Extract & Modify sample st. of specific articulation

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Xupito, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Hi all :)

    I have a problem with Kontakt and the Prominy V-Metal with Kontakt 5.3.1. The instrument I want to modify has been resaved for faster loading.

    I'm facing the known problem of modifying the sample start in DFD mode. From what I've read in VI Control and this forum I've succeeded modifying it. What I've done:

    - Added a constant modulator in the source section. Selected "sample start" as the parameter to be modulated.

    - Added a little script, reported working properly by a VI Control user:

    on note
    play_note($EVENT_NOTE,$EVENT_VELOCITY,<# sample start in microseconds>,-1)
    end on
    This seems (need more testing) to work at a expected cost, more RAM. I mean, the samples indeed seems to begin to sound later. Now the hard part (at least for me) and if I'm lucky the most important.

    I don't know how to set exactly 15 ms of sample start. Ok, I specify it in the play command, but, in which position I set the mod sample start slider? I can't determine by it ear. Variables like DFD buffer affect this? Sampling frequency?

    Now the hardest part. I want this modification in order to have a faster attack of the notes for ultra fast solos, the "one note solo without legato" articulation. But not always, only for the commented ultra fast solo parts. Furthermore, the samples of this articulation are shared by other articulations (one note solo with legato, for example).

    I think there's a possible workaround for this. The instrument comes packaged in a single nki with very extensive and difficult programming. I've looked the hundreds of groups and by the name I have no clue of how to identify the samples/groups of this articulation. The samples are in nkx containers.

    Let's suppose I can do a batch compress just for the sake of separating the samples. Let's suppose I'm able to erase all unnecessary samples and keeping a "self-made" "solo note no legato" instrument (1). I'm completely unable to simplify the scripting to adapt it for this big change.

    So the next big question is: will kontakt work with this without complaining for the missing samples that figure in its complex instrument script?

    If the answer if yes, I can try to make (1). Depending on the resulting sample names and organization of the batch compress I could be able, but could be very hard and I don't dare to try it without knowing the response to the former question.

    That's all folks.

    Thanks in advance and sorry for the huge post.

    Cheers, rock and love for all =D
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