Favorite DAW and why?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by scguy83, Oct 25, 2024.

  1. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    I had the same 4 track but ended up trading it in for a Tascam Porta One and then I was lucky enough that my parents got me the Tascam 688 which was an 8 track on cassette. I still have the Porta One and the 688 in the loft somewhere.

    Haha I am with you on that as a kid the familty washing machine was a twin tub and my first TV was black and white also, trying to play my Intellevision on that was a nightmare, thankfully I only had a B&W TV for about 6 months or so before I got a colour one.

    I remember the family TV you would turn it on and have to wait about 5 minutes for the screen to appear, no remote control and as you said 3 channels.

    From what I have seen of AI it is absolutely fascinating it really is, but personally for me I would keep doing what I have been for all these years, maybe at some point a bit of both. I think the AI music needs a couple more years to develop better in the quality but it is super cool what can be done in a matter of seconds.

    So very true
  2. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    If we 're talking about the out-of-the-box experience, i will never understand how this soft is any logical. I must admit it was the hardest daw to learn for me and i am pretty fluent with almost all of them. I always thought of it as exactly the opposite of what it's called. Eeerrrr, where to begin. Without any particular order, just how they pop up in my mind.
    -Try zoom scrolling, it zooms in with the mouse wheel backwards. And you can't change it. People use third party soft to do it, or reverse the mouse wheel in MacOS' System Preferences. Like for real haha.
    -First time i tried to set multiple discrete outputs from Kontakt in Logic's mixer, it was a 30+ minutes config nightmare hahaha. I will spare you the procedure but it's amazingly tedious.
    -So much eye candy in there taking up screen real estate but try to record something and realize you are desperately looking for the pause button nowhere to be found lol. And please don't start me with the space bar that's not a pause button in Logic, it is a play/stop toggle.
    -The multi-functional "stop" button looks identical to the "skip track" button of a cd player and nothing like a stop button haha. Whoever implemented that thinking it is functional or logical, needs a good spanking or a backhand slap Rockarolla style. Wtf.
    -Adding a new stereo track can be done in all DAWs except Logic. In Logic you have to go to the inspector (or console?) and change your newly created track's input from mono to stereo. How does this even make any sense at all haha.
    -I tried setting it up with my Tascam DM-4800 for external control, another nightmare because i realized there is no way of editing a controller's assignment, only use midi Learn. Yeah bro, set Learn for something like ~100 parameters manually one at a time. How's that any professional please.
    I can go on for pages really as i find it the most idiosyncratic DAW ever and can become very tedious even when you are way beyond the learning curve. To me, Logic's the less intuitive daw with the longest learning curve of them all and highly illogical for what it's worth.:rofl:
    My respect to anyone who works with Logic on a daily basis, i would have smashed the Mac several times during a single session.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2024
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  3. Myfanwy

    Myfanwy Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2020
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    Yes, Logic is only "logical" to very long time users. It's still the 90s midi and audio engine with Apples extensions. But if you're used to it, it can be really straight forward. I chose Logic over Cubase back in the 90s and I'm still with it, after trying out many other DAWs.
  4. Vladimir Djambazov

    Vladimir Djambazov Newbie

    Jul 18, 2024
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    Why? It is an institution. Stable, powerful and flexible. You can complete any project without leaving the program even for a moment, including sheet music. Each operation can be performed in at least two different ways, depending on the situation. And - especially important: speed! In my opinion, compared to Pro Tools it is at least 50% faster.
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  5. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    FL since its inception. For ease of use and the ability to connect anything to everything.
  6. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I was a loyal and proud Digidesign Pro Tools power user, salesman and corporate trainer early on in 1993 and I spent my days educating some of the world's great producers, audio mixers and engineers at the biggest recording studios in the world such as Abby Road, Muscle Shoals and Capitol Records. Quickly it became the industry standard and PT spead across the world like wildfire. As the leading salesman in the company I was reaping incredible financial reward, and after two years of almost nonstop international travel and a 24/7 work ethic, Peter Gotcher, the president of Digidesign handed me a first class ticket to Soi Yok, Thailand and ordered me not to come back to work for a month of "well earned rest and relaxation".

    The resort was incredible, my small but luxurious villa was actually built over the gentle and clear blue sea, and every morning after awakening to a perfect sunrise I would dive off of my balcony to take an exhilarating swim to start the day. The third evening there I met a very beautiful woman named Piana Roll, a Belgian lady whom like me was an early adaptor to hard drive recording and the cousin of Fruity Loops founder Frank Van Biesen. We immediately became inseparable and within a week were married by a Buddist monk from the village monastery. To spend as much time with the woman I loved I jumped ship from Digidesign to Image Line and took on the job of marketing director with the fledgling company. I've been an avid FL Studio guy ever since!

  7. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Wow dang dude if you didnt google, grok or ask Alex or Echo I'm impressed. You're one extremely intelligent person for sure. Imagine me coming back to a computer and the first time on windows 10.5 after coming from my last OP system whivh was Windows XP haha I was like WTFFF is this shit :rofl:
  8. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Right thats nuts freaking Rebirth, you come from older than that though. I think you said you come from the original Atari.. ya'll must have ben rich kids because I didn't know it even existed or could afford one hah
  9. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Welcome, wow wise you are indeed.

    Wow damn I was 1 years old back then geez. I wonder how much that cost back then, hell a normal pc was really expensive like nearly 2k or something. Ya'll must have come from rich families. Damn I feel I feel like I'm taking a history lesson here, you guys are incredibly knowledgeable on a vast of different topics. It's crazy you can remember all those details that long ago. Hell I thought I was old lol you're ancient :guru: lmao jk :rofl: hell the only audio recording device I had back in the 90s was a TalkBoy :hahaha:. I'm guessing you were into professoional sound design and making music back then? Age only comes with wisdom :cheers: Were ya'll able to actually save data? I had to pause my Nintendo for days :hahaha:

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  10. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    back then you couldn't tell me nothing I thought I was the shit with my Walkman :rofl:
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2024

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  11. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    I bought my first PC on credit, about 4000 DM and paid it off over 4 years.
  12. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Damn, whats DM?
  13. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Oh sorry, I'll explain, it was the currency in Germany, then in 1999 came the EURO, so about 2045 EUR or in dollars 2215.
  14. washlim

    washlim Newbie

    Jul 15, 2024
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    Kind of useless because just try and learn what's work your you.
    Anyway I love studio one. I'd like to switch to Ableton, load faster, look fancy, very straightforward, or much avadnced editing or mixing but I don't really need . I don't like the recent version of S1 becoming too cluttered with useless features ( to me.. like so many second buses , button sliders cluttered...) also subsription model from fender make me puke. But who is paying for its daw there ? :winker:

    Tried fl studio, no way if you want to record audio, magic loved ( probably because I loved amigas...) Very old interface and easy to crash, it didn't evolved much that company is in the brink of bankruptcy now. Cubase great but too pro, I mean steep learning curve, needed to learn keyboard shortcut, not much resizable friendly with small screen... But certainly the most feature rich especially for composers.
    Loved GarageBand for scratchpad and fun but I don't like apple so... Logic i don't have a clue. Look great and shyte at same time, like all Apple's stuff. PT for pros , every studio supposed to have it. like, if you have to record a while orchestra , but you won't be reading this then... Bigwig i won't say much I'd be bashed. just i don't understand the hype to say simply. That's pretty much all about my experience.
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  15. Shasha

    Shasha Ultrasonic

    Aug 8, 2024
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    is mixcraft worth it also im thinking of selling studio one artist with all expansions
  16. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    I bought Studio One Pro in 2012 for 367 EUR and also the last update for 129 EUR. PreSonus deserves that too.
    If nobody pays for their DAW anymore, the companies won't exist in the future. Since the invention of the Internet (World Wide Web), DAW manufacturers have had access to the worldwide online market. The company Cakewalk with Sonar unfortunately went bankrupt and went bust.
    You wrote that you don't want to criticize Bitwig, which is a shame...

    Personally, I don't like Bitwig and Ableton at all, although Ableton is really stable and very modern. ProTools was a huge money-making machine, they had a monopoly position with no competition. Fl Studio holds the record with its olive green graphical interface, I think they tortured me with it for 20 years, but a few years ago they finally changed that. The buttons are too small.

    The company PreSonus with Studio One has to adapt to the competition, otherwise they will go bankrupt. They couldn't live off the sales from DAW itself. That's why they have continually added USB audio faces, monitoring monitors, mixers, etc. to their product range.
    I even had only Windows 7 as an operating system for a while and played Studio One v4.6.2, that was the last working version that ran with Windows 7. It's much slimmer but old-fashioned.

    Dear @washlim, the only thing that helps against too many functions is not to update anymore. Why not go back a few versions?
    Let's look into the future, who knows what else they will add or what will be invented, in any case it will become more and more extensive, that is the nature of things. Will they still be able to use and understand it all?

    My problem is that every time there are errors in the version I use and the next version fixes the errors of the last version but the new features are still faulty. And so it goes on and on...!
  17. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    The company PreSonus has changed its business model, there is now only "Presonus Studio One Pro 7" for 195 EUR but it has everything included, complete with sound sets, plugins etc. Just go to the PreSonus website! You can also make music with Mixcraft, but they are not in the professional league like Steinberg, Ableton, PreSonus, ProTools.
  18. Shasha

    Shasha Ultrasonic

    Aug 8, 2024
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    oh ok i dont have the cash to get the newest studio one im stuck on artist lol
  19. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    Save money, get something for free... get a job?

    Presonus Studio One Pro 7 upgrade costs €145
    - Upgrade from all previous versions of PreSonus Studio One Artist / Producer / Professional to Studio One Pro 7
  20. scguy83

    scguy83 Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2024
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    South Carolina
    Ah I see.
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