First demo - New track - Opinions please

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by kearnsy, Jan 29, 2012.

  1. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Howdy all?

    Here's something i've been working on the past few days, see what you think, how to improve on it, levels etc.

    All comments good and bad greatfuly recieved

    Do you know what it is yet?

    Open Up Your Heart To Me Demo 1

    Cheers guys
  3. nohero

    nohero Guest

    Nice work........ :wink:
  4. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Very original Rock-music with substance! *yes*
    I like the voice (also the whistling!) and the guitars.
    Needs perhaps a better mastering:
    - De-esser on the vocals
    - Make the drums more powerful (toms sound papery)
    - Adjusting the sounds in the stereo-field

    :guitarhero: :drummer: :mates:
  5. jt31

    jt31 Newbie

    Jan 18, 2012
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    +1 kookaboo,
    I couldn't agree more...
    Are the vocals tuned?
    might wanna nudge them slightly in melodyne BUT NOT ALL THE WAY IN-TUNE!!!! YOU WILL LOSE THE OLD SCHOOL ESSENCE !!!!!

    What mic did u use?

    try over dubbing the chorus an octave lower and vocalign it

    thats just my opinion...perhaps im just to modern and pop-ish


    Kinda feels like an Animals / Doors track maybe even pink floyd-ish
  6. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Cheers for the comments guys

    I'll give the de-esser a go, never used one before on a song, so i'll have a play round with it, hear what it can do

    @JT, floyd and the doors, two of my favourite bands '0)

    I used an sm58, it's the only decent mic i've got

    I've not managed to get into melodyne yet, i plan to at some point soon though definitely

    I'm at the stage in the track where i've got to sit back and think what it needs at the moment, it's always good to get outside feedback as well, so thanks for your input chaps

    Any ideas guys feel free to pitch them, i'm all ears
  7. Alexander

    Alexander Newbie

    Dec 6, 2011
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    I'm from Gholland, ishn't that vierd?
    Awesome. Takes me back to the 90's, which is awesome. If you're not happy with how it sounds, I'd advise to let it rest for a while. Then find a reference track you think has the sound you are going for and listen to that very closely and then make changes to your mix till it sounds like the song you are using as reference. That way you won't be endlessly changing things, cause there is no one 'right way' to do things. If you know what you're aiming for, it's a lot easier. Oh and I absolutely love the whistling, it works like a charm for the song.
  8. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Hi kearnsy,

    For my taste this voice needs a little more modulation, i mean not staying all the time in the same octave which to some listeners could make the song a little bit
    monotonous and without interest (perhaps the lack of movement in the rhythm guitar playing all the time the same rhythm pattern could be contributing also to
    this sensation). Anyway all this are mere opinions about how we'ld do it, but what counts in fact is your feeling at the time of creation (i mean you've done it this
    way because you felt it should go this way and not other way) otherwise it would become ours and not YOUR song ... don't you think ?! *yes*

    But In fact, what i wanted to tell you is that i like VERY MUCH "Something I Ought To Tell Ya (Demo 1)" and IMHO i think that in hands of a good producer it could
    be a real number one. So, find a good drummer (or machine drum programmer) finish it and send it to a local radio station and wait.

    P.S.: BTW, would you allow me to capture the song "Something I Ought To Tell Ya (Demo 1)" and put it in my portable MP3 ?! ...

    Kind regards :mates:
  9. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Hi Fraggle, thanks for the kind words and advice, all duely noted

    It's one of the problems i have working on my own i suppose, there's no-one to bounce ideas off

    I'm at the stage of writing lots of different songs/ideas at the moment, recording them, then coming back to them at a later stage to see which ones i still like, hopefuly to go on my first album...working title...37 years in the making

    Feel free to download the track from soundcloud, i think it's available for download, if not let me know and i'll e-mail it to you or something

    Cheers man
  10. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Hi kearnsy

    Well, at least you all have "finished" songs (i mean with a beginning and an end) and that makes me envious (*no*, just joking ... well to say truth maybe
    a little bit *yes* ). Talking about myself i have a bunch of recorded ideas scattered all along my HD and NONE finished ... Well, to tell the truth i must say i had
    "finished" one song few years ago even with lyrics! (aah l'amore! *yes* ) ... Anyway i am still asking myself how i was able to do it! :wow: *yes* .

    Well, i was supposed to do the same but the fact is that i never go back to those ideas (don't ask me why). One of my "problems" is that i get caught by synthetizer
    sounds ... i mean i select a preset on any synth, then this suggest me something i play with it for sometime, then i record 4 or 8 measures and then forget it when i
    select another preset just to start again with the same process and so on. No need to mention that my music teacher insists me to finish those ideas, or evolve
    them before going to another ones ... but i can't do it, always starting something new. Maybe it's for that that most of the times i took my guitar and mike and go to
    google to look for some chords and lyrics of songs i like and spend my time playing/recording covers ... which also end scattered along my HD.

    Anyway, i hope things will start to change now that i've discovered AudioSex (and all the material you and others upload to Sound Cloud) thanks to AudioZ, as
    i'm really glad to be able to listen to what other people like you (and me) all around the world do in the solitude of their homes trying to express themselves through
    music. And all this sharing makes me feel really happy because it's really nice that this sharing can happen, don't you think ? This encourages me somehow wishing
    to do the same ... i mean to finish things to be able to show after to others. Sound Cloud is a great invention!!.

    Well, not bad for an album! ... after all ideas need some time to be expressed! :rofl:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH my friend! and don't worry ... even if there's no download button i know some other means on how to get it *yes*
    Kind regards and thanks for listening :mates:
  11. mile15

    mile15 Producer

    Nov 3, 2011
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    Nice work ! Great music for Quentin Tarantino movies ... I like this track but you need best mastering.
  12. mile15

    mile15 Producer

    Nov 3, 2011
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    Yeahh "Fraggle83" Talking about myself i have a bunch of recorded ideas scattered all along my HD and NONE finished ...
    That is my bigggest problem !!! :)
  13. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Thanks for all the comments and input guys

    My theory is this, if you can write 1 good song for every 5 songs you write, then you're not doing too bad, the idea is keep writing, not every track is gonna be great is it, unless you're a genius like Lennon/McCartney?

    Write 20 tracks, if 4 or 5 of them are good, happy days

    I'm the same as a lot of you guys, thyere's tons of crap on my hd, ideas/bits of songs etc. you just gotta root out the good ones and work on them
  14. mile15

    mile15 Producer

    Nov 3, 2011
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    Ok "kearnsy" i will tray to stay on 1 track (good one) to finish this track ...
  15. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I think the song, the arrangement and also the mix are very good!
    Of course it sounds like late 60s, but here it is clear that it is intended 100% All fits together and sounds balanced.

    But I have to admit, I don't like the vocals. Especially the way how you slide from one tone to the other, gets pretty annoying.
    Also, like others mentioned, it gets a bit monotone.
    Did you consider some vocal training?

    There is a louder part towards the end where you have some clipping on the vocals. I would re-record that.

    Did you use the Abbey Road 60s Drums for that? :bow:
  16. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Hi Gulliver, thanks for your input

    I agree with you, i'm not happy with the vocals myself, I've never considered vocal training, i prefer to go with whatever comes out, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not

    Not abbey road drums, i've sampled the song from BB King's 'the thrill is gone'

    Here's the original
  17. Pepper

    Pepper Newbie

    May 24, 2016
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