FL Studio samples

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by loy1004, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. loy1004

    loy1004 Noisemaker

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I have a question for FL Studio users
    on DISC: D I have a lot of samples, many of these sounds I have used in my projects.
    If I now transfer the samples to the DISK: E and indicate a new location of the samples in fl studio, then each project will load the samples without any problems?
    Will he be looking for them half a day after launching the project because they were previously in a different location?
    or maybe according to them it will not load after changing the location?
    sorry for my bad English.
  3. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    If you point out the new File Path correctly under Settings Files it can take some Time while loading the Project but for me works great just do a resave with the new locations.
  4. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Yes, FL Studio will look for them where they were.
    I like to copy all audio to the project's folder to avoid this kind of searching issue.
    What you can do for now is to move the samples and create a symlink to it.
    A symlink is similar to a shortcut, but Windows (and FL Studio) treats them as if the symlink is the actual folder for most purposes.
    I allow programs to install their libraries to the default locations (often in "Program Data" folder) and then move and create symlinks.
    (NOTE: When i say "move' I mean first COPY and PASTE, then check that the copy is OK, and only then DELETE the original. I almost never actually "MOVE" just in case something goes wrong.)
    I use the program Link Shell Extension (in my signature) because it is so easy to use.
    You can 'right-click & drag' and the context menu lets you create a link (it is rare to need to use a "hard link"..but IKM MODO Bass presets folder needs this to save new presets properly). Most times you can just choose "Create Symlink here"

    Read over just the basics on the web page and it is easy to do.
  5. loy1004

    loy1004 Noisemaker

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Ok thank you for the quick replies :)
  6. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    FL Studio has an option to save Projects into zip files along with samples, soundfonts etc.
    I started saving all my projects that way after I lost a HDD with all of my samples back in the days.

    When you choose "save as", it looks like that:

    and when you select "Export", it looks like this:

    That way your Projects will always load with their samples, no matter where your other samples are stored.

    Since Fl usually searches for the samples if it can't find them in its previous place, there shouldn't be a problem
    except you have a lot of samples with same names. As the idiot I was when I started making music, I stored all of my samples
    in different folders with the names 001.wav, 002.wav,...

    When I moved that folder, FL searched for it but then added (for example) 001.wav from the 1st subfolder it found
    everywhere into the project where a 001.wav file was used, even if the other 001.wav samples were from other folders
    and therefore had different contents. I ended up having a "successfully" loaded project with only snares instead of my drumset...
    So I had to relocate everything manually.

    What I then did (because I'm lazy):
    I created a script that finds old paths in the flp files and replaces them with the new paths using
    a command line hex editor and then I resaved everything as zip file to not get bothered with this shit again.
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  7. Open Source

    Open Source Newbie

    Sep 11, 2020
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    Athens, GR
    Don't use samples.