Farewell, goodbye forever, and thank you all, folks, for everythi

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ryck, Jul 15, 2023.

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  1. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    "Exactly, I have been both surprised and disappointed by Oly. He is a moderator and can talk about politics and even omit an opinion, and I simply stated the reality of my country, that prices were frozen. Wow, wow, and more wow. But he can express a political opinion. Alright, I'm leaving feeling somewhat relieved and disappointed at the same time. It seems that he who thinks he is above others and what has been done is actually violating his own rules. Bravo, @Olymoon What a disappointment, I used to admire you a lot."
  2. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    This thread is going to be locked I tell you.
  3. zpaces

    zpaces Platinum Record

    Jul 29, 2016
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    LOL! This isn't Facebook right?

  4. @Ryck You are not honest here at this point!

    But cheating here is not...:bleh:

    You have spoken not only about the inflation, but from the left government, that elections are coming soon, what the strengthening (right) opposition plans, what could follow from it etc., etc..

    Furthermore, you were aware of your self-conceded special rights, because you have already asked in advance for understanding for this derailment, and the moderators conceded to delete your post or parts of it!

    ...and something else Ryck: I have complained, about several (!) political posts of several (!) User, which were also deleted!

    ...only in contrast to you I stand by my behavior!

    Man Rick, how can you be such a coward?

    As I said, I am very disappointed!

    Postscript: I would have liked to spare you this exact description of things, but your posts in this thread, made that factually impossible!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2023
  5. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    I am honest and I remember everything I said, and some of it I mentioned in the first thread that got deleted for 'bringing up politics again.' I NEVER EXPRESSED AN OPINION. I said that (and maybe this message will be deleted as well). Energy prices were frozen because we have a socialist/communist government that has prevented price increases, and that's why we haven't suffered as much from the rise in energy costs here. But those frozen prices will increase if the right-wing comes into power because they want to dollarize and unfreeze that situation. That, dear friend, is not engaging in politics or expressing a political opinion; it is a reality. You can hear economists from the right, left, or far-right talk about it—it's a reality. Let me repeat it so you understand clearly. IT IS THE REALITY THAT MY COUNTRY IS FACING, and there will be adjustments; everyone says so, again, I repeat, it's said by those on the right, left, far-right, etc. Prices cannot be frozen forever, do you understand or not? This is not engaging in politics; engaging in politics is what OLY did when expressing an opinion about politicians or a political party. I never expressed an opinion; I simply stated the reality of my country. So, I didn't deceive anyone here; I was censored, which is very different. If I disappointed you, well, I'm sorry. Being honest and defending what I believe is just is my strength. If that bothers and disappoints you, I apologize. It's strange that you're not disappointed that the site's own moderator violated their own rules, but you're bothered by me speaking the truth about my country. Anyway, as I said before, the icing on the cake was reading OLY expressing a political opinion here while I was censored for simply stating the reality of my country. One of the reasons I was here was because I admired how OLY managed the site, and he knows why I told him that many times through PMs. In fact, I told someone else with whom I had a private discussion because they were speaking ill of OLY, and I always defended him because it seemed fair to me. Today, that admiration has been shattered. Today, OLY was not fair, nor did he engage in self-criticism. He believes he is in the right when it's clear that he made a mistake. Anyway, there's nothing more to add, and continuing to say things would be futile. Everything has been said; everyone can think and have their own opinions. It's all been said here.
  6. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Yes, but that's not right. Nobody is perfect, and they should accept their mistake. Previously, I received a warning for reposting a link from the sister site, and I accepted it because I didn't realize it was wrong. But I know it was wrong, and I should have thought about it. In fact, I even apologized. But this is unfair, and I'm really bothered by the injustice. In fact, every time I write here, I think about mentioning the "sister site," I think about not posting links. I mean, I've always taken all the precautions because I've been concerned about the forum's well-being. And this? It's a kick below the belt. The last thing I expected was to be told, "Hey, you know what, edit it." Come on, how many times have I defended OLY because I believed he was right? How many times have I defended the website? I've been insulted privately several times, etc. I don't deserve this. And now OLY comes and freely talks about politics, expressing an opinion. No, it's not fair. It's very unjust, and it's a pity that some people here can't see it. And I'm not saying this to turn anyone against each other, but supporting mistakes is not right because that's not how you grow. If a friend makes a mistake, I tell them, "Hey, you know what, you made a mistake, you shouldn't have posted that. You should set an example; you're the one running the site." I don't applaud them and say, "Yes, bravo, you're the boss, do whatever you want, you're the great leader." I'm sorry, but that's not who I am.
  7. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Just don't go, it's not worth it. Just stay on threads about music, usually everything else turns into cesspool. I've got kicked out from couple of forums for telling my opinion on Russian's coward attack on Ukraine. Such's life. BTW I've always liked to read your comments and threads.:mates:
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  8. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    @Ryck Look at this cute white rabbit and his important message.

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  9. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    @Ryck World never was fair, it is not fair and will be not fair.
    Everywhere people are equal and more equal.
    Those who have some power are more equal.
    It was, It is, and it will be like that.
  10. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    This is a music forum so write a tune, put the truth of your convictions be it political or not into lyric and you've got art. Nobody is banning The Clash's music, and so much of what they expressed was pure politics.

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  11. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    That's true, and I agree, but if I have the possibility of not being a part of it, I won't be. I defend what is just, and what is not, I don't defend. Like I said before, I always defended this website and its moderators, but today I can't defend the indefensible. I won't be a part of a website that has a moderator who violates their own rules and unfairly penalizes me and probably others as well. If it happened to me, it must have happened to others. It's a bit sad, yes, because it's a disappointment from people you thought were fair. Nobody is perfect, I understand that, but they didn't even engage in self-criticism to say, "I made a mistake." Anyway, thank you for your words and to those who were supportive, and as for those who weren't, well, I still care about them.
  12. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    Come on @Ryck! look at me in the eyes!
  13. I was just wondering if you really believe what you just wrote yourself, or if you have lost any form of self-reflection.

    Man, x - people (me too) have before your post, snarling exactly what you have taken out!

    And that's unfair of you - towards them, as well as towards me!

    Furthermore, you have edited your amount, after a mod had positively rated him (and thus in his subconscious had blessed), and the political part only then added. - And that is really bad!

    ... and sorry, but now I must say: You are a hypocrite!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2023
  14. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Regarding whether or not political discussion should be allowed in these forums isn't the issue here, the issue is that Ryck stated a politically universally accepted opinion regarding the finances of his country. I've read what he repeated here and I can't determine any political bias. If truly no politics at all is allowed then good luck discussing anything because everything is politics, our entire lives are governed by politcal systems created by and choices made by politicians. There's a political angle to everything. I understand the desire to keep argument out of the forum but Ryck wasn't making any kind of argument, he was merely stating empirical facts.
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  15. FrankPig

    FrankPig Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hog Heaven
  16. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    realize this fact as well. the Western corporate media suppresses 50+% of what is reality in actual domestic/world news any more. the "news" that is broadcast to the masses in the u.s. is 1/2 filtered, watered down bullshit, the other 1/2 is what the corporatocracy in the u.s. deems conducive to their bottom lines...
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2023
  17. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    I understand the moderation because i got some unhappy discutions where i got out of my nerves, as the other members that were discussing against/with me. I understand sometimes, expecially dealing with people from other countries, the cultural aspect can be a huge stone in between the friendship and healthy talks. But i also need to state that, if no one got on the nerves like i said, there's no need for censorship. I will never aprove that in any instance. It's just my personal opinion. It's like arresting a person because he or she can potentially be a terrorist just because he or she rode some random political muslim articles on the net. If there's no harm, why censor that?
  18. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    Hi Mr. Ryck
    First I would like to let you know that most of us consider you a valued member of this community and none of them would like to see you leave the forum like this. So I earnestly request you to remain with us and continue to entertain us with your humorous posts beside your music.

    We all understand that you are sad, hurt, disappointed and devasted at the way you feel you are treated. Perhaps I would also feel the same as much as any of the rest of us.

    I also understand that the Mods being humans like us are not infallible and sometimes some actions of theirs may not to our liking.

    I think every one of us would unanimously agree that this being a community of Musicians the first and foremost purpose of this forum is to being a medium to learn, share, discuss, express and exchange ideas relating to everything Music.

    On the sidelines we take opportunity to discuss and share diverse opinions relating to various topics and events.

    Akin to a societal organisation of a civil society the forum owns its existence to a certain set of guidelines to survive and thrive and the MODs being the guardian had to work tirelessly under great duress to keep the community united.
    In trying to balance a diverse range of opinions from various stakeholders from one end of the spectrum to other they had to maintain a balance of what is allowed and what is censored, which is extremely necessary so as to shield us from anything that can lead to anarchy or chaos and poison our hearts against one another. In trying to execute this very fundamental principle by design, applying to best of their judgement and with best intentions they choose to act in a way antagonistic to one to balance numerous others.
    I am absolutely confident that in your case too the same has happened.

    So I would request you to take a dispassionate composed view in your case and let go of the whole unfortunate incident.

    I also am confident that you would agree that to maintain peace among us sometimes it's always preferable to stay away and not discuss contentious issues

    Finally, I know Mr, Ryck that Sir, you are sad and frustrated at what happened but sir, I also know that you are wise enough not to let such trifle incident overcome your wisdom and intellect. I hope to see one of your posts soon on the board. Please continue to entertain us with your humour and brilliance.:mates:
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2023
  19. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    The whole thread was deleted just because i reacted to the most terrible joke about Chernobyl i have ever heard in all my entire life. That's a value benchmark. That wasn't politics. It was the most weird act of censorship i ever seen on any forum. "Politics" is just a new red. Convenient red for inconvenient opinions.

    As for Ryck. I have zero clue what happened, but in case you decided to leave, do it silently. Threads like this is just a place to read hypocrisy, nothing more, nothing less.
  20. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    What an attention seeker.
    If you're going to leave, just do it.
    It's a music forum, you're not making a stand against apartheid.
    Grow up.
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