FL Studio 24 - thoughts?

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by Trolman, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. InFiNiGhTe

    InFiNiGhTe Ultrasonic

    Sep 14, 2023
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    I only hope that FL will ditch the mixer layout one day. It's enough headaches as it is. Simply make the playlist more integrated like other DAW's while embedding the mixer where the former pattern blocks used to be! Now that would really lift it up for good.
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  2. Shasha

    Shasha Ultrasonic

    Aug 8, 2024
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    If they fix the playlist and make it as easy as Abletons I might use it as my main I can't stand arranging in it
  3. beams

    beams Newbie

    May 31, 2017
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    About FL Cloud.

    Not only is it an optional subscription but its also included free for the base version.

    I don't see what people are complaining about. Let me repeat:

    FL Coud is free.

    You can choose to upgrade it, just like
    • FL Studio - Fruity, Producer, Signature or All Plugins.
    • FL Cloud - Free, Plus or Pro.
    Seems like the exact same business model but applied to Subscriptions. But its not actually a subscription, its free, until you choose not to use the free version.

    You also get to keep all the sounds you download. So its more like a rent-to-own model for sounds. The only thing that actually behaves like a sub is the extra Plugins above the Free version.
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