First finished track in a decade...

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by bek76, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. bek76

    bek76 Newbie

    Aug 15, 2012
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    Hey guys. I've been making beats and music passively for about 15 years, and lurking this awesome forum for about a year. I'm mainly just an audiophile for my own sick enjoyment. But, lately I've felt like reaching out, so I finished a track, and set up a Soundcloud account.

    Anyway, just saying hello with music. I would appreciate any comments, feedback, and/or criticism.


  3. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon

    welcome back to the game my friend!

    im glad you dusted off the synths and broke out the beats for another go around the mixing bus

    i enjoyed your song alot, great melodies/chord progressions- you kept changing up the structure just enough as the song progressed that it kept it very interesting to listen to, the little changes make a big difference if you get my drift

    i enjoyed the dynamics of the song, everything was stereo placed just so, with some subtle panning fx thrown in

    the "almost there" panned hihats in the left channel are awesome

    i lost track of how many synths you were layering, it becomes immersive and you (the listener) forget about analyzing it and just enjoy listening to it lol (which is a very good sign)

    basically this was a tour de force melody piece, lots of layers of harmonies, with a nice beat.. it seems alot of electronic musicians have forgotten the fun of taking a musical journey

    overall it was clear and not at all muddy- so bravo sir!

    at the beginning of the song i almost wanted to hear a bit more stereo wideness and some reverb on just the snare that starts at 00:32, the kick is just right in the middle as it should be, just thought the snare was competing with the kick for space in the center... but no big whoop

    the song has a nice positive vibe to it, so it would be great listening on acid - good energy

    the mastering is just toned down a bit it seems, i feel like you could squeeze a bit more punch in everything without at losing or squashing the overall dynamics- but hey, this is your first track in over a decade, shit has gotten louder and louder every year, maybe im just going deaf lol

    btw, you can directly post your soundcloud stream widget by using the [media] tags!

    thanks for sharing with us man, looking forward to your next track

  4. bek76

    bek76 Newbie

    Aug 15, 2012
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    Thanks Frito! You give the best feedback. I really appreciate it.

    I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the track. I definitely plan to make more in the future.

    And yeah, mastering is not my strong suit. I wanted to push it a little more, but backed off, for fear of going to far. But, I'll push it a little more next time.

    Anyway, thanks again! :)
  5. franknitty69

    franknitty69 Newbie

    Feb 24, 2013
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    Frito pretty much summed it up.

    i like the track btw. great job getting back on the bike after 10 years.
  6. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    Shit be on that fresh level.........nuff said

  7. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    This is a great track..very reminiscent of deadmau5 in his early dayy. I think the production is great, everything is balanced, however the song is missing that "oomph" factor. The synth in the intro needs a nice full, wide reverb on it to make it rich and engaging. I think a nice powerful saw type arp would be great for this track and will really give it a lift energy wise. also I think it's missing some creative percussive elements, I mean i like your choice of percussion, but I think it could use some more juice. add some off timing hits and shots here and there to give it some more movement.

    Like I said, it's a great track, but i feel like it's a blueprint for a better song you know what I mean? Keep working on it, on the arrangement and composition and inject some more creativity and energy into it and you'll have a great track and not just a good one.
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