking about this - https://s1manual.presonus.com/Content/Built-In_Effects_Topics/Mix_Engine_FX.htm
    Second one - in other daws is probably one two more clicks, idk about significance of it (for the time you drag and drop it, you will get ready automation track in other daw).

    Third one is a joke, right? Or else Ableton innovated Push intergration and Akai and IL innovated Fire integration... etc
  15. The challenge was to name things Presonus had innovated, not whether you think they're any good.
  16. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Studio one is the best conventional DAW around, IMHO. It's much more comparable to Protools, Cubase, Logic, etc...I simply love it. It's the most intuitive DAW around, in terms of learning curve. You can master it in one week, no joke.

    FL Studio is more on the league of Ableton, Reason, Bitwig, etc...It's more focused on creativity than on recording/mixing/mastering.

    Very distinct tools, if you ask me. Personally, I could never get along with Fruity Loops. I was more of a Acid and Cool Edit guy back in the days.

    Lately, I've decided to learn Bitwig as a complement to Studio One, and man, I'm in love.It's got its own learning curve, but it isn't that hard. IMHO, it encourages creativity way more than Studio One.

    So, to sum up, I think every producer should master two DAWs, one for creativity, other for traditional production tasks. Currently, there isn't any DAW which can do everything.

    Personally, I would recommend the Studio One and Ableton/Bitwig combo. I don't think FL Studio is a major player these days.
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  17. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    I didn't read any of the posts here, so I'm fairly certain I'm repeating something someone mentioned, but I would highly recommend you check out Studio One as an option.
    I used FL for years and finally got fed up with settling in various different ways, always justifying it with "Well, they'll surely fix/add that next update/version." It got old. I spent about four months going through ll the major DAWs and finally ended up on Studio One. It was an easy transition, not because of the similarities but because it is just a very intuitive setup (everyone brags on FL's MIDI Roll, and I liked it well enough, but after a short while I got into the swing of S1's MIDI window and it's golden.) Logic, Cubase, Pro Tools, they all get honorable mentions as workhorses that are stellar DAWs--and there isn't really a "bad" DAW, with obvious exceptions--but Studio One fit my workflow the best of all the DAWs I tried and had all of the things that I was looking for. (I also tried Reaper--which I had used briefly before--Ableton, Bitwig and Reason; the only one that I truly disliked was Bitwig.)
    I could tout all of the features, but I don't feel like writing a novel. Check out some of tutorials, promos and grab their free version (or a "free" version,) and see if it's for you. As I'm sure someone mentioned, switching DAWs isn't a productive thing if you make a habit of it, always searching for "The Perfect DAW," but if you feel you might actually feel more comfortable working with a DAW that fits you better, go for it. Studio One is great DAW and, one of the ways that they fully beat-out FL is that they really seem to listen to the people who are actually using their DAW, implementing asked-for features constantly and fixing bugs when in a timely fashion.
    This is, of course, all my less-than-humble opinion, but I have been using Studio One since v3 and haven't looked back.
  18. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Or Melodyne integration/ARA,midi high resolution or Pipeline XT for external FXs.

    Or another awesome feature:you made a midi loop with any third party instrument and many FXs that you like but you feel it doesn't fit well with your current project.You can drag and drop this midi event to the browser,it is automatically saved.Later on another project you can drag and drop this midi loop from the browser into your arrangement window and it recalls the instrument and all the FXs with all the settings!

    What Reaper innovated on the other hand?

    If you don't care about 2 more clicks for just 1 operation...So I understand why you don't see any benefit in S1 and why you like Reaper or FL.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
  19. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Working with 2 DAWs is always problematic.they are not compatible with each other.You need to export,import,big waste of time!
    For instance you are on the mixing process on the DAW B and finally you don't like an automation you made on the other DAW A when producing.What a mess!!Come back to the first DAW A,make your modification,export again,close the DAW A,go to DAW B,import this file again...:suicide:
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  20. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Well,well, I just asked cuz someone said that Studio one is very innovative - which is not truth - every daw has such minor features that are unique. Btw, "midi high resolution" is in Fl - the toy daw - since forever...
    About Reaper - I maybe will present myself as a fool, but there is too much functionality (usually hidden unless you specially bring it out) to know and list everything - they update and add new stuff regularly, so I can't keep with whatever happens in this DAW (not like I know all the previous functionality even of older versions).
    Still, I confess, some of the midi stuff from Cubase is not yet there - mainly talking about Logical editor (unless they added it recently which I doubt); the articulation features (the main selling point for sample library composers) are actually more advanced in Reaper than in Cubase, but all this has to be set up by the user.
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