FL Studio 12 - Export

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by Virtnet, May 29, 2015.

  1. Virtnet

    Virtnet Newbie

    Oct 28, 2014
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    Hello :)

    I have a serious question about the render/export as .wav file

    There is a Quality - Resampling options and the Audio setting (Mixer - Resampling quality)

    Whats the best way to export?

    I heard that 512 - point sinc it's not good.

    Can you explain :)?
  3. Hello Virtnet. Use 512 point sync when you do a final mix to get the best quality you can from the engine. If you do a lot of test rendering they suggest you render with less a focus as it takes a bit longer to do so, that is, if you do a quick test to see how it might sound as a mix. If you have a powerful computer and the extra time to wait (which usually isn't really that long) it really doesn't matter at all. I hope that this helps.
  4. Virtnet

    Virtnet Newbie

    Oct 28, 2014
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    So you say when I exporting the project need to use 512 point sync..
    But what about the audio settings in mixer section?
  5. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    from the image line manual:

    64, 128, 256, 512-point Sinc methods provide increasing quality interpolation, but they are also very slow. We recommended that you use at least 64-point Sinc on your final render, or better still, the maximum Sinc value that you are prepared to wait to finish rendering.
  6. @Virtnet...Check off 32bit floating if it isn't pre-ticked as well as everything else in that tab and you should be good to go. Please let me know how it works out for you.
  7. Well, try the 64 point sync and then the 512 and see if the extra time is worth the trade-off of a little bit of quality. I do wholeheartedly suggest using the 512 sync for the finalization of your tune.
  8. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    few vids here to look at,

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu_NNf7XJT0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1nmEMVAZGA

    @ superliquid23 still making that skin lol
  9. @momo......most definitely and without a doubt, no.
  10. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    first, I recommend you render with sample rate which is used in project, maybe better with higher interpolation (to lose less). Then convert your rendered wav with finalcd 0.17 (sharp) or dBpoweramp 15.1, or iZotope RX ("Resample" section, very flexible adjustment of filter with ctrl button - if you want presets specially adjusted by me - I can send you them), or SoX. Then limiter on your 44.1 kHz with internal oversampling/lookahead/intersample detection etc. Output of your file should be -0.3 dB Peak or even TruePeak, otherwise clipping/true-peak clipping. Then dithering with/without noise shaping (iZotope Ozone 5/6 (dithering - MBIT+ high or ultra), ToneBoosters TB_dither, PSP X-Dither) for 16-bit render.

    Just compare your this pictures on link above: FL Studio render at 512 and converted with SRCs listed above. More spectrum saved, less aliasing, linear phase - ideal decision to save your full-spectrum sound without any shit added at master. Otherwise you can achieve aliasing, harder filtering of highs, clipping (minimum phase SRC warps your phases - you need linear phase for not to clip). If you dither in a wrong - it can both - dithered and truncated))) or so to say "usual truncate" but with dithering noise))) you will not save, you will add just noise. Dither is latest!
    Audio Mastering (eqs,compressors,...without limiting) -> -6dB peak rendered audio at maximum quality (or any other level, but not clip it, save your headroom, 32 bit float render recommended) -> SRC linear phase (see above) to 44.1 kHz (export 44.1/32bit float or 24 bit) -> Limiting at 44.1 kHz (oversampling/lookahead/inter-sample detection/true-peak detection...) -> Limiter's ceiling/output/margin level should be -0.3dB Peak/True Peak [for wav; if for iTunes Mastering - output is about -1dB and quieter] -> 16-bit Dithering with noiseshaping (invisible/ultrasonic dithering) -> your final audio should be 44.1/16bit.

    Take 10 minutes for this processing with this chain to save maximum quality and minimum digital shit to achieve. Don't use resampling during render! It's like "I am lating on my work and I am hungry, so I'll be having meal and run on my work, in order to do 2 things at one time", but you will feel bad on your work).
  11. Great, I learned a lot, and the comparative at your link is awesome. Thanks mild pump milk.
  12. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    I can help you with learning FinalCD in Command-line, it is very simple. Maximum high quality of resampling to 44.1 (supports only 48, 88.2, 96 kHz up to 32 bit float/int).
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