Finding my way back to FL (From Cubase) - Can need a bit help

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by Swatch, Jun 2, 2024.

  1. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    Hello everyone,
    I'm slowly trying to find my way back to FL. Today I converted a FL 12 project to FL 21 by hand. That was really a lot of work, as 60% of the plugins in FL 21 no longer loaded at all ^^
    I grew up with FL 5 and Cubase. After years of trying other DAWs, I've now realized that all of my good projects and ideas came about in FL. After the patterns were abolished in FL 12, I looked around for other DAWs and never wanted to deal with the new FL. Now I would like to find out.
    As a long-time Cubase user, the mixer and the tracks in FL 21 give me a headache at first.

    In Cubase I create a track or instrument and the appropriate mixer channel is created directly. Groups, bus, folders in Cubase are all super easy.
    In FL I now feel like I have to name and color the instrument or sample in 4 places: Channel Rack, Playlist, Mixer, Pattern. Of course, the converted project is now a huge mess.

    What I have already learned is that CTRL+L generates a suitable new MIxer channel and names and colors it properly. But i still need to rename and color it at other places.

    Do you know a workflow, or where is the best place to start to name my instruments and samples consistently, similar to Cubase, and assign them to a mixer track?

    And i donĀ“t understand the function "Group with above track"
    How can i colorize all tracks in the group at the same time or can send them to the next free mixer channels with the same color`?

    In principle, I find the idea of the FL patterns and the playlist super creative and speeds up the workflow for implementing the ideas. But I'm still not sure about the mixer and grouping and structuring.

    I would be really happy if someone could pick me up on this topic for a moment :)

    Quite a bit offtopic about the sound Quality:

    I've always felt that FL's sound engine is worse than Cubase's. There are countless discussions about it. In fact, after my first attempts, I was once again super dissatisfied. That's why I created a test project in Cubase and FL 21. With 2 synths. 1x Ostirus 1x Nexus. In Cubase it sounded more open (room) and brilliant straight away.

    After a lot of experimentation I managed to do it in FL too. It's not exactly the sound engine's fault, but rather the mixer and faders. It simply takes more time due to the missing levels in the mixer to find the right volume levels.

    Have a good night guys :)
  3. Swatch

    Swatch Producer

    Jan 8, 2014
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    Found it in a FL Forum:
    Drag the VST Instruments directly into a track in the Playlist. Not in the Pattern list.
    The Playlist-Track gets locked to the VST

    Color the Track.
    So now the Track and Patterns and mixer is colored and named :)
    With F2 Super easy
    Super easy now :)

    Also the function Last Tweaked parameters is super.
    You can create directly automation tracks with that function.
  4. nitrateaudio

    nitrateaudio Newbie

    Aug 20, 2024
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    Glad you found the quick way to link. FL has different ways of doing the same thing. That is the quick one.

    ^^ This I am not sure of. I use both. To me FL sounds the same and Cubase. It might be a psychological. I recall thinking FL sounded much better than Cubase when I first moved to it. it's the same.