It makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day. I don't have to but I close it during day time. It gives me 10mb more ram. Yeah I'm ram stingy :} During night, it costs ~30mb ram They say: It's even possible that you're staying up too late because of your computer. You could use f.lux because it makes you sleep better, or you could just use it just because it makes your computer look better. f.lux makes your computer screen look like the room you're in, all the time. When the sun sets, it makes your computer look like your indoor lights. In the morning, it makes things look like sunlight again. Tell f.lux what kind of lighting you have, and where you live. Then forget about it. f.lux will do the rest, automatically. I'm using it for 2 days. Maybe that's psychological but I feel my eyes are better. If you're like me, sitting in front of a computer and only light is coming from your monitor, I suggest you that kind of software. Especially if you read much from your screen. Before that, I decrease the saturation, now f.lux gives me an orange screen. I'm good with it. Cover your eyes mates.
Use it for couple years already. This is must have util. I even made jailbreak for iPad to be able to install this on it. I wonder why It not in AppStore?
This is awesome tool that I'm using for years aswell. Does the same job as my Gunnar glasses. Recommend it to everyone.
Yes I too have been using it for over a century. I also have one on my tablet and phone. Very good for late night reading. It helps a ton. Just for experiment, use it for 20 minutes and then switch it off for a sec, you can see how powerful and disturbing the blue light part of the spectrum is at that time of night. It literally wants you fully awake. Reading with this on, you are preparing your body for sleep and taking care of yourself. Disturb your sleep, and you disturb everything else inside of your body.
On my ipad (i dont use the crappy iphone anymore) it get warmer and then 10 min laters it is more bright again it also dont follow the clock setting i set up
long time user, its an awsome app and it shouldnt be free. they put out constant updates and add new features and expand it for more devices and OSes.