Feedback for a track

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Someone, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    I took part in the Wretch32 Remix Competition, and it would be nice if I get some feedback for my track since this is the first one I ever published...
    I specifically would like some feedback if the track sound well, average or badly mixed, because Im still not sure if I use my EQ and everything right...
    However, here's the link, please give constructive criticism and help me get a better musician :thumbsup:
  3. BlasterM

    BlasterM Newbie

    Sep 6, 2011
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    Well, there's no muddyness and every sound stands out, so guess that means eq'ing was well done! You obviously have used your most valuable tool, your ears. No other tool can tell you that precisely what's happening in the sonic range. Are you be able to hear everything what's going down with bass/mid/high. Pick each individual instrument/sound and at the other hand while listening for those to blend into whole, that is nothing stands out too much. Except lead maybe.
    Talking about lead, I kinda waited for somekinda vocals besides those few samples. Was bit surprised it was instrumental. And you know, that chopped sound you got there as sorta lead was exceptionally sweet. Some nice sound processing!

    Good luck with the competition!
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